How to become a ‘morning workout’ person – and is it really necessary?

best time to exercise
How to become a ‘morning workout’ person andreswd - Getty Images

Let's be honest (and cliched): the best workout is the one you'll actually do. But if you're curious about switching to morning sessions for whatever reason - parenting or work duties; making space for your evening social life; you simply can't be bothered post-work - Women's Health Collective expert trainer Michelle Griffith-Robinson explains if it's worth setting those early alarms, and how to make waking up to sweat a bit less of a struggle.

To be clear, you don’t need to become a morning workout person, but there are some benefits.

Benefits of morning workouts

If your blood pressure is above the norm, one study found that 30 minutes of exercise in the morning, followed by frequent breaks from sitting throughout the day, can lower blood pressure for up to eight hours.

Working out in the AM can also help you fall asleep easier, as you’ll kick-start your sleep-wake cycle sooner in the morning, and release melatonin (the hormone that helps you nod off) earlier in the evening. Exercising closer to bedtime will increase heart rate and body temperature, neither of which are conducive to a solid night’s kip. Cortisol levels are higher in the morning, too, and exercise can help regulate them so you feel less stressed throughout the day.

Finally, the endorphins you produce during exercise mean a morning workout can put you in a good mood for the rest of the day. When it comes to getting going, it’s all about discipline. You’ll likely find morning workouts easier during the warmer months, but try to stick with the same routine year-round.

4 tips to become a morning workout person

  1. Lay out your kit the night before, so that all you have to do is get dressed, and reinforce your routine by scheduling regular sessions so that they become a habit (for example, every Monday and Friday I’m going to train at 7am).

  2. Making a pact with someone else can also work in your favour, even if you don’t intend on training together –you have them to hold you accountable. A little reward, such as buying a coffee afterwards, or treating yourself to something you’ve been saving up for, can be another great motivator.

  3. If you’ve tried morning workouts before and struggled, the type of exercise you’re doing could be the problem. Finding a workout you enjoy and look forward to will make getting up so much easier.

  4. Above all, ensure your chosen time to work out is practical. When can you, realistically, dedicate time to exercise with the least chance of you having to give it a miss? And at what time does exercise make you feel your best? Morning workouts aren’t much use to you if you’re not enjoying them, or they mean you’ll spend the rest of the morning rushed off your feet. Be reasonable with your expectations, and don’t put yourself under too much pressure.

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