Christine McGuinness breaks down over family update: 'I couldn't believe what I was seeing'

Christine McGuinness couldn't hold back the tears as she recounted the heartwarming moment her dad, who had been a heroin addict for four decades, walked towards her without any help. The model and TV personality was visibly moved as she described how she had never before seen her father, Johnny, walk unassisted.

She was so surprised to see him walking tall and strong that she instinctively rushed over to support him, having only ever seen him with a walking stick, being helped by others, or in a wheelchair.

Christine, 36, shared the poignant milestone of her 62 year old father's journey to sobriety: "The first time I've seen my dad clean properly was this year, and he stood up and walked towards me for a hug.

Christine McGuinness and dad Johnny
Christine McGuinness has shared the emotional moment she saw her heroin addict dad walk unaided for the first time -Credit:Instagram/Christine McGuinness
Christine McGuinness and dad Johnny
Christine has reconnected with her father in recent years as he continues to recover from heroin addiction -Credit:Instagram/Christine McGuinness

"And I've never seen him just stand up unaided before. It just took me back a bit and I panicked a bit and went 'Are you ok? ' and went to hold him, because wherever I've seen him before I've had to hold him or get a walking stick or he's been in a wheelchair."

She emotionally added how seeing her dad standing tall was almost unbelievable: "There was just this big, strong man standing in front of me, and I kind of couldn't believe what I was seeing. He's 16 stone, he's about 5ft 11. He was always slumped over and quite weak before", reports The Mirror.

"It was like looking at a brand new person. He's always had his personality, but now it's just so much better. And he's so happy - that's the best thing. I love that he's healthy, but seeing him just really, really happy is amazing."

"He's in his sixties now and hopefully he's got a good few years left in him and he can enjoy life. I love seeing him, we laugh so much more, we talk a lot more."

Christine McGuinness
Christine previously shared how proud she is of her father for beating his addiction -Credit:Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock

During an appearance on Spencer Matthews's podcast Big Fish, Christine was asked about the most challenging aspect of her father's addiction, to which she revealed: "Seeing other people with their mums and dads. So even just on parents' evenings mine was always just my mum. Father's Day, never ever done a Fathers' Day card. Christmases obviously, no dad around."

When questioned about how her mother feels about her dad's recovery and their renewed relationship, Christine described it as all "positive". Earlier this year, Christine shared an emotional update on her father and his battle with addiction.

On Instagram, she wrote: "My dad is the happiest and healthiest I've ever seen him, my dad is off heroin. I never thought I'd say those words. If you love someone in recovery, never lose hope, its never too late. My dad is 62, he's been an addict for 4 decades and now he's a big stong 16st man! Dad, I am so proud of you."