Celebrate the coronation by knitting a King Charles with our free knitting pattern

king charles
How to knit a King Charles: free knitting patternImogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

King Charles will be crowned on 6 May 2023. And there’s never been a better time to get crafty to celebrate! To mark his coronation, here’s a free King Charles knitting pattern for you to get your needles into. It will take you through how to make a gorgeous knitted King Charles with our step-by-step instructions.

With his Majesty having historically been an enormous supporter of the British wool industry, it went without saying that we decided to craft him from pure wools. But you could also use acrylic DK yarn if you prefer.

Simple to make, he is adorned with luxurious sparkly knitting yarn and an opulent purple robe with a snazzy fur trim. This gorgeous make is the perfect coronation craft project.

This really is an easy knitting pattern – you just need to be familiar with the basics of how to knit to make a start and follow our free King Charles knitting pattern. It's great fun to knit, as you watch it take shape and put all of the different pieces together.

There are a few nifty tricks that will come in handy when you come to knit your own King Charles using the free knitting pattern below. Most importantly, is the technique you’re using for sewing-up. Three-dimensional knitted pieces look best with a smooth and professional finish, so make sure you follow our guide on how to do mattress stitch for invisible seams on each of his body parts.

Don’t go light on the stuffing – keep him standing tall by stuffing pieces until they’re firm or else you run the risk of him flopping over. Equally if you’re seeing stuffing push through to the surface of your knitting, you may have gone a tad overboard – so just pull a little out before sewing that knitted piece closed.

Give it a go! Have your yarn and needles ready and read on for how to knit King Charles.

And if you'd like more crafting inspiration to celebrate the coronation, check out our favourite coronation craft kits, and our step-by-step video tutorials to make your own decorative crowns, paper fans and beautiful bunting.

Free King Charles knitting pattern

king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned



How big is King Charles?

His finished height from base of feet to top of crown is around 33cm.


Not essential

Knitting abbreviations

RS, right side; WS, wrong side; K, knit; P, purl; St, stitch; Inc, work twice into next st keeping pattern correct (knitwise on a knit row, purlwise on a purl row); Rep, repeat; Pm, place marker; Rem, remaining; Tog, together; SKPO, slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over; Foll, following; Alt, alternate; St-st, stocking stitch: k on RS and p on WS; LH, left-hand; RH, right-hand.


This pattern has been amended since it was originally published.


king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Using 3mm needles and Irish Navy, cast on 12 sts.

Row 1 (RS): (Inc) to end. (24sts)

Row 2 and all foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: (K1, inc) to end. (36sts)

Row 5: (K2, inc) to end. (48sts)

Row 7: K.

Row 9: (K3, inc) to end. (60sts)

Row 11: K.

Row 13: (K4, inc) to end. (72sts)

Work 15 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 29: (K4, k2tog) to end. (60sts)

Row 31: K.

Row 33: (K3, k2tog) to end. (48sts)

Work 15 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 49: (K2, k2tog) to end. (36sts)

Row 51: K.

Row 53: (K1, k2tog) to end. (24sts)

Row 55: (K2tog) to end. (12 sts)

Break off yarn leaving a long tail. Using a darning needle, thread yarn through rem sts and draw closed. With RS facing, join row ends and stuff firmly before gathering up cast-on edge stitches to draw closed.


king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Using 3mm needles and Carnation, cast on 10 sts.

Row 1 (RS): (Inc) to end. (20sts)

Row 2 and all foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: (K1, inc) to end. (30sts)

Row 5: (K2, inc) to end. (40sts)

Row 7: K.

Row 9: (K3, inc) to end. (50sts)

Row 11: K.

Row 13: (K4, inc) to end. (60sts)

Work 17 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 41: (K4, k2tog) to end. (50sts)

Row 43: K.

Row 45: (K3, k2tog) to end. (40sts)

Row 47: K.

Row 49: (K2, k2tog) to end. (30sts)

Row 51: (K1, k2tog) to end. (20sts)

Row 53: (K2tog) to end. (10sts)

Break off yarn leaving a long tail. Using a darning needle, thread yarn through rem sts and draw closed. With RS facing, join row ends and stuff firmly before gathering up cast-on edge stitches to draw closed. Stitch head to body ensuring body seam sits at centre back and aligns with back head seam.

Legs (Make 2)

Using 3mm needles and Black, cast on 19 sts. Using contrast-coloured yarn or a stitch marker, pm on the 10th st. This will be removed at sewing-up stage.

Row 1 (RS): K7, (inc) 5 times, K to end. (24sts)

Row 2 and foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: K7, (inc, k1) 5 times, k to end. (29sts)

Row 5: K7, (inc, k2) 5 times, k to end. (34sts)

Row 7: K7, (inc, k3) 5 times, k to end. (39sts)

Work 5 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 13: K7, (k2tog, k3) 5 times, k to end. (34sts)

Row 15: K7, (k2tog, k2) 5 times, k to end. (29sts)

Row 17: K7, (k2tog, k1) 5 times, k to end. (25sts)

Row 18: P.

Break off Black and join in Irish Navy.

Rows 19-23: K.

Row 24 and all foll alt rows: P.

Cont in st-st and work a further 28 rows.

Cast off. Join row ends. Fold cast-on edge at marker and sew together to shape the foot. Stuff and stitch to underside of body.

Arms (Make 2)

Using 3mm needles and Carnation, cast on 9 sts. Using contrast-coloured yarn or stitch markers, pm on the 3rd and 6th sts. These will be removed at sewing-up stage.

Row 1 (RS): K2, inc, K3, inc, k2. (11sts)

Row 2 and foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: (K3, inc) twice, k3. (13sts)

Row 5: K3, inc, k5, inc, k3. (15sts)

Row 7: K5, inc, k4, inc, k5. (17sts)

Row 9: K4, inc, k7, inc, k4. (19sts)

Row 11: K4, inc, K9, inc, k4. (21sts)

Row 13: K.

Row 15: Break off Carnation and join in Irish Navy. K.

Rows 16 – 18: K.

Work 18 rows in st-st without shaping.

Right arm only

Row 35: (Pick up loop from same st worked 5 rows below from front of work and place on LH needle and K together with next st) 8 times, k to end.

Left arm only

Row 35: K13, (pick up loop from same st worked 5 rows below from front of work and place on LH needle and K together with next st) 8 times.

Both arms

Work 13 rows in st-st without shaping.

Shape shoulder

Row 49: Cast off 3, k to end. (18sts)

Row 50: Cast off 7, k to end. (11sts)

Row 51: K1, SKPO, K to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (9sts)

Row 52: P.

Rep last 2 rows twice more. (5sts)

Fold hand edge at markers and sew cast-on edge closed. Join row ends up to the shoulder shaping and stuff, leaving this top edge open. Stitch to body using photo as a guide, positioning arms so that left arm is angled higher to hold the orb and right arm points slightly lower for holding the sceptre.

Suit details

king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Jacket edge

Using 3mm needles and Irish Navy cast on 65 sts.

Row 1 (WS): K.

Row 2: K.

Cast off. Stitch in place horizontally around widest waistline point on body piece.


Using 3mm needles and White cast on 3 sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2 and foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: Inc, k1, inc (5sts).

Row 5: K.

Row 7: Inc, k to last st, inc. (7sts).

Row 9: K.

Rep last 4 rows twice more (11sts). Cast off and stitch to centre front.


Using 3mm needles and Bordeaux, cast on 5 sts.

Starting with a K row, work in st-st until work measures 5cm. Cast off and stitch to centre front on top of shirt piece, and work a couple of stitched near the tie top to gather up and form a knot.

Lapels (Make 2)

Using 3mm needles and Irish Navy cast on 19 sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2: P9 and turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

Row 3: Sl1, k to end.

Row 4: P.

Cast off. Stitch in place at edges of shirt piece.


king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Using 3.75mm needles and Emperor, cast on 36 sts.

Row 1 (RS): (K1, inc) to end. (54sts)

Row 2 and all foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: (K2, inc) to end. (72sts)

Row 5: K.

Row 7: (k3, inc) to end. (90sts)

Row 9: K.

Row 11: (K4, inc) to end. (108sts)

Work 9 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 21: (K5, inc) to end. (126sts)

Work 13 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 35: (K6, inc) to end. (144sts)

Work 19 rows in st-st without shaping.

Row 55: (K7, inc) to end. (162sts)

Work 19 rows in st-st without shaping. Cast off.

Block according to instructions given on yarn label.

Robe edging

Using 4.5mm needles and Cuddles Chunky, cast on 4 sts.

Row 1 and all foll rows (RS): K4, do not turn. Slip 4 sts just worked from RH to LH needle.

Repeat until edging is long enough to stitch around cast-on, row-end and cast-off edges of robe. Cast off and stitch in place.


Using 4.5mm needles and one strand each of Graphite and white held together, cast on 9sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2: K.

Row 3: K5 and turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

Row 4: K.

Rep last 4 rows 18 more times, and rows 1 and 2 once more. Cast off.

Join cast-on and cast-off edges and gather up left-hand row end edges. Stitch to top of head using photo as a guide.


king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Main crown piece

Using 3.75mm needles and one strand each of Amber and Orbit held together, cast on 54sts.

Row 1 (WS): K.

Rows 2-5: K.

Break off yarns and join in Bordeaux. Change to 3mm needles.

Row 6 (RS): K.

Row 7 and foll alt rows: P.

Work in st-st for a further 8 rows.

Row 16: K1, (k4, k2tog, k1, SKPO, k4) 4 times, k1. (46sts)

Row 18: K.

Row 20: K1, (k3, k2tog, k1, SKPO, k3) 4 times, k1. (38sts)

Row 22: K1, (k2, k2tog, k1, SKPO, k2) 4 times, k1. (30sts)

Row 24: K1, (k1, k2tog, k1, SKPO, k1) 4 times, k1. (22sts)

Row 26: K1, (k2tog, k1, SKPO) 4 times, k1. (14sts)

Row 28: (K2tog) to end. (7sts)

Break off yarn leaving a long tail and draw through rem sts. Join row ends. Stuff lightly and affix to top of head. Work a stitch through centre top of crown to pull centre crown down closer to the head at the centre.

Crown lower horizontal bar

Using 3.75mm needles and one strand each of Amber and Orbit held together, cast on 49sts.

Row 1 (WS): K.

Row 2: K.

Cast off. Stitch in place across crown top affixing row ends at point where main crown piece changes from gold mix to Bordeaux.

Crown upper horizontal bar

Using 3.75mm needles and one strand each of Amber and Orbit held together, cast on 55sts. Place markers on 25thand 31st st.

Row 1 (WS): K.

Row 2: K.

Cast off. Fold together and place a stitch where markers meet to form the top crown loop and stitch in place across crown top affixing row ends at point where main crown piece changes from gold mix to Bordeaux, at a 90-degree angle to lower horizontal bar.

Ears (Make 2)

king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Using 3mm needles and Carnation, cast on 10 sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2: P.

Break off yarn leaving a long tail and thread through rem sts. Pull tight and stitch to head.


Using 3mm needles and Carnation, cast on 14 sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2 and foll alt rows: P.

Row 3: K.

Row 5: (K2tog) to end. (7sts)

Break yarn leaving a long tail and thread through rem sts. Pull tight, join row ends. Stuff lightly and sew to head. Embroider the face using straight stitches and black for the eyes and two straight stitches in Bordeaux for the mouth.


king charles
Imogen Cooper - Hearst Owned

Using 3.75mm needles and one strand each of Amber and Orbit held together, cast on 12sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2: P9 and turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

Row 3: K6 and turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

Row 4: P to end.

Rows 5-6: K.

Rep last 6 rows, 5 times more.

Next row: (Cast on 6, cast off 6) 6 times. Cast off.

Join cast-on and cast-off edges. Gather up each set of row ends and stuff firmly before closing. Cast-off frills from the last row will sit on top of the orb. Stitch to left hand.


Main staff

Using 3.75mm needles and one strand each of Amber and Orbit held together, cast on 5sts.

Row 1 and all foll rows (RS): K5, do not turn. Slip 5 sts just worked from RH to LH needle.

Repeat until staff is 1cm long or long enough to cover drinking straw if using. Cast off and stitch in place. Insert drinking straw through centre of knitted tube and stitch cast-on and cast-off edges closed, or stuff.

Sceptre top

Using 3.75mm needles and one strand each of Amber and Orbit held together, cast on 9sts.

Row 1 (RS): K.

Row 2: P7 and turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

Row 3: K5 and turn, leaving rem sts unworked.

Row 4: P to end.

Rows 5-6: K.

Rep last 6 rows, 3 times more.

Join cast-on and cast-off edges. Gather up LH row ends and stuff. Stitch open edge to top of staff and embroider a red stitch on each of the four sides, using Bordeaux.

Have you created a knitted King Charles? Share your makes with us by tagging @primamag in your pictures on Instagram!

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