14 best treadmills for 2024 with big summer savings

best treadmills
14 best treadmills for home use in 2024Hearst Owned

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If the changeable British weather puts you off heading out for a run, or you're unable to get outside due to work, family or other commitments, a treadmill is an extremely convenient option.

The best running treadmills are great for completing structured workouts, as they create a controlled environment. On an electric treadmill, you can control your pace, incline, interval and recovery time more accurately.

You may also feel more motivated to complete these types of sessions in this environment versus attempting them unaided outside — especially if you sign up to apps such as Zwift or Run Social, which allow you to run alongside others in a virtual world. (Fans of Zwift may also be interested in our round-up of the best turbo trainers.)

What to look for in a treadmill

  • Size: Unless you're lucky enough to have a home gym or spare room where you can leave it out permanently, you'll probably want a folding treadmill that can be stored away when you're not using it. Some of the options on this list are small enough to fit under the sofa when you're not using them.

  • Top speed: Sure, you're probably not running as fast as Dina Asher-Smith, but you don't want to find yourself frustrated because you're unable to run to your full potential. We've rounded up the top speeds for each treadmill below to help you make the right decision.

  • Cost: If you've been browsing for a while, you'll know that the affordable treadmills are often out of stock. That said, don't let a higher price tag put you off; a treadmill is an investment and many brands allow you to split the payments over a year. Think of it like paying for a gym membership.

  • Tech: If you’re simply after a solid treadmill for some recovery runs, tech probably isn’t at the forefront of your mind. But, with recent releases offering the likes of live classes and even access to TV streaming services via touchscreens, it’s worth taking a look at what each machine has to offer before making your mind up.

Runner's World Expert Tested

Treadmills on this list that are stamped with the Runner's World Expert Tested logo have all been tested by our Runner's World Lab team of experts.

They asked a panel of novice runners and ardent athletes alike to lace up their trainers and hit the belt, testing each treadmill at all speeds and inclines to check it offers a comfortable, smooth and stable run.

They also judged each running machine's ease of use by navigating its touchscreens and control panels to find a suitable workout. Each model was then given a score, with only the best earning our Runner’s World Expert Tested seal of approval.

You’ll also find recommendations from the Runner’s World editorial team in our round-up. These treadmills have all been used extensively by one or more of our highly experienced editors, offering a machine for every fitness level and budget.

Best treadmills for 2024 — RW Lab tested

Ready to run? Here are the treadmills to invest in – all available to buy in the UK.

1. NordicTrack Commercial 1750

The sibling brand to Pro-Form, the NordicTrack 1750 has many of the same features, including auto-adjust technology and endless workout options when connected to iFit. At 14 inches, the touchscreen isn't as big as the Pro 9000's (below), but our testers still enjoyed the scenic routes via the HD monitor, saying the spritely instructors helped their motivation levels reach an all-time high. They appreciated the 15% incline for replicating hilly races and thought the auto-adjusting speed and incline provided a realistic running experience at home.

Although it’s the entry level model in the brand’s commercial range, this rock-solid machine is packed with powerful training tools. The cushioning is the perfect balance of bouncy yet firm, the built-in fan will keep you cool as you work up a sweat, and the motor is surprisingly quiet, so you won’t disturb the neighbours during early morning training sessions. Sturdy handlebars (helpful for tough uphill climbs) and a rotating screen for iFit classes off the machine are the icing on the cake.

Like the Pro 9000 and the X32i, it’s a beast of a machine, so keep scrolling if you’re short on space.

2. JTX Slimline Flat Fold Away Treadmill

> Read our full JTX Slimline Treadmill review <

Though it doesn’t have the bells and whistles of other pricier machines, this foldable JTX treadmill is a worthy training tool. It reaches speeds up to 16km/h, offers 36 pre-set workouts and has the option to create your own routines. It will automatically adjust the pace based on your chosen workout, the motor is super quiet (it was the quietest on test, in fact) and the buttons on the handlebars let you quickly adjust your speed mid-session.

It lacks a fancy touchscreen, but the bright display window tells you all the essentials as you move: time, speed, distance and estimated calorie burn. There’s a tablet holder so you can binge Netflix on long runs, or, if you have a foot pod, you can connect with your favourite running app for a more interactive experience. After your session you can fold it up and slip it under your sofa – the machine folds almost completely flat. It isn’t an entirely faff-free process (it did require loosening and tightening screws) but when you consider the price, it’s hard to complain.

This is a strong wallet-friendly option for beginner and intermediate runners.

3. Domyos Run500 Smart Treadmill

This is one of Decathlon’s bestselling treadmills and after testing it, we understand the hype. Coming it at under £700, it offers a host of features normally found on pricier models. We’re talking speeds of up to 16kph, inclines up to 10%, no fewer than 30 pre-set workouts and the ability to fold away to save space. It also has plenty of extras, including speakers, a port to plug in your tech, a tablet holder, a heart rate monitor and backlit console for a snapshot of your stats – we found this easy to navigate during our sessions.

Despite the folding design (it was a cinch to move around and store away), the robust steel frame gives it a high-quality feel and it was surprisingly sturdy and smooth to run on. Adjusting the speed and incline was faff-free with the large user-friendly buttons, and thanks to the quiet motor, it’s a good choice for flats.

Speedsters may want to look to one of our other options to break their PBs, but this should do the job nicely for the average runner. All in all, a quality, compact running machine at a very decent price.

4. NordicTrack X32i

Bringing the Lake District into your living room may seem like a logistical nightmare, but with this NordicTrack machine you can enjoy the national park’s testing topography from home. Its unmatched 40% incline is a real bragging point, and allows it to provide realistic virtual runs via the iFit app.

If you fancy a change of pace, you can also stream on-demand studio classes. In some sessions, the machine is programmed to automatically adjust your speed and incline as you go, leaving you free to focus on your run without the usual toggling process.

There was no wobbling at any speed and the belt provided plenty of bounce (something our long-suffering knees definitely appreciated). Our running stats were clearly displayed on the screen during classes, too. The touchscreen could have been a bit more responsive, sometimes lagging slightly, and you’ll need plenty of space to accommodate this hefty treadmill, but if it’s a realistic running experience you’re after, then this is your best bet.

This machine’s impressive top speed of 13.7mph, which is around a 4.23min/mile pace, is also capable of testing even seasoned athletes.

5. Domyos T900D

Our testers described the Domyos T900D as 'the perfect ally for runners' with plenty of great features and an impressive top speed — and that's considering it comes in under £900.

The machine itself is sturdy and well-designed, with a great size belt featuring sturdy grab rails on the sides (how many times can we say ’sturdy’?). The buttons on the console aren’t the most responsive and require a pretty firm press to get them to respond (which isn't always easy when you’re running). The suspension is good, though, and you’ve got an incline up to 10% and speeds up to 18kph. The latter should be enough for even the most advanced runners.

Bonus features come in the form of a built-in fan and Bluetooth speakers so you can stay cool and pump it louder. There is a heart rate sensor built into the hand grips, too, but we wouldn’t recommend relying on it. At an easy walking pace, it put our tester’s heart rate at 172bmp, whereas with the free chest strap you get on purchase, the reading came in at 101bpm.

On the positive side, the motor is pretty quiet and it’s easy to fold the belt away to save on space.

6. Echelon Stride Auto-Fold Connected Treadmill

Though we found our tablet did cover the control panel – and some of our workout stats as a result – the app impressed our testers with its huge selection of workouts. Most found there was plenty of choice when it came to finding a class that set their pulses racing, though more experienced runners said they would have liked more of a challenge than the limited 10% max incline it could offer.

Nevertheless, the folding design and substantial offering of sessions from the app make this a top pick for first-time treadmill buyers. And its top speed of 12mph (a 5.00min/mile pace) will be ample for most owners.

7. Pro-Form Pro 9000

> Read our full Pro-Form Pro 9000 review <

We’ve always rated Pro-Form treadmills, so it’s hardly surprising that the Pro 9000 excelled on test. It has all the features you’d expect from a premium machine – including auto-adjust speed and incline, detailed data screens, interactive workouts and Google Maps integration – but it’s the mega 22-inch HD touchscreen that really sets it apart. According to our testers, it made for the most immersive of experiences during iFit workouts – they particularly enjoyed a trainer-led jaunt along a Hawaiian beach.

With a decent max speed of 22km/h and an incline of up to 12%, it should be suitable for most runners. The iFit app offers workouts for all abilities, whether you’re training for a sub-25 5k or you want to traverse a 26.2-mile marathon course. The sturdy belt inspired confidence with each stride and the speed and incline buttons were easy to reach mid-run.

The fan wasn’t the most powerful and we found the belt stopped quite abruptly without a countdown, but these are minor niggles. Just bear in mind that this bulky machine is heavy to manoeuvre, and it won’t go unnoticed in the corner of your living room. But if you’ve got the space, it’s a top-notch running companion.

8. Peloton Tread Basics

This Peloton machine will do more for your morale than most, with a plethora of instructor-led running sessions (as well as strength, yoga and even meditation classes) available through the brand’s app. Trainers beaming through a bright touchscreen provide tips and limitless energy to help you grind through pre-work workouts. You can also see how fellow members of the Peloton crew have performed thanks to live leaderboards – something that quickly unearthed our thinly-veiled competitive side.

The belt balanced bounce with firmness, allowing us to generate plenty of power with each stride while providing a comfortable amount of cushioning. Testers also raved about the inclusion of easy-access adjustable speed and incline dials on the arms, rather than the usual buttons on the control panel.

The max speed of 12.4mph, a 4.50min/mile pace, is more than fast enough for most runners, too.

9. JTX Sprint-8 Pro Smart Treadmill

Let us introduce you to the shiny new Sprint-8 Pro from our pals at JTX. Like the popular Sprint-9, it’s a semi-commercial folding treadmill designed for endurance training at home, but according to the brand, the design is more compact.

Our verdict? If you’ve got the funds and you take your home gym set-up seriously, this is an impressive bit of kit. It’s got a large deck (153cm x 55cm) and weighs a hefty 115kg, which provides a firm, steady base and feels like the high-quality treadmills you find in fancy gyms. With a 15% incline and a top speed of 20km/h (4:50min/mile pace), it’s suitable for newbies and seasoned runners alike.

Overall, we found it a dream to use. The spacious belt meant we didn’t feel hemmed in when training, there was zero wobbling even at higher speeds and it felt extremely smooth underfoot. There’s a huge variety of pre-programmed workouts to flit between, plus a tablet holder so you can connect directly with Kinomap and Swift via Bluetooth and run stunning routes all over the world. Or, if you prefer to do your own thing, you can just hop on and start running.

The console isn't the fanciest, but it is simple to use and shows all your running stats, including time, speed, distance and cals burned, plus the quiet motor means you won’t disturb family or flatmates during early morning training sessions.

Though folding, be warned it will take up significant floor space and we found it a bit bulky to wheel away, but this may or may not bother you. All in all, a sturdy, capable running companion that will be with you for the long run.

10. Technogym Myrun

We were expecting premium quality from a brand like Technogym and the Myrun treadmill delivered. The machine is delivered to your door with installation and training provided, so you don't need to worry about putting it together yourself. It's a solid build and is responsive to speed and incline changes. That said, the quick start ‘levers’ do feel a little out of place on a £3,500 ticket item — at this price point, touch screen buttons would have been better, but this is a minor gripe.

Since the Myrun is intended to be a more compact design, there’s no built-in touchscreen. Instead, there’s a space for you to clip in your iPad or tablet a the top of the machine. From there, the Technogym app acts as the main data screen (it’s free, although you can upgrade to the paid version if you want live classes) and has a huge number of programs, from scenic runs and walks to interval sessions. You can make and store you own programs, too, and connect to apps like Strava and Zwift to replicate runs you have done outside. Our testers found the data screen really detailed, too, with metrics like distance, stride, speed and time all visible.

The MyRun will automatically change your incline, speed and time depending on the program you're on. On that, a top incline of 12% and top speed of 20kph is more than enough for even the most advanced runners and switching between the speeds feels smooth and seamless.

There’s no built-in heart rate sensor, which is surprising at this price point. But then again, we’ve never found them that accurate compared with the best heart rate monitors on the market, so perhaps Technogym is simply doing away with a pointless feature here.

All in all, despite the high cost, the Myrun is a great piece of kit and if you're going to be jumping on the treadmill frequently, you'll want something that you can rely on.

Best treadmills for 2024 — chosen by our editors

1. JTX Pro Professional

If you're someone who dreads the treadmill and needs every distraction possible to get through the session, this is a good option. It's compatible with Zwift and Run Social and has a ledge where you can rest your phone or iPad. It also has a top speed of 22 km/h, which is faster than 4:33 min/mile pace, so should be suitable for all runners.

2. NordicTrack EXP 10i

NordicTrack long offered a 'T Series' of treadmills, which were just a step below its 'Commercial' line — they had smaller motors and rollers, plus a slightly narrower deck. That saved you hundreds on the cost, but the machines were still strong performers.

Now, the EXP line steps into that role, with the 10i at the top of that range. (The number in the name indicates the size of the touchscreen on the console.) The Commercial 1750 is still our top pick here if you’re training for a marathon or competing in road races, but you can save some cash to put toward new shoes if you can work with scaled-back specs. The 20-inch belt is still plenty wide for walking and jogging, and its 12 percent incline is decent, so it packs plenty of power and variety to suit a challenging training regimen.

3. Life Fitness T5 Treadmill

If you're not worried about folding the treadmill away, or moving it from room to room, this Life Fitness T5 treadmill is a good option. It's easy to assemble, you can set up two user profiles to make jumping on simpler if you are sharing with another runner with different training needs, and there's a handy energy-saving mode for when you're not using it. It has a top speed of 12mph, which is about a 4:59min/mile pace.

4. JTX Sprint-5 Electric Treadmill

This JTX treadmill has got all the features you really need from a treadmill: a good-sized running deck (140x 48cm), durability thanks to its heavy gauge steel frame — built for stability under the pressure of daily use — Bluetooth compatibility and an incline of up to 12%, which will auto-adjust according to the terrain (if following a virtual workout via the likes of Kinomap).

It has a top speed of 18 km/h, which works out to be a 5:22min/mile pace, so should be fast enough for most. For speedsters, though, JTX also has the Sprint-9 Folding Gym Treadmill or Pro Professional, which are able to reach higher speeds.

Do you need to subscribe to an app to use a treadmill?

Some treadmills can link to apps that offer a host of features, including a huge library of workouts at your fingertips, stat-tracking, live classes and leaderboards showing how fellow members are faring.

You will need to pay a monthly subscription fee to gain access to these, which will vary depending on which app your treadmill links to.

The treadmills on our list that require subscriptions are: the Peloton Tread’s Peloton All-Access Membership, which costs £39 per month or £12.99 per month for new app members; the NordicTrack Commercial 1750, which links to the iFit app available from £24.99 per month; and the Echelon Stride Auto-Fold Connected Treadmill with its £39.99 per month Echelon Fit app.

Running on a treadmill — the tools to help

Of course, the treadmill doesn't really compare to miles outside, but if you are taking your training indoors, there are a few tools that can help.

  • Treadmill pace converter chart – if you're used to running in miles per hour, it can take a while to get used to converting your session into kilometres. A pace-conversion chart can be a handy tool to screenshot.

  • Avoiding injury on the treadmill – Running on a moving belt, especially if it's too fast for your fitness level, can affect your stride. Indeed, experts see specific injury patterns in those who use the machine as their main training ground. Have a read of their advice to avoid injury when logging your miles indoors.

  • Building a workout – One of the main reasons many runners dread indoor sessions is boredom. If logging your long run while staring at the clock is enough to put you off forever, why not try one of our treadmill workouts?

  • Connecting with others – If you're used to running with friends or with a club, solo miles on the treadmill can be lonely. One app trying to address this is Zwift. If your treadmill isn't compatible, you can buy a NPE Runn – a treadmill sensor you can add to almost any treadmill that transmits the belt’s speed in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). If you don't want to buy the sensor, you can use the Runpod, which attaches to your shoe and measures your speed, cadence and distance and pairs with Zwift via Bluetooth.

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