Use Chives To The Fullest In A Flavor-Packed Butter

Compound butter and baguette
Compound butter and baguette - rukxstockphoto/Shutterstock

How do you make butter even more delicious? Use fresh chives to make a flavor-packed compound butter. The herb and spice possibilities may seem endless, but zeroing in on chives is a good idea because they have a subtle flavor with hints of onion and garlic that will elevate any of the dishes you use them with. We're talking anything from a grilled steak entree to a vegetable side to the freshly-baked rolls that just came out of the oven.

Before we get into how to make chive butter, let's start with why chives are a great choice. For starters, you may have some leftover chives in your fridge from a recipe that only called for a small amount, and what better way to use them up and reduce food waste? Chives also have a mild taste that will complement other flavors, rather than take over a dish. If you want bolder flavors, combine chives with garlic (or roasted garlic for even more depth) or with other herbs like cilantro and parsley.

Read more: 18 Types Of Butter And What Each Is Used For

Making And Using Chive Butter

Chives on a cutting board
Chives on a cutting board - RHJPhtotos/Shutterstock

If you've never made compound butter before, it's not as hard as you might think. The first step in the simple method is letting your butter sit on the counter and soften so it will be easier to work with. This might take a few hours, but don't use the microwave to quicken the process; this will cause the butter to melt, which you don't want. You can divide the butter into smaller pieces to make the softening happen a little faster. While you patiently wait, chop the chives and any other ingredients you want to use. Once the butter has softened, mash it by hand and mix in the chives, or cube the butter and toss it in a food processor with the herbs, and let the blades do the work. When it's ready, roll the mixture into a log shape, wrap it tightly in parchment paper, and place it in the fridge to harden.

How can you use this delicious, herby butter? It's best as a finishing touch. Spread it on baked goods like biscuits or rolls, place a pat on top of that grilled steak, or use a dollop on a baked potato or steamed vegetables. If you want to use chive butter for cooking, mix it into mashed potatoes or rice, spread it on garlic bread before it goes into the oven, rub it under the skin of a chicken before roasting, or experiment with your own favorite recipes.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.