We Wanna Know Which Cancelled Shows You Think Need A Second Season

Have you ever fallen totally in love with a new TV show just to find out it was canceled after one season?

teens sitting on the bleachers

Just when it's starting to get really, really, REALLY good, you just have to accept that you'll never get any more episodes. Like, why do some good shows go on for seven plus seasons but some GREAT shows only get a mere 10 or so episodes?

closeup of a pair on the ice rink

For instance, maybe in the year 2024 you're STILL wondering what the heck would've happened in Season 2 of The Society.

  Seacia Pavao / ©Netflix/Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection
Seacia Pavao / ©Netflix/Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection

Or maybe you were in awe of the music, costumes, and performances in Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and would do *literally* anything for just one more episode.

the pink ladies walking in the hallway
Paramount+ / youtube.com

Or heck, maybe you're convinced you're the only person who watched Red Band Society and would basically fund an entire second season yourself if that meant you got to see what happened to those beloved characters.

kid in a hospital bed looking at a tablet
20thcentfox / 20th Century Fox Licensing/Merchandising / Everett Collection

Whatever it is, we wanna know! Tell us which canceled shows you think deserve another season and WHY. The best responses will be included in a BuzzFeed Community post or video!