The Best Father's Day Movies Are Daniel Day-Lewis Movies

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The Best Father's Day MoviesParamount

Being a dad isn't easy. It takes a lot of work to think up those puns and yell at you for touching the thermostat. So, that's why the best thing for you to do for him this Father's Day is to put on one of these great movies and let him relax.

There Will Be Blood

For when Dad is a merciless oil baron who has a fondness of milkshake analogies.

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Mrs. Doubtfire

For when Dad is willing to do anything for his kids—including becoming a sweet grandma nanny and wear a very convincing silicone mask.

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Captain Fantastic

For when Dad is a genius hippie who doesn't want to conform to the norms of society.

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The Royal Tenenbaums

For when Dad is a selfish, neglectful patriarch who realizes when its too late that he's been a pretty shitty father to all his talented, messed-up kids.

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

For when Dad has fathered the greatest archeologist in history (and in reality was only 12 years older than Harrison Ford).

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The Godfather

For when Dad is a crime lord who is occasionally made offers that he can't refuse.

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For when Dad is willing to travel through time and space to save humanity, which also includes his own daughter.

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For when Dad is a grizzled old mutant who has blades that come out of his hands and becomes a reluctant father figure when he must protect a younger mutant who also has blades that come out of her hands.

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Catch Me if You Can

For when Dad teaches you everything you need to know about grifting so you go on an international con spree and you develop a paternal bond with the FBI agent chasing you.

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In the Name of the Father

For when Dad just really loves Daniel Day-Lewis and wants to spend the day watching the greatest actor of our generation.

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