How to use bonfire ash in the garden, treat honey fungus, and deal with chestnut leaves

How to use bonfire ash in the garden, treat honey fungus, and deal with pesky horse chesnut leaves
How to use bonfire ash in the garden, treat honey fungus, and deal with pesky horse chesnut leaves

Talk to most gardeners and they will confess to loving a good bonfire. There is indeed something almost addictive about the end-of-day ritual of shoving scrunchy bundles of newspaper underneath a towering heap of assorted uncompostables that is rarely, if ever, tinder dry and painstakingly coaxing it into flames.

With total dedication we circle around the slowly diminishing smoky pyre, prodding at it with a poker-of-the-day plucked from its midst that will itself eventually be committed to the flames, dodging the billows of acrid smoke in a vain attempt to avoid, as the light finally fades, going indoors completely whacked out and anti-socially kippered.

But as Peter Pollard asks, what, if anything, should we be doing with the ashes? Are they really any use for the garden? He has had conflicting information.

What to do with bonfire ashes

Ash from bonfires that consist mostly of green, sappy roots and prunings contains some potash and other nutrients in small and variable quantities, and was traditionally used as a top-dressing/fertiliser around soft fruit before other specifically high-potash fertilisers were available.

Ash from these and woodier bonfires will have a slight liming effect on the soil, which is regarded as useful by vegetable growers, particularly those who grow brassicas, since limy (alkaline) soil inhibits club root disease. However, such ash should not be spread about where potatoes are to be grown, since they need a lower soil pH.

And what of ash from domestic fires? Log ash from wood burners contains some, but fewer, useful nutrients than bonfire ash. Ash from coal fires, from fires where treated wood has been burned, from barbecues where briquettes (as opposed to simple lump charcoal) have been the main fuel should all be binned.

All things considered, I think it is probably best to store wood burner or bonfire ash in a bin (so it stays dry). It can then be added gradually throughout the year to regular compost bins and heaps and mixed in with all the other ingredients with the understanding that the resulting compost mix will be slightly more alkaline than it would otherwise have been.

Some gardeners use bonfire or wood burner ash around vulnerable plants in spring as a barrier to deter slugs, but I find that it quickly gets reduced to sludge and becomes ineffective.

A final word on burning: I hope that all gardeners have at last stopped burning leaves. In fact, there should be a law against burning leaves. Leaves are for composting. Full stop.

Privet and honey fungus

Dear Helen

I have a problem with the privet hedges in my garden, which are gradually thinning out and dying. A willow, a forsythia and an evergreen shrub (near the hedge) have also died over the past two years.

Peter M Federow, Nottingham

Dear Peter

Several pictures accompanying your letter, of which this is just a précis, included one of the dead willow tree surrounded by clusters of orange toadstools (each with a distinct "collar" around its stalk) growing from its roots.

The pictures told me a nasty story: your garden seems to be under attack from honey fungus, with the roots of dead woody plants acting as "hosts" to the fungus that travels via underground rhizomorphs to other vulnerable trees and shrubs. Privet is a number one target.

If you are going to tackle this problem head on, you should take out the dead willow tree with as much of its root as you can and also remove more dead sections of the hedge, along with any other dead woody plants. You could then improve the soil with organic matter (there is no truly fail-safe chemical control) and plant a yew or a Lonicera nitida instead.

These two evergreens seem to be resistant to honey fungus, and in enriched soil they are not nearly as slow growing as is generally assumed. Make a point of removing future casualties promptly, with as much of their root system as possible, and of keeping other trees and shrubs in your garden well fed.

Honey fungus is known to have favourite victims (on the RHS website there are lists of the most susceptible and more resistant shrubs and trees), but looking on the brighter side: happy, healthy trees and shrubs are less likely to be attacked.

Tree disease tips

Dear Helen

Given the problems with horse chestnut trees, should we compost their leaves?

Anthony Steed, via email

Dear Anthony

Here I go, sticking my neck out again. Our gardens form a significant proportion of urban green space and are acknowledged as havens for wildlife. But gardeners themselves surely cannot hope to halt the unstoppable march of Mother Nature's more evil storm troopers.

Nor, in my view, should they jump through hoops trying to do so or lose sleep wondering whether and how they should. It is not just the ghastly tree diseases, either. I recall a couple of years ago receiving an angst-ridden letter from a reader who was carefully seeking out and squashing all the (alien) harlequin ladybirds she could find, in an attempt single-handedly to protect our smaller, threatened natives.

What, incidentally, became of the invasion of huge New Zealand flat worms (about which we were told we could do nothing), that was due to wipe out our own little brown chaps? (No, please, all you Squirmlogists with fingers poised over laptops, spare me.) And while I appreciate the menace presented by Japanese knotweed, it seems that some scare stories have succeeded in making many of you needlessly anxious.

I recently received several little stained envelopes containing suspect leaves from readers convinced that their "knotweed" was about to burst through the kitchen floor. None of them actually contained knotweed, and if you have come out from under the bed to read this, terrified Mrs S from Chester, let me assure you that your leaves were nothing more sinister than the shoot tips of our vigorous native dogwood (Cornus sanguinea).

Dismounting momentarily from my high horse to return approximately to the subject of your letter, I will offer a common-sense opinion, since you asked for one.

By composting your autumn leaves – whether or not they are visibly blighted or from a tree possibly under threat from something new and thus far unstoppable – and then redistributing them around your garden in the form of leaf mould, you are not going to spread anything that is not already present. Mind you, I bet someone will creep out of the woodpile and tell me how very, very wrong I am. I'm just a gardener, after all.

And finally… shredders

Apologies to those who think I shouldn't "plug" gardening goods on this page, but no doubt this little item will be welcome to those that don't mind and furthermore find my recommendations helpful when they find themselves adrift in a sea of marketing hype. I sang the praises of shredders in general a couple of weeks ago, but decided (discreetly, I thought) not to say which one I use.

Since Georgina Campbell from Dublin and others asked, however, mine is a Bosch, the AXT25D, which is super-quiet, super-slick and "self-feeding". But (and I have whinged to Bosch about this), the apparently now inevitable, over-the-top safety features (bleeps, automatic cut-out if the collection draw shifts out of position) are a bit annoying. Small price to pay, however, for having ones prunings reduced to a fast-composting munch-up about one third of their original volume.