Breastfeeding Mum Takes Revenge On Office Milk Thieves In Perfect Way

[Photo: Pexels]

Ah, office milk thieves - they never learn, do they?

Actually, these particular office thieves might, after a breastfeeding mum took the best revenge upon them possible - by feeding them her own breastmilk.

Yep. This woman used her breastmilk to fill up an empty carton of Coffee-Mate and placed it in the work fridge, knowing that it’d be too tempting for her colleagues to resist.

[Photo: Facebook/Breastfeeding Mama Talk]

Once it was all drunk up, the mum attached a note to the tub saying:

“Good morning. Whoever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… surprise! You’ve been drinking my breast milk. Hope you enjoyed. Cheers!”

A photo of the note was shared on the Breastfeeding Mama Talk page on Facebook on 21 July.

It’s been reacted to more than 30,000 times since.

One commenter said: “I would find out who it was and charge them for the great nutritional supplement they got for free! Bet they felt great that week and didn’t know why!”

[Photo: Pexels]

Another pointed out: “This was a huge problem at my work and seriously boggled my mind, that grown adults (ages ranging from 20-65) actually need to be constantly told not to touch other people (sic) things.”

In response to negative comments about the mum’s actions, the Breastfeeding Mama Talk page said this: “I love the people who get upset at stuff like this saying it was wrong of the breastfeeding mom to mislead people at what it is.

“Bahahaha how about don’t eat or drink other people’s stuff without asking had they asked she would have probably told them what it was.”

What do you think? Hilarious or one step too far? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.

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