Beauty tips for the New Year

Struggling to come up with a realistic New Year's resolution? Why not use the New Year to overhaul your skincare routine, fine tune the contents of your make up bag or find the perfect fragrance?

We spoke to the experts to get the low down on a few simple resolutions that we could all benefit from sticking to.

If you're the kind of person who struggles to stick to their New Year resolutions, celebrity facialist Ole Henriksen believes that opting for a resolution that's guaranteed to give both your mood and your appearance a boost might just be the solution.

"For the New Year, commit yourself to giving your skin one boost treatment each week," suggests Ole. "Look at it as an indulgence for your skin."

We're not talking about costly trips to luxury spas either — simply make a point of slathering on a shop-bought face mask or sloughing away dead skin cells with a fragrant scrub, once a week, every week!

[See also: How to revitalise your skin]

Revamp your beauty routine

Whilst one-off treats are essential, regular use of certain products is just as important, so if you're the kind of person who changes their skincare products as often as you change your underwear, 2012 might be the year to change your ways.

"A great resolution is to develop a proper beauty regime and stick to it," says Ruby Hammer, co founder of cosmetics brand Ruby and Millie. "Commit to cleansing your face properly twice a day, exfoliate gently once a week, and hydrate your skin twice a day to ensure skin longevity." It's just as important not to neglect the rest of your body, adds Ruby.

"Start the new year by dry brushing your skin," she suggests. "It may be different than your usual soft brush in the shower, but there are so many benefits of dry skin brushing - your body will really thank you for it. Dry skin brushing detoxifies impurities, boosts circulation, breaks down cellulite, helps with weight loss and doesn't cost the earth. Use a natural bristle brush, starting from your feet then moving up to the rest of your body using upwards strokes towards your chest."

The New Year is also a great time to experiment with new products. "A great beauty resolution is to exchange one beauty item, whether it's a cleanser or moisturiser, for an organic version to reduce the toxins that go into the skin," says Margo Marrone, founder of the Organic Pharmacy.

[Useful: How to exfoliate your skin]

More moisture!

Fluctuating temperatures and central heating can have a disastrous effect on skin, which is why it's important to revaluate your skincare routine during the colder months. "'I recommend a small resolution that that isn't difficult to stick to but will make a big difference," says Geraldine Howard, co-founder of Aromatherapy Associates.

"As winter dehydrates the skin so much, try adding a deep layer of nourishment to your skin with a few extra products each evening - you'll notice an immediate benefit to the quality and radiance of the skin. Try layering facial oil between a serum and cream for an intense treatment, or, for additional nourishment, layer a rose-based mask over all three products once a week to lock in the goodness."

If you're prone to overdoing the make up, why not make 2012 the year to experiment with a more natural look? "Make a resolution to try and remember that less is more when applying foundation," suggests Chase Aston, the Body Shop's International make up artist. "Just because it is winter isn't a reason to layer and cake foundation or powder."

If you've been using the same foundation for years, treat yourself to a new one — there's a good chance your skin's requirements have changed and finding the perfect foundation will mean you'll only need to use a minimal amount in order to get the desired effect.

Another worthwhile make up-related resolution: "Make a pledge not to follow runway beauty trends literally!" says Chase Aston. "Take inspiration and adapt to suit your unique and individual personality and lifestyle, but lead, never follow!"

Out with the old, in with the new

Is your make up bag a damp, smelly mess of dirty brushes, old mascaras and empty lipstick cases? "An ideal resolution is to keep your make up bag and brushes clean and bacteria free by washing tools at least once a week," suggests Chase Aston. Throw out anything you suspect is past its use by date, and give make up brushes regular washes using a mild shampoo before drying thoroughly.

New Year Resolutions can be notoriously difficult to stick to, but master perfumer Roja Dove's suggestion for a resolution might just be the exception. "Try to find a scent you truly love," advises Roja. "Perfumes are now sold way before the customer smells the fragrance. By the time they get to the counter customers have seen the TV advert, looked at the billboards, and identified with the model in the magazine ad.

Instead, when you go shopping for a new fragrance, spray a few on blotter cards, turn them over to conceal the brand, and then smell them away from the perfumery department. Smell them one at a time, comparing each one to the next, eliminating the one you like least of the two you're comparing, then continue the process until you have only one or a maximum of two left, then turn the card to see which one has seduced you. You may find your perfect fragrance is one you would have never usually chosen for yourself!"

The final word goes to Ole Henriksen, whose top tip for a New Year Resolution is one we can all benefit from. "Promise to smile each morning when you wake up and tell yourself that you look beautiful!" suggests Ole. "We often put an emphasis on the things we don't like: change that attitude so that it's all about the positive."

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