Should you drink a protein shake before or after a workout? Experts reveal the truth

protein shake before or after workout benefits and expert advice
When is the best time to drink a protein shake? jjlim80 - Getty Images

Protein is a key macro when it comes to your fitness goals, and helps you to power through (and recover from) a strong training sesh. But when is the best time to drink a protein shake – before or after a workout?

It's an ongoing fitness debate, but it’s time to get the real scoop and clear the blender once and for all (puns very much intended). Here, experts weigh in on the benefits of a protein shake before and after a workout – and how to meet your daily protein needs.

Meet the experts: Jordan Hill is a registered dietitian with Top Nutrition Coaching. India McPeak, is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and former competitive gymnast.

Does it actually matter when you drink a protein shake?

The short answer: Not really.

Research suggests that the total amount of protein you consume throughout the day is more important than the specific timing of your intake.

‘You want to prioritise hitting your daily protein goals from a variety of protein sources and supplement with protein shakes when it suits you best,’ says India McPeak, a personal trainer and former competitive gymnast.

So while protein shakes are a great way to up your overall daily protein intake, when you actually drink them is less important than you probably think. ‘What matters is that you’re getting enough protein throughout the day and that your pre-and post-workout meals are no more than four to six hours apart to maximize muscle building,’ adds McPeak.

Fueling up before your workout will help your muscles activate and adapt to your training, minimise potential mid-workout tummy rumbles, and help reduce muscle breakdown and soreness says Jordan Hill, RD, of Top Nutrition Coaching. Snacking after your workout will build muscle, repair any breakdown, reduce inflammation, and give you a boost of energy if you’re wiped.

There's no reason that protein has to be in the form of a shake, either. ‘It’s more about fueling your body with the right nutrients,’ adds Hill. ‘The two big hitters are carbohydrates and protein, and you do want to eat something before and after a workout.’

Whether you drink a protein shake before or after your workout is up to you. Plus, the effects of pre-and post-workout protein intake had similar effects when it came to increasing muscle size, boosting strength, and overall body composition, studies have shown.

That said, some pros come with both drinking a protein shake before and after a workout – even if you can get the muscle-building boosts either way, according to a PeerJ study.

Benefits of drinking a protein shake *before* a workout

Drinking a protein shake before your workout can fuel your muscles, improve endurance, and reduce muscle breakdown.

Pre-workout recommendation:
15-20g protein + 25-30g carbs 30-45 minutes before training.

1. Fuel your workout

Your brain, body, and muscles need protein and carbs to give you energy, says Hill. ‘If you’re depleted of protein (and carbs), you're not going to have as great of a workout.’

Not to mention, a pre-exercise protein intake is critical for optimising physical performance and making the most of your sweat session.

2. Minimise muscle breakdown

It sounds counterintuitive, but when you work out you are technically breaking down muscle fibres (yep, that’s why you might feel sore the next day).

‘So, you want to focus on a protein plus carb combo snack pre-workout,’ explains Hill. Because protein contains essential amino acids (the building blocks of muscle fibres), consuming a protein-packed snack before you train helps fast-track protein absorption in the body and transfers it to repair muscle cells, studies show.

3. You feel satiated

If you haven’t eaten in three to four hours, or you don’t have time for a full meal before your workout, a protein shake can curb hunger and help you feel full, says McPeak.

‘If you have less than an hour before your workout, protein powder is a good option since it can be absorbed very quickly,’ she explains.

4. Boost muscle adaptation

‘Fueling prior to your workout is going to help boost how well your muscles actually adapt to the training efforts,’ says Hill.

In other words, protein primes your muscles to put in the work. If you’re prepping for an extra tough or long workout, research suggests that protein supports muscle endurance to keep you feeling strong.

should you drink a protein shake before or after a workout
Should you drink a protein shake before or after a workout? mihailomilovanovic - Getty Images

Benefits of drinking a protein shake *after* a workout

Post-workout recommendation:
20-40g protein within 30-60 minutes after training for optimal muscle recovery.

1. Repair muscle breakdown

As mentioned earlier, protein is going to help minimise muscle breakdown during your workout and speed up the recovery process. ‘Muscle fibres are breaking down while we work out, so if we consume protein after a workout, it’s going to help stop that process,’ says Hill.

2. Build lean muscle

Post-workout protein is not the only reason for gains, but the essential amino acids in protein are major building blocks to maximise and grow lean muscle, according to a 2019 study. Remember that you should strive to consume protein within 30 minutes to an hour after your workout to maximise its impact, but it’s okay if you’re a little late.

‘Your workout won’t be wasted if you don’t have [protein] within 30 minutes of your last exercise,’ stresses McPeak. ‘Just aim for a high-protein meal or shake within a couple of hours after your session.’

3. Boost energy

Sometimes after an intense workout, you can’t even stomach the idea of a full meal. But if you’re feeling depleted or even a little nauseous, research suggests a protein shake can boost energy and replenish any lost fluid you sweat out. A scoop of protein is also easier to digest if you’re lacking an appetite.

4. Reduce inflammation

Intense workouts can cause tiny, microscopic tears in your muscle fibres, and your body reacts to this damage by increasing inflammation (also known as delayed-onset muscle soreness), according to the American College of Sports Medicine. But the good news is that high levels of protein can help minimize this breakdown and mitigate the inflammatory response, research suggests, ultimately making you less sore.

How to meet your daily protein goals

Remember, while protein timing matters, hitting your total daily protein intake is the priority.

1. Work out how much protein you need

Most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (for the average woman, this is around 45g). However, if you are especially active, you will likely need to eat more.

  1. Average women: 0.75g of protein per kg of body weight per day

  2. Endurance athletes: 0.8-1g per kg per day

  3. Strength athletes: 1.5-2g per kg per day

Pro tip: Aim to consume 20 to 40 grams of protein at each meal across three to five meals a day.

And while daily protein is critical, don’t skimp on carbohydrates! ‘The general rule of thumb is to consume a three to one ratio of carb to protein,’ says Hill. ‘For someone trying to lose weight, they should do a two-to-one ratio.’

2. Figure out the best protein sources for you

Your protein sources should also come from a variety of foods with complete and incomplete proteins and adequate amino acid profiles.

‘There are 20 amino acids, and nine are essential, which means we have to get them from food,’ says Hill. ‘Eleven are non-essential, which means our bodies actually create them.’

For complete protein sources (contain all nine essential amino acids), try animal products like lean meats, dairy, and fish, says Hill. For incomplete proteins (do not contain all nine essential amino acids) incorporate beans, nut butter, vegetables, and whole grains. For some healthy snack options, she suggests toast with nut butter, a turkey and cheese roll, or high protein cereal with skim or one per cent milk.

If you’re looking for a powder to maximise your complete protein intake, it’s best to come from animal sources, like whey or dairy protein, says Hill. ‘Whey protein is going to have distinct muscle-building characteristics,’ she explains. ‘It's also anti-inflammatory, and it helps to turn protein into lean active muscle tissue.’ For a vegan alternative, McPeak suggests pea, brown rice, or hemp protein.

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