Celebrity Bake Off star has a kitchen nightmare

bake off
Bake Off star has nightmare as cake collapses © Channel 4

Spoilers for The Great Celebrity Bake Off follow

The latest episode of The Great Celebrity Bake Off saw celeb baker Lucy Beaumont endearing herself to amused viewers as her showstopper cake completely collapsed into a chocolatey heap before it made its way to the judges.

Luckily the comedian was able to see the funny side, too. We've all all been there, Lucy!

Lucy was up against actor David Morrissey, radio host Adele Roberts and Olympic diver Tom Daley as they competed to win 'Star Baker' in the latest Channel 4 series, which is supporting fundraising campaign Stand Up to Cancer.

The cakes had to reflect their 'perfect day off' – and Lucy wanted her creation to represent her dream of going to an all you-can-eat carvery eatery with Hollywood actors Idris Elba and Tom Hardy. So far, so good.

Sadly for Lucy however, she hadn't let her cake cool enough so it slowly began to fall apart as her co-stars were adding their final touches to their showstopper creations.

Judges Prue Leith and Paul Hollywood appeared speechless as Lucy presented what was left of her cake, with Paul unable to fully swallow his mouthful as he went in to sample a taste. He told Lucy: "I wouldn't say it was inedible but it's on the way... I've never had a cake like it. It's bizarre."

Lucy retorted: "I've had a lovely day out".

Later on, Prue commented: "I will never forget Lucy's cake as long as I live."

Paul added: "It's certainly one of the worst cakes we've seen in the tent."

Viewers on social media lovingly laughed along with Lucy as many could relate to her situation, with one commenting: "Lucy on bake off is my new favourite thing get her on every week."

Another added: "I have never laughed so hard at anything more than Lucy Beaumont on su2c Bake Off, I cannot breathe!"

Presenter Noel Fielding laster announced that David had won the challenge with his cake which depicted himself lying on the sofa watching Liverpool FC.

Meanwhile diver Tom's cake represented his love for knitting, featuring two red and blue knitting yarns on the top.

Lucy is married to fellow comedian Jon Richardson, and the pair recently starred in their Dave sitcom Meet the Richardsons.

The Great Celebrity Bake Off for SU2C continues on Sunday evening (9th April) at 7.40pm on Channel 4.

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