How to do the Bulgarian Split Squat with Perfect Form

We’ll be the first to admit it: carving wheels of steel feels painstaking enough without weaving single leg exercises like the Bulgarian split squat into the mix. On the days you feel like cutting your workout short (we all have them) ditching anything that vaguely resembles accessory work seems like a no-brainer, especially when you have a deadlift PB to obliterate. But strike the Bulgarian split squat off the list and you’ll side-step considerable lower-body gains.

The Bulgarian split squat tests your balance and co-ordination, builds serious single-leg strength and oils up your hip flexors. And since both feet are in contact with a stable surface, it 'doesn’t require the same neuromuscular coordination as a lunge,' says Luke Worthington, elite PT, which means you can probably afford to lift a little heavier without sacrificing your form.

Ready to give the Bulgarian split squat a crack? This is what you need to know about your new favourite leg day exercise.

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Bulgarian Split Squat Benefits

As far as we’re concerned, the Bulgarian split squat is the only single-leg squat variation you need. But before we explain how to do it, let’s first examine why the move is such a valuable addition to your routine.

The Bulgarian Split Squat Will: Train Multiple Muscles

As well as taxing your quads and glutes, the Bulgarian split squat engages your hamstrings, shin muscles and calves, and builds on your core strength. The move also offers bang-for-buck in terms of muscle recruitment, as it 'activates the lower body musculature similar to bilateral back squats while using half the load,' research published in the International Journal of Exercise Science concluded. Great news if you’re short on kit.

The Bulgarian Split Squat Will: Fix Strength Disparities

As a unilateral (single limb) exercise, the Bulgarian split squat prevents you from having differences in strength between limbs. 'Unilateral exercises are essential for reducing imbalances and asymmetries that can occur between the two sides of the body,' says Worthington. 'They are especially important for all field sports, almost every sporting activity from football to running to badminton requires one foot being on the ground at a time.'

The Bulgarian Split Squat Will: Boost Core Strength

Since it tests your balance, the move solidifies your core. 'In a Bulgarian split squat, your rear foot acts like a kickstand – it does very little work,' says personal trainer John Belton, owner of No. 17 Personal Training in Dublin. 'This is challenging from a stability point of view, and engages most of the 35 muscles that make up your core, specifically the small stabilisers around the hips and waistline.' In this way, it builds structural balance, he says, that’ll benefit you far beyond the confines of the gym walls.

Bulgarian Split Squat Workouts

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How to Do The Bulgarian Split Squat

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  1. Stand 2-4 feet in front of a bench (depending on your height), facing away.

  2. Have one leg resting on the bench behind you, laces down, with your feet in line with your hips.

  3. Sink your body down until the knee of your back leg almost touches the floor. The front knee should be at a right angle.

  4. Push up through your front foot to return to the start position.

'As a rule of thumb, your front foot should be three footsteps out from the bench,' says Belton. 'Your rear knee should come all the way to the floor. If it doesn’t, lower the bench.'

What Is the Difference Between a Split Squat and a Bulgarian Split Squat?

Put in simple terms, the difference between the Bulgarian split squat and the split squat is that the rear foot is elevated. You can use a block, bench or stacked plates to raise the back foot. This means that the front leg bears more weight and therefore will become stronger.

According to research published in the International Journal of Exercise Science, 'The Bulgarian split-squat (BSS) is a unilateral lower extremity strength exercise similar to a split-squat, but performed by supporting the foot of the non-stance limb on an elevated, stable structure placed behind the body that is utilised for both performance enhancement and rehabilitation from injury.'

Whether your goal is performance or physique related, the Bulgarian split squat is a great variation of the split squat to add in your next workout.

Common Bulgarian Split Squat Mistakes

The Bulgarian split squat can be tricky to get right, so there are a few things to look out for in order to perfect your form. It’s worth practising without weights first, so you can find your balance without any risk of putting your back out in the process.

Avoid: Rising onto Your Toes

If you find yourself rising up onto the ball of your front foot as you squat down, check if it’s too close to the bench. If the positioning is fine, it could be that you’re leaning too far forward in the lowering part of the movement, says Belton. This shifts the load away from the hips and onto your knee joint.

Avoid: Leaning Too Far Forward

A slight forward lean can help you use your glutes more for the exercise, however if you’re practically horizontal with every rep, it’s time to reassess. As well as limiting the core benefits of the exercise, you place unnecessary stress on your front knee and lower back. 'A slight forward lean with a neutral spine is ok,' says Belton. 'Rounding your back and letting your spine position flex throughout the movement is not. Make sure your drive up and down is vertical – you are not pushing yourself forward or backwards.'

Remember to brace your core and engage your abdominal muscles throughout each rep.

Avoid: Pushing Through Your Back Leg

The Bulgarian split squat is a form of single-leg squat, which means your back leg is there for balance only. Make sure it’s only supporting a little of your weight. 'The knee of the rear leg is in a vulnerable position at the bottom of a Bulgarian split squat, so it’s important to ensure you push only with the grounded foot,' Worthington says. 'A good tip is to position your head and barbell in line with the middle of the front foot.'

Avoid: Allowing Your Front Knee to Wander

If your front knee is moving inwards or outwards as you squat down, it’s a sign of weak adductors and glutes, 'and a red light for this movement,' says Belton. 'Some flexion is fine, but the sheer force created when a knee rolls inwards or excessively outwards is heavy on the knee joint. It generally means that movement pattern is happening in other movements, like running.'

Dial your focus onto that front knee to ensure it remains stable.

bulgarian split squat
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Avoid: Placing the Back Leg Behind the Front

Struggling to stand upright? Check the back foot. There’s no benefit to stacking your supporting leg directly behind your front foot, so if you look like you’re walking on an imaginary tightrope, shift it outwards for an instant stability boost. 'This is a common error – it reduces the area of the base too much and can result in lack of balance,' says Belton. 'I’d encourage a shoulder-width stance that’s almost the width of your squat stance.'

Bulgarian Split Squat Modifications

The move can easily be regressed or progressed depending on your ability, largely through adjusting the load. If you’re struggling with balance at first, ditch the weight and practice the move with a dowell, says Belton. 'I’d also encourage you to ‘feel your toes’,' he says. 'This is a great opportunity to connect to your feet and create better awareness to stabilise and support you.'

Ready to add an external load? Bulgarian split squat newbies should swap the barbell for a kettlebell, two dumbbells, or a sandbag while they master the move. Advanced lifters, meanwhile, should try moving the barbell into the front squat position. If you’re more interested in improving your balance and testing your core, ditch the barbell and rest your rear leg on a gym ball instead of a bench.

Bulgarian Split Squat Safety

This stands for everyone: don’t rush your Bulgarian split squat. Making sure you’re properly set up, with both feet in the right position, and your core braced is crucial for a safe, effective Bulgarian split squat, so take your time. It takes some trial-and-error to align your feet, so don’t hesitate to knock out a few practice reps before you launch into your set.

When you’re performing the move, pay close attention to your form. If you catch yourself leaning forward, rising onto your toes, or pushing through your back leg, or you notice your front knee swaying left or right, stop the exercise and reset. Keep your chest up, make sure your spine is straight, and ensure the weight is on your front foot.

The Ultimate Bulgarian Split Squat Workout

Now your Bulgarian split squat form is flawless, it’s time to weave the exercise into your training plan. The single leg lower body workout below, created by online personal trainer Scott Laidler, will test and grow the powerhouse muscles that make up your posterior chain. Fair warning: you might need to get the bus home, because your pins will be on fire.

'Single leg work is excellent for developing maximal efficiency and balance in the body,' Laidler explains. 'This makes you a far more versatile and resilient athlete, able to adapt to changes in angles, terrain and circumstances. It's important to gain proficiency with two-legged workouts before attempting a challenging single leg workout like this one.'

A note for the slackers – the sets and reps given below are per leg, so you essentially need to do the whole thing twice. Good luck.

Bulgarian Split Squat

split squat
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Sets: 4
Reps: 12
Rest: 60 sec

Stand facing away from the bench, holding a barbell across your upper back. Have one leg resting on the bench behind you, laces down. Squat with your standing leg until the knee of your trailing leg almost touches the floor. Push up through your front foot to return to the start position.

One Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

single leg deadlift
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Sets: 4
Reps: 12
Rest: 60 sec

Hold two dumbbells in front of your thighs, palm facing inwards. Slowly lift one leg straight behind you, bending the other slightly, and lean forward so that your arms lower the dumbbells towards the floor. Pause, then return to upright position.

Barbell Reverse Lunge

barbell lunge
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Sets: 4
Reps: 12
Rest: 60 sec

Grab a barbell and place it on the meaty part of your shoulders behind your head. Step backwards with your right foot and sink into a lunge, so both legs are bent with your back knee as close to the floor as possible. Drive yourself back up and repeat, then change sides.

Single Leg Glute Bridge Static Hold

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Reps: 3

Lie on your back with one leg raised in the air. Thrust forward and raise your hips off the ground as high as you can. Hold for 60 seconds and then slowly lower yourself to the floor.

TRX Hamstring Curl

best trx exercises
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Sets: 3
Reps: 8

On your back, put your feet in the stirrups, with legs slightly bent. Pull your feet towards you, keeping your hips as high as possible. Return to the start position.

Single Leg Burpee

burpee exercise
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Sets: 3

Reps: 10

From a standing position lower yourself down to a squat position with one leg lifted up off the floor. Kick your standing foot back to a make a press up position. Jump back to the squat position and then jump up as high as you can. Repeat on the other side.

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