How to avoid the Easter travel chaos (in five easy steps)

Traffic queues along the M25 in Dartford, Kent
Avoid lengthy tailbacks and motorways that resemble car parks with our must-read advice - Gareth Fuller/PA

More than 14 million leisure trips will be made this Easter weekend, with Good Friday predicted to see the worst congestion and the Lake District, south coast and West Country set to receive the worst traffic.

The RAC predicts that more than 2.6 million journeys will be made on Friday alone. This is 600,000 more than the day before, on Thursday, when many schools break up.

The wet conditions could lead to further delays, with the AA warning: “As well as standing water and slippery streets, drivers should remember that stopping distances increase when there is rain and when vehicles are carrying more weight.”

Anyone travelling by car should be prepared to hit some traffic this weekend, but sensible decisions can be made to avoid the worst of it. Here are the best times to depart, the petrol stations to avoid, and the small engine checks that could help you to sidestep disaster.

What is the best time to leave home?

It depends on how long your drive is and where you are going. But broadly speaking, the worst time to be on the road is during the middle of the day (between 10am and 2pm) and the best time to hit the road is after 5pm.

The RAC breaks it down in slightly more molecular detail (see table, below). Their analysis shows that anyone hoping to get ahead of the weekend traffic by travelling on Thursday should leave early in the morning or later in the evening, avoiding 2pm to 7pm if possible. This is because early getaway traffic on Thursday is expected to clash with usual commuting trips.

On Friday, the worst jams are anticipated at 11am, so it would be wise to work backwards and calculate your departure time accordingly. The RAC says: “Drivers are advised to start their trips as early as possible in the morning or delay them until later in the afternoon.”

Frank Bird, senior network planner at National Highways, explains why this dedication can pay off: “When I travel to see the folks in Scotland I’m on the road for 4.45am – so travel from Brum to the border by 8am. Then [I take a] 20-minute break and get back underway – then in Arbroath for 11.30am and having a fish supper at noon on the harbour.”

Which motorways are worst for traffic?

On Thursday afternoon (around 5pm), the busiest road for traffic will be the western section of the M25 between the M23 (for Gatwick) and the M1 (for Hertfordshire). Traffic time is expected to exceed two hours, which is more than double the usual time. Cars going from north to south along this western half of the M25 will experience similar delays.

On Friday, the roads to avoid are the M5 (from Bristol to Taunton) at around 12.30pm, when travel times will take approximately twice as long as expected. The M3, from the M25 to the south coast, will also suffer poor traffic from 11.45am with drives expected to take at least an hour longer than usual.

On Saturday, the worst roads for congestion will be the A590 and the A591 from the M6 to the Lake District, with delays averaging half an hour along the route.

For the return leg, on Easter Monday, the road with the worst traffic forecast is the A303 from Ilminster to Andover from 4.45pm, when travel times will double to approximately 2 hours 30 minutes. On the changeover day at the end of the week, on April 5, the M5 from Taunton to Bristol will be among the worst for delays, as will the M55 from Blackpool to Breston.

National Highways adds that roads close to ports and airports can expect delays. “If you are travelling to Dover or Eurotunnel we have been working with the port and customs authorities, but do expect some delays and possible stacking into the locations,” said a spokesman.

Which is the best mapping app?

The two main navigation apps, Google Maps and Waze, are both owned by Google, but they are distinct products and operate differently. Waze uses smart rerouting tactics to help you reach your destination in the quickest time possible – however, this can sometimes lead to being taken on elaborate diversions to trim just a minute or two off your drive. Google Maps also reroutes to avoid major traffic, but it puts the decision in your hands.

The primary difference between the two is that Waze relies on active users on the road at that very moment to visualise traffic conditions, whereas Google looks at historical data and uses traffic sensors to predict the quickest route. Both Google Maps and Waze alert you to localised traffic updates and hazards on the road, but Waze generally has more speed camera alerts along major roads. The only flaw for Waze users is that it is less effective when driving in remote areas with little traffic, but that shouldn’t be a problem in the UK this weekend.

Apple Maps, accessible to iPhone users only, is a very similar product to Google Maps, however because of differences in how the two firms process user data, Google has the greater capacity to offer real-time updates in a way that Apple cannot.

Frank Bird of National Highways points out that, if using in-car satellite navigation, it is worth making sure it is up to date. He also recommends listening to traffic and travel updates on the radio along the way.

What is the average petrol mark-up?

The average price of unleaded petrol across the UK is 145.50p; the average price at a motorway service station is 168.54p per litre. This means that to fill up an average 50 litre fuel tank at your local service station will cost £72.75, whereas filling up on the motorway will cost £84.27 – a difference of £11.50. The discrepancy for diesel cars is similar – 153.19p UK-wide, compared to 177.23p at motorway service stations pumps.

According to data pulled by the AA this week, two of the most expensive pumps in the country are at Cobham on the M25 (172.9p for petrol) and Tibshelf between junctions 28 and 29 on the M1 (172.9p).

National Highways recommends always filling up when you reach a quarter of a tank. “It’s just not worth the risk or expense of running out and ruining the holiday,” it advises.

Three vital engine checks

Chris Wood, who was named the AA’s Patrol of the Year for his roadside recovery work, says: “Take 10 minutes to check your oil, coolant and windscreen wash levels. It’s also important to make sure you have plenty of fuel and or electric charge and check that all your lights are working.” The RAC has a handy page with videos, explaining how to run these checks.

“Check your tyre pressures – do this when the tyres are cold and don’t forget to check the tread – including the spare if your vehicle has one,” Chris Wood adds.

“If driving in wet weather, try to avoid standing water, where it is safe to do so, as this can cover potholes or displaced inspection covers that may be lurking below the surface.”

The AA also suggests that members download the app What3Words before they travel, as this is the easiest way to describe a precise location – identifying your whereabouts within three metres.