August's Rare Super Blue Moon Coincides with 4 Other Astrological Events Causing 'Cosmic Mayhem'

The cosmos is stirring up unexpected shake-ups in our personal and professional lives

Astrology, Cosmic Events
Astrology, Cosmic Events

This month’s astro weather feels like a rollercoaster, and just when you thought things couldn’t get any more intense, four major astrological events are here to shake up your money and love life, so buckle up and hold on tight.

Leo season, which typically brings out a flair for the dramatic, is making its presence felt in full force. Imagine everyone feeling as if they’re on stage under a bright spotlight, craving attention while being a bit over-the-top with demands and expectations. Mercury retrograde is also shaking things up as it's notorious for triggering communication issues and travel delays, but it doesn't end there! The upcoming full moon in Aquarius will be one for the books, as it will stir up unexpected surprises and shake-ups in our personal and professional lives. 

This particular lunation is fully loaded with tumultuous aspects that contribute to the cosmic mayhem afoot. For instance, with Jupiter squaring Saturn retrograde, there's a clash between the optimism behind our plans and the harsh reality of the restrictions ahead. Venus in Virgo brings its own set of conflicts regarding finances and relationships, as it will also face off with Jupiter and Saturn. To top it all off, the sun is squaring Uranus, adding an element of unpredictability. Need I say more?

These highly anticipated transits will occur during the full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19 but they could affect us for the next few weeks. Read on for an in-depth look at what these astrological transits mean and their potential effects.

Related: Here Are the Best Crystals to Charge for August's Full Moon in Aquarius

Jupiter square Saturn

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, bounty and opportunity. In the sign of Gemini, Jupiter's larger-than-life energy is channeled in a curious and cerebral way, as there is a greater focus on gathering information, organizing logistics and embracing versatility in our pursuits.

Saturn, on the other hand, is the planet of structure and discipline. Its pragmatism contributes to the desire to build a solid foundation for the future, whether through setting limits for ourselves or simply working diligently towards long-term goals. In Pisces, Saturn sheds light on unconscious patterns and emotional experiences that could hinder our sense of stability.

When Saturn is in retrograde, the taskmaster planet challenges us to reflect on past experiences inhibiting our self-mastery and revisit responsibilities we've previously chosen to disregard. It's a time to address unresolved issues and reassess the structures and boundaries (or lack thereof) in our lives.

How will Jupiter square Saturn affect you?

With Jupiter in Gemini squaring Saturn retrograde in Pisces, you may experience a tug-of-war between your hopes and dreams versus the reality of what you can actually achieve and bring to fruition.

On one side, you're well aware of the opportunities and potentials the future holds, while on the other, you're having to confront restrictions that are in place or boundaries that need to be set. It's time to re-evaluate your goals and figure out a practical path forward.

You may already feel the restrictive energy surrounding this transit, but the effects can last until mid-September.

Venus square Jupiter

Venus is the planet of love, beauty and pleasure. It governs everything from our romantic desires to our spending habits. In Virgo, Venus emphasizes practicality in the realm of love and money, as there is a greater focus on detail, order and a more reserved, analytical perspective.

Jupiter, on the other hand, is the planet of growth and abundance, inspiring the desire to grow and indulge in mentally stimulating experiences. While in Gemini, lucky Jupiter brings energy and expansion to our immediate surroundings and social interactions.

How will Venus square Jupiter affect you?

When Venus squares Jupiter, there is an undeniable clash between the need for practicality and structure versus the desire to expand and pivot in hopes of quenching our curiosities. This aspect could trigger disagreements between your responsibilities and your restless craving for excitement — not to mention the lack of attention span.

This square can lead to challenges between what you're striving for and what you can realistically achieve. Watch out for over-the-top spending and unrealistic expectations in relationships. To indulge or to stay grounded, that is the question.

You may already be feeling the contradicting energies of this transit, but the effects can last until the end of August.

Venus opposite Saturn

Despite being the planet of love and harmony, Venus is practical and discerning when transiting the sign of Virgo. It aims to be as productive and resourceful as possible in matters of love and finance, as it teaches us to see the beauty in simplicity.

Saturn, however, is the planet of boundaries and discipline. It challenges us to be responsible and accountable, which often comes with restrictions and limitations. When transiting the sign of Pisces, Saturn brings us down to earth, particularly with ideals and fantasies that aren't necessarily realistic.

Saturn in retrograde essentially challenges us with a sobering perspective of our current reality, as it marks a time to address the traditions and structures that have been repressed, ignored or have yet to find a resolution.

How will Venus opposite Saturn affect you?

When Venus opposes Saturn retrograde, it can create a push-and-pull dynamic between the routine and structure you desire versus the limitations and restrictions that are currently in place. This could manifest in you wanting more quality time with a significant other (or the desire to pay off debts) and yet still feeling blocked or inhibited in your pursuits.

You may experience the effects of this opposition until the last week of August.

Sun square Uranus

In addition to being the center of our universe, the sun represents our ego, soul purpose and physical identity in astrology. The sun is home in the sign of Leo, as it loves to shine and express itself boldly while encouraging us to do the same. This can explain why we are individually and collectively more expressive, courageous and prideful during this time.

Uranus, on the other hand, is the planet of rebellion, innovation and unexpected breakthroughs, as it inspires you to break free from limitations and go against the status quo. In Taurus, the change-maker planet disrupts and revolutionizes traditions and values related to stability, finances and material resources.

How will the Sun's square to Uranus affect you?

Whether in your routine or self-expression, the sun's square to Uranus will likely trigger shake-ups and unexpected changes. You may find that you're suddenly craving freedom or feeling frustrated by a sudden change of plans.

In any event, this marks a time to stay adaptable and keep an open mind, as our usual way of doing things could be in flux. Don't be discouraged, as this is an opportunity to break free from stagnant routines and conventional methods that no longer serve you.

More importantly, remember that your identity and core values are a result of your individual freedom, not your attachment to material possessions or a financial source of income.

The challenging effects of this square can last until the end of August.

How will all of these astrological events affect you?

August could feel like a whirlwind when it comes to love and finances. The chaotic astro weather is challenging us to re-evaluate what we wholeheartedly desire — particularly the responsibilities and accountability that are required — so we can confront what needs to be addressed and reworked in our relationships, spending habits and money-making abilities.

All in all, this is an opportunity to refine your goals and dreams, and with intention, discernment and the necessary adjustments, your hard work could lead to long-term growth.

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