What Is the Brutal Westside Barbell Style of Training AKA the Conjugate Method?

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Westside Barbell Style Training For Strength GainsGetty Images

Westside Barbell, founded by legendary powerlifter and coach Louie Simmons, is one of the most infamous gyms in the strength training world. Originating in Columbus, Ohio, this hardcore house of pain became a mecca for powerlifters seeking ways to take their strength training to the next level.

Simmons, inspired by Soviet and Bulgarian training methods, crafted his own method of training for Westside Barbell trainees, also known as the conjugate method – a hybrid powerlifting and strength building system that marries max effort and dynamic effort sessions. This method also emphasises rotating exercises regularly to prevent plateaus as well as using specialty equipment like bands and chains to build explosive power.

The gym’s gritty, no-nonsense (putting it politely) atmosphere is legendary, with Westside athletes infamous for their relentless intensity and unwavering discipline. Westside athletes are as famed for smashing records and defying limits as they are for their hardcore approach to training.

Benefits of Westside Barbell Training aka The Conjugate Method

So, why should you incorporate Westside Barbell style training and the conjugate method into your own workouts? Well, as mentioned, using this combination of max effort and dynamic effort sessions, you can expect to simultaneously build raw strength and explosive power. And we’re talking a lot of strength here.

The conjugate method’s emphasis on variety and rotating movements prevents plateaus, which can help to ensure more continuous progress. Additionally, using specialty equipment like bands, chains, and unique barbells can help in developing more force throughout the entire range of motion of lifts like the deadlift, bench press and squat, leading to more efficient and powerful lifts and eliminating weak spots in particular movements.

But this combination of regular variety and novel speciality lifts isn’t just useful for aiding in building strength and muscle. It also makes Westside programmes and the conjugate method a style of training that’s very difficult to get bored of. Despite the hardcore reputation of Westside itself, a bit of fun in your training is not something to be sniffed at, especially when it comes to longevity and sustainability.

How the Conjugate System Works

At the heart of the Westside Barbell method is the conjugate system, which rotates exercises to prevent ‘accommodation’ – a lifting term for stagnation in your training and your strength plateauing due to becoming too adapted to the lifts in your sessions.

Traditional training programs can become stale, but Westside forces your body to constantly adapt to new stresses by frequently changing the main lifts and accessory movements. This approach not only stimulates muscle growth but also addresses individual weaknesses. By constantly introducing new stimuli, the conjugate system ensures that you’re always progressing, making it ideal for breaking through strength plateaus.

Let’s take a look at some of the key components of the conjugate method and Westside Barbell style training:

Max Effort (ME) Days:

Dynamic Effort (DE) Days:

Repetition Effort (RE) Days:

  • These sessions involve performing high-rep sets to failure

  • This method is used to build muscle hypertrophy and address muscular endurance

  • It can also help in improving form and technique through higher volume work

Rotating Exercises:

Accessory Lifts:

  • Accessory exercises are tailored to target weak points and balance muscle development

  • These can include movements like tricep extensions, good mornings, and reverse hyperextensions

  • The goal is to strengthen specific muscle groups that contribute to the main lifts

Speciality Equipment

  • Tools such as bands, chains, and specialty bars are commonly used

  • These add accommodating resistance, increasing the load at different points in the lift’s range of motion

  • This trains lifters to develop strength throughout the entire movement

Example Westside Barbell Conjugate Training Workouts

To enhance your workouts, understanding Westside Barbell training and the conjugate method allows you to incorporate specific lifts and protocols. This approach builds significant strength and power while keeping your routine varied and engaging. Win, win.

But we really should mention one thing: asides from all the technical points on what to do in your workouts, the real separating factor for Westside athletes is that they train hard, like really hard. Sure, you can expect this programme to be novel and even enjoyable, but to get the most out of it, it’s important to push yourself to your limits, and then go a bit further.

Max Effort Upper Body Day (Monday)

Main Lift:

Bench Press Variation (e.g. Incline Bench Press, Board Press) x Work up to a one-rep max

incline barbell bench press
Artist Unknown - Hearst Owned

Accessory Lifts:

Tricep Extensions 3 x 8-12 reps

Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8-12 reps

Face Pulls 3 x 15-20 reps

Dynamic Effort Lower Body Day (Wednesday)

Main Lift:

Box Squat with Bands

8-10 x 2 reps at 50-60% of your one-rep max, performed explosively

barbell back squat
Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

Accessory Lifts:

Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 8-12 reps

Reverse Hyperextensions 4 x 10-15 reps

Ab Wheel Rollouts 3 x 15 reps

Max Effort Lower Body Day (Friday)

Main Lift:

Deadlift Variation (e.g. Deficit Deadlift, Rack Pull) x Work up to a one-rep max

deadlift from blocks
Hearst Owned

Accessory Lifts:

Good Mornings x 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Glute-Ham Raises x 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Leg Press x 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Dynamic Effort Upper Body Day (Sunday)

Main Lift:

Speed Bench Press with Chains x 8-10 sets of 3 reps at 50-60% of your one-rep max, performed explosively

a few men in helmets
Hearst Owned

Accessory Lifts:

Pull-Ups x 4 sets to failure

Lateral Raises x 3 sets of 15 reps

Barbell Curls x 3 sets of 10-12 reps

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