Bradley Cooper and Huma Abedin Are "Still Getting to Know One Another"

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Bradley Cooper and Huma Abedin are keeping things "casual."

After reports of their quiet, months-long romance emerged earlier this month, new sources for People offered a glimpse into the couple's still-budding romance.

"They are dating but it's not a full-speed-ahead type thing yet," one insider told the outlet. "It's still in the earlier stages."

Another source added, "It's casual. They have private dates and they are still getting to know one another."

Abedin, who worked as a former aide to Hillary Clinton and was married to disgraced Democratic representative Anthony Weiner, has been quietly dating Cooper for the past few months, Page Six originally reported.

"Bradley is a big step up from Anthony Weiner, to say the very least," a Page Six source said of Abedin's ex, who resigned in 2011 after inappropriate messages he sent to young women on Twitter were leaked. In 2017, Weiner also pleaded guilty to sending sexually explicit texts to a minor; he was subsequently sentenced to 21 months in prison.

An entertainment insider for People said of the match, "Bradley is fascinated by her. Huma is very international and has seen and done so much. He finds this intriguing and challenging."

A political insider told the outlet, "They are both serious-minded people dedicated to their work and doing the right thing. Huma is smart and a straight-shooter. They make an interesting pair."

The two also share a common interest of staying on good terms with their exes for the sake of their children. (Cooper shares five-year-old daughter Lea De Seine with ex Irina Shayk, while Abedin shares 10-year-old son Jordan with Weiner.)

"They both want to keep good relationships with their former partners because of the kids," the source added.

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