Bradley Cooper Completely Lost It On Dax Shepard's Podcast And It Was Epic

Photo credit: NBC NewsWire - Getty Images
Photo credit: NBC NewsWire - Getty Images

Before Dax Shepard met and fell in love with his wife, Kristen Bell, he met his best friend, Bradley Cooper. More than a decade later, the two have quite a few stories to tell — that is, when they can get through them without laughing.

In honour of his latest film, Nightmare Alley, hitting theatres, Bradley joined Dax and cohost Monica Padman for an episode of Armchair Expert. During the two-hour episode, which premiered on November 29, Dax and Bradley went down memory lane and opened up about how their friendship began back in 2006. According to the duo, they were introduced by fellow actor and comedian Will Arnett, and they quickly bonded over similarities, including their birthdays and sobriety.

Just like any other best friend duo, Dax and Bradley filled in the blanks for each other during their conversation and couldn't stop cracking up. During one particularly hilarious moment, Bradley attempted to jog Dax’s memory about a time he asked him to come to Paris with him for an appearance on a French late-night show. Although Dax was very impressed with Bradley’s French speaking skills, the A Star Is Born actor and director admitted to panicking and looking to his friend for help.

Photo credit: Jeffrey Mayer - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jeffrey Mayer - Getty Images

'Do you remember when we were the guest stars for the New Year’s Eve special? Do you remember they brought us out on that stage in France?' Bradley said on the podcast. 'They may not have known who we were, but we were the final act of this New Year’s Eve countdown special. We walked out to the centre of the stage. It was so bizarre. Do you remember that?'

'So vaguely. But yes, I do remember you bringing me along,' Dax said.

'I remember I didn’t know what it was and I was like, "Come with me to this thing. Just come with me on stage,"' Bradley said. 'And then we walk into the middle of this stage and there are hundreds of people. Everybody was in tuxedos but us, dude. It was crazy. It was like these two Americans on a tour. That was so funny.'

While the best friends might not remember every single detail of every moment they’ve shared, Bradley and Dax can agree that they won’t ever forget what it's been like having each other’s company.

'We fell deeply in love with each other, period,' Bradley said. 'Being in this business and finding somebody that you have such a connection with. Hollywood is the farthest place ever from how we grew up. And so, to meet a likeminded person in this forest of unknown land, you just want to grab on and hold on. You were certainly my lifeline for years.'

Dax agreed and revealed that he could be his most authentic self. 'There’s this dance you’re playing when you’re newly in the business ... I was acting like I belonged in all of these places,' Dax said. “But then when I met you I could … geek out and be a fan … It was like we were childhood friends … We could together go, "Look at all of this crazy s--t." We were allowed to expose our naiveté to one another.'

For Bradley, their friendship felt like a safe space. 'Just a feeling, a comfort,' he said. 'When I was with you, everything felt okay in Hollywood. To go out with you, and I was like, "Everything is going to be fine".'

That's what we call an amazing friendship!

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