Big Brother star 'could be paralysed' after surgery for life-threatening brain tumour

Big Brother star Charlie Doherty has revealed she's been diagnosed with a potentially "life-threatening" tumour. The 39 year old TV personality was left in shock after receiving the news, which took her a year to get.

Charlie had been making numerous trips to the doctor and undergoing various tests that "didn't show anything". However, she trusted her instincts, knowing something was "wrong" with her body.

The mum-of-one is currently awaiting more information and next steps but is frustrated with how the health services have treated her, feeling "fobbed off" for over a year and being told nothing was wrong.

After a year of pushing for an MRI, Charlie finally received the news that left her extremely worried. She shared: "After I heard the words brain tumour, I pretty much switched off, I couldn't retain anything else they said."

Still waiting to hear from the professionals, Charlie has taken matters into her own hands and researched her condition, discovering she likely has three different options.

She explained: "You can either watch and wait, and they can check on it every so often and whatever and see if it grows, radiotherapy, or have the surgery to remove it."

Charlie was on Big Brother eight years ago
Charlie was on Big Brother eight years ago

Charlie opened up about the daunting side effects of her surgery, expressing her concerns: "I know there's a chance you can go completely deaf in one ear, there's also a chance of facial paralysis as well and then you may need to learn how to walk again after the surgery because it seems to shut the brain down for a short time."

Despite suffering from extreme sound sensitivity and persistent beeping noises in her ear, doctors initially found nothing wrong. However, Charlie was determined to get answers and insisted on an MRI after a CT scan showed no issues, as reported by the Daily Star.

In her heartfelt advice to others, Charlie emphasised the importance of perseverance when it comes to health: "If you know there's something wrong, get a second opinion, and keep pushing for further tests. If I didn't do that I could be sat here with a brain tumour and not even know anything about it.

She also touched on the emotional toll of waiting for a diagnosis: "The waiting game is the worst bit as well, and it's the not knowing, I haven't had a lot of time to research into properly myself as I've been looking after my little boy Charlie."