How to Use Bath Bombs for a Fizzy and Soothing Soak

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The mind and body benefits of a warm and comforting bath are undeniable, from stress relief and soothing sore muscles to speeding up healing from a cold to just feeling good. And while essential oils and a basic bubble bath are still a go-to for enhancing the experience, it’s hard to deny that a fizzy bath bomb is, well, the bomb. With the assortment of colors, fragrances, and essential oils all packed into that teeny-tiny, fizzy amazingness, it’s impossible not to enjoy the sensorial hit.

To decode all things bath bombs, we went straight to a pro at Lush, the company that introduced bath bombs decades ago and continues to be a leader in the industry. Since Lush co-founder Mo Constantine created the OG bath bomb in her garden in 1989, the bath-centric brand has created over 500 different designs and sold over 350 million bath bombs globally.

First things first: what is even in that flaky, compact ball? It’s actually quite simple, straight from science class 101: “A bath bomb is a gentle blend of sodium bicarbonate—or baking soda—plus citric acid from beets or corn and other beneficial ingredients like sea salt or seaweed to help turn your bath into a fun and soothing haven,” explains Erica Vega, brand product expert at Lush. “When placed in warm water, these ingredients then trigger a reaction that produces carbon dioxide bubbles, making it fizz.”

And what many bath-bomb devotees may not even know is that Constantine actually created bath bombs in the first place to help with her own sensitive skin. In addition to the skin benefits that a bomb can have, though, it’s also hard to deny the feel-good vibes from the moment you drop it in. “We're not saying bath bombs are magical,” says Vega. “But we can't deny that they do have a special ability to make us feel uplifted, relaxed, and just plain happy — so there might be a little magic in them after all.”

With the bath-bomb tutorial from a Lush pro below, you'll never again question if you're choosing the right one or using it in the best way possible!

Choose the Right Bath Bomb for You

“You want to consider what you'd like [to get] out of your bath, such as [to] release inhibitions or just relax,” says Vega. “Bath bombs come in all shapes and sizes, with different colors, fragrances and extra surprises.”

For example, if your goal is 10/10 pure relaxation, opt for a product with a calm-evoking essential oil such as lavender or lemongrass. Want more of an uplifting experience? Go for a playful and colorful bath bomb that has some fruity or sweet fragrance. Need to soothe sore muscles? Opt for one with magnesium to help loosen tight and sore spots.

“Whether you're after a relaxing, petal-laden floral soak or an invigorating multilayered explosion of color and scent, there's a handmade bath bomb perfect for every bathing experience,” says Vega. “At Lush, each of our bath bombs contain a fine fragrance blend to help you get the most of your soak.”

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Next, Just Add (Warm) Water

“Once you are ready to embark on a bathtime adventure, simply fill your bathtub with warm water,” says Vega. “Place your bath bomb in the water and lie back to enjoy its lovely color and gorgeous fragrance.” Although cold plunges are all the wellness rage, they aren’t a place for your bath bomb. Lukewarm or warm water is best to help dissolve the bath bomb and its ingredients optimally.

“This helps activate the ingredients shortly before you step in,” says Vega. “However, once you’ve dropped your bath bomb in your tub, enjoy it immediately. It’s not recommended that you attempt to store your bath bomb after it’s gotten wet.”

Soak in All the Benefits (Literally)

“There is a calming ritual in preparing, taking, and coming out of a bath,” Vega says. “And the bath bomb can be a star player in this experience, as it is meant to elevate your bathing experience, whatever that means to you.” Instead of trying to curate a customized bath with multiple add-ins, a bath bomb combines multiple ingredients in one for whatever your skin — as well as your mind—may need.

Of course, if there are any ingredients that your skin may be sensitive to, always consult an expert. “If you have experienced sensitivities in the past, it's always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist," Vega adds, "and if you experience any irritation currently, we'd advise you to discontinue use." But otherwise, it should be bombs away. “There can be many benefits to bathing with a bath bomb, depending on the ingredients,” Vega adds. “They can help soothe your skin, uplift your senses or calm your mind.”

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