Baked Salad Is A Thing On TikTok And It’s The Ideal January Lunch

butternut squash and kale salad
Baked Salad Is A Thing On TikTokDaniel Harding

When you hear 'salad' you're probably not going to be thinking 'tasty warming meal for winter'. However, a new type of salad is taking over TikTok, and it's ideal for January lunching!

The Baked Salad is something you definitely need to know about, especially if you're an office Tupperware lunch sort of person.

Now, you might be wondering - 'what exactly is a Baked Salad?' It really is what it says on the tin: a salad made from roasted veggies like kale, butternut squash, cabbage or sprouts, served with warmed grains like quinoa or bulgar wheat and all mixed through with a warm dressing.

First made popular by the hugely popular @justine_snacks on TikTok back in October, the Baked salad has truly been taking over on the platform, racking up millions of views (she's also the pioneer of the controversial butter board trend, if that gives you an idea of her foodie creds). Justine's top Baked Salad video, a roasted sprout and chickpea salad with a tahini, herby, anchovy dressing has 6.5 million views to date. We can see why, it sounds totally yum.

Since then, the trend has only gained momentum with creators on TikTok and beyond posting their own versions of Justine's recipe. We're a huge fan of this baked cabbage salad from @meghan_mosakowski, making the most of seasonal January veg.

If you fancy giving the trend a go yourself, we've got plenty of recipe that should fit the bill.

If kale is your thing, try our Butternut Squash and Kale Salad with a gorg mustardy dressing, or this Aubergine, Harissa and Halloumi Salad if you like a little spicy kick in your lunch.