How August's Mercury Retrograde will affect all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

mercury retrograde august 2024
How this Mercury Retrograde will affect your signHearst Owned

Mercury is stationing retrograde! Lock up your mobile phone! Delete your ex’s number! Cancel all holiday plans for the foreseeable! Only joking.

Sure, Mercury is stationing retrograde late on August 4th and will appear to backtrack through the cosmos until 28th August. But does this mean we all need to cower under the duvet, terrified of travel hitches or be alarmed every time a message pings on our phone? No, it does not.

This particular Mercury Retrograde can actually bring a wonderful chance for insight, refinement, reassessment and flashes of awareness. It’s an opportunity to return to projects with an eagle-eye to iron out details, reassess your approach to that critical voice in your head, and grab a second chance at taking the stage or letting your inner performer roam wild.

This is because Mercury begins its apparent backspin in Virgo, the meticulous perfectionist of the zodiac, before reversing back into Leo, the spotlight-loving sign of creative self-expression. We begin by honing our plans and sifting through the rubble to find that spark of gold we might have missed first time, and then we strategise how we want to share our creative talents with the world when Mercury stations direct at the very end of August.

As with any retrograde however, there are a few key points to bear in mind. Consider this your Mercury Rx Survival Guide.

Retrograde 101

Let’s quickly review what a retrograde is. This phenomenon occurs when the Earth’s orbit 'overtakes' the orbit of another planet. Imagine you’re on a train that overtakes another train on a parallel track. When you look backward out the window, the other train appears to be moving in reverse. The same optical illusion happens with planets during retrograde.

A retrograde (also referred to as a Rx in shorthand) swivels the energy of the planet inward and is therefore the ideal opportunity to slow down and allow for a period of introspection. It is a time for the RE’s of life: refinement, reassessment, reviewing, reconsideration. It can also cause the themes that the planet rules to go topsy turvy.

Mercury is the planet of communication, short-distance travel, plan-making and technology. This is why misunderstands can prevail during Mercury Rx. Travel plans can go haywire. We can discover we’ve accidently booked our plane tickets for September 2034, or all the trains are cancelled. Laptops, social media and digital devices can suffer the crunch of Mercury Retrograde. People from our past can slip back into our DMs, or a conversation we thought we’d put to bed raises its head once more.

This doesn’t mean things are definitely going to mess up. I’ve travelled heaps of times during Mercury Rx without an issue. You’re just being asked to be more conscious – double check timings and bookings, turn up way earlier than you usually would, call rather than text if there’s a chance of being misunderstood, back up your files, don’t risk using your laptop in the bath… you know the drill.

This Mercury Retrograde has four key parts to it

First, up the retrograde through Virgo which occurs between 4th and 14thof August. During this ten day backtrack, you are being encouraged to review and refine your organisational skills and attention to detail. Go through things with a fine-tooth comb. Make that spreadsheet you’ve been considering. Buy the white-board and go all A Beautiful Mind with your planning.

Use this time to revisit personal goals and routines. Reflect on how you can improve efficiency and productivity in your daily life – are there any loose ends lingering on that To Do list that can be tied up? Can you declutter both your physical space and any mental confusion that has been hindering your ability to focus? Virgo also rules health, so checking back in with your wellness goals can also serve you. Use this time as an opportunity to embrace better communication habits, ensuring you express yourself with precision and thoughtfulness. Remember the low vibration of Virgo is hyper criticism – both of the self and others – so notice where you are tempted to nit-pick or criticise over this transit and re-evaluate this approach.

The second key point is the meeting of Venus and Merc Retrograde in a kind of ‘Reverse Cosmic Kiss’. They will both be ‘conjunct’ (together at the same degree) in Virgo between the 8th and 9th of August.

Usually when Mercury and Venus hook up it brings increased opportunities for romance, intimacy and expressing our love. However, since Mercury is retrograde, the focus is re-evaluation. It’s a time for introspection rather than outward action. How kindly have you been speaking to yourself recently? Have self-critical thoughts been holding you back? Use these two days to show yourself ultimate love and whole-heartedly embrace supportive affirmations!

This is also a time for revisiting situations in your love life. Did you miss your opportunity to express your feelings to someone? Is there unfinished relationship business that needs seeing to? Notice if anyone re-enters your life or strikes up a conversation again, or if you have an opportunity to rekindle a bond with your partner.

Warning: beware of exes coming out of the woodwork, as Mercury Retrograde triggering Venus is a classic time for this. Wait a couple of weeks to respond if you can – there’s no rush. And don’t jump to conclusions or make assumptions when it comes to your love life – misinterpretations can abound, so ensure you’re both on the same page! Ask for clarity if you need it! Don’t obsess if someone appears to ghost you, and avoid diving down a scroll hole on your lingering Situationship. This is a time to build up your own confidence.

Next up is the reversal of Mercury into Leo, which occurs from the 14thto the 28th August, until Mercury finally stations direct again. Creativity and self-expression are flung back into the spotlight. It’s the perfect period to reconnect with past creative projects or passions that you may have set aside and take another chance at promoting yourself.

Reflect on how you communicate your ideas and emotions – you might want to look back at what was taking place in your life the first time Mercury was direct in Leo, between 2nd and 26th July. When did you feel your most confident and charismatic? What can you learn from that experience to enhance your current self-expression? Did you miss a chance to take the spotlight, prioritise romance, embrace your playful side or showcase your skills?

The final key point is when Mercury joins the Sun in Leo between 18thand 19th in an Inferior Cazimi. A Cazimi means ‘in the heart of the Sun’ and is when the planet is conjunct (next to) the Sun in a cosmic cuddle.

The glow of the Sun’s rays illuminates the planet and can bring ‘ah ha’ moments and flashes of inspiration. Because this is an ‘inferior’ Cazimi, someone important could come back into your life who might have a message or an opportunity for you. This is a chance to reflect on your creative gifts and the way you feel called to authentically express them with the world and grab any opportunity to shine!

Mercury Rx survival guide

Mercury Rx in Virgo: 4th – 14th August


  • Get specific. Be precise. Double check. Strategise.

  • Go through your To Do Lists and tick things off or cross them out for good.

  • Declutter and clarify your physical and mental space.

  • Return to your health goals.

  • Back up files and check insurance is still valid.


  • Let perfectionism stop you.

  • Become hyper critical (with yourself or others).

  • Book tickets or make plans without double checking times and dates.

The Reverse Cosmic Kiss 8th and 9th August


  • Start the days with positive affirmations.

  • Spend quality time reconnecting with a partner.

  • Revaluate your approach to dating. For example, are your dating profiles still representing the ‘real’ you and what you want?


  • Scroll through an ex’s social media or give them a late-night call.

  • Go down a scroll hole of past lovers or current hookups that have gone quiet.

  • Make assumptions in communication – remember to always ask for clarity!

Mercury Retrograde in Leo: 14th – 28th August


  • Return to your vision board or creative project.

  • Rethink where you’d like to share your talents or take the stage, then make a strategy for when Mercury is direct.

  • Return to a hobby.

  • Say yes to a fun invitation or chance for romance you missed first time.


  • Let your inner diva rule the roost. Drama can prevail so avoid clashes!

  • Let wounded pride or a fear of what others think stop you from taking the stage.

  • Hog the limelight. Be generous and inspirational so you can also raise up others!

Inferior Cazimi 19th and 20th:


  • Look out for ‘second chances’ – another opportunity coming your way, a person re-entering your life, an invitation being offered once more.

  • Carry a notebook for flashes of insight or inspiration.


  • Let imposter syndrome hold you back.

  • Compare yourself to others.

Horoscopes for this Mercury Retrograde

Read for your Rising Sign and your Sun (Star) Sign.


Don’t become too attached to your routine Aries – as Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo then the daily workings of your life might feel like they’ve been thrown into the tumble dryer. This is the perfect time to reassess your approach to health. Is it time to return to that gym membership, exercise class, or 10K you told yourself you’d sign up for? Your job is also a focus - be extra careful with all professional correspondence and triple check emails are going to the correct person! This is your opportunity to reassess your approach to your work and the way you balance it with ‘play’.

Having a restructure of your schedule so it enables you to have fun and enjoy hobbies regularly is pivotal, especially when Mercury then reverses back into Leo. Can you return to a romance, give someone another chance in the dating game or pick up a hobby again? Around the Inferior Cazimi on the 18th, notice if you’re being given any second chances to step into the spotlight, promote yourself or showcase your skills to others. Beware of drama or theatrical tendencies while Mercury is Retrograde – if you’re tempted to return to a fling or tempestuous love affair then wait until Mercury stations direct before making any decisions!


This Mercury Retrograde in Virgo could feel like it’s messing with your artistic side, bringing about a creative block or causing self-criticism when it comes to how confident you feel in expressing yourself. Don’t panic! The ideas haven’t dried up, they’re still percolating. This is a time to go back to the drawing board, employ some of that Taurean patience, and enjoy the tinkering process. See what flashes of inspiration arrive when you’re sharpening those pencils or editing your manuscript.

Don’t force a new project to start if you don’t feel ready – instead, use this retrograde to fine tune your masterpiece, make more time for play and hobbies and prioritise recreation by visiting places that spark your interest or bring you pleasure such as galleries, spas, parks and the theatre. This will then allow you to make space to unleash your creative genius on the world when Mercury stations direct.

Over the Reverse Cosmic Kiss be wary of misconstruing communication with a lover, becoming involved in a love triangle, or a turbulent relationship resurfacing. How can you use this Mercury Retrograde to cleanse your energy and untangle yourself from any drama? When Mercury retrograde moves into Leo, consider if any situations from childhood or related to your upbringing inhibited you from expressing yourself authentically. Do you need to make peace with the past? Ensure to avoid conflicts with family and try not to make decisions about housing issues until Mercury is direct.


As Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, this is the perfect time to apply yourself to your home. Where can you initiate a massive declutter? How might energy be stagnating, and what material possessions can you get rid of or donate that will usher in a cleansing energy? You might also feel a desire to return to a redecoration or renovation project on your home – this could be anything from tiling the bathroom to reupholstering an armchair – but embrace this full throttle! Be aware that Mercury retrograde can bring about miscommunication with family members or cause you to be more critical with your loved ones. Misunderstandings and crossed wires can lead to tension, so try not to take sides with siblings or parents.

However, the Reverse Cosmic Kiss could bring the chance to reconnect with a loved one, smooth over domestic issues or enjoy a family reunion. If a chance to investigate your ancestors or reconnect with your roots comes up, then take it! When Mercury reverses back into Leo it’s a prime time to think about the way you share your talents and allow yourself to shine on social media, in emails or via the written word. Can you challenge yourself to show up online more, or engage in neighbourhood projects that help you grow creatively? If a second chance to educate yourself, show up in your community or accept an invitation via email arrives over the Inferior Cazimi then think about taking it!


When Mercury first stations retrograde, it could play havoc with your to-do lists or create mental overwhelm. Triple check appointments, try not to get frustrated if plans change last minute, and pause before you agree to doing that ‘little task’ by being of service to someone – biting off more than you can chew is classic during this time, so balance your caregiving role with creating firm boundaries. Use this retrograde to notice where you say yes from obligation when actually you’d like to lovingly decline. This is a superb retrograde to organise your inbox, return to the flurry of emails you’ve been avoiding or going back to that letter or message you’re halfway through. Be aware the Reverse Cosmic Kiss could cause an old flame to pop back into your DMs or you could see someone from your past whilst scrolling on a dating app – have discernment before reconsidering if you’d like to go back there!

If you are online dating, it’s a good period to reassess your profile and see if it still reflects you, and if you feel it’s attracting the kind of person you want to be with. Mercury retrograde in Virgo can also bring up wobbles with siblings or neighbours. Don’t get haughty or cut yourself off – isolating yourself on an island of self-righteousness won’t help anything! When Mercury moves back into Leo it’s a good time to consider your income. Did you miss any chances to improve your financial status the first time Mercury was here? Could investing in your education actually help you increase your earning potential? Around the Inferior Cazimi, look out for a second chance to make money, invest in yourself, promote your skills or showcase your talents somehow, challenging yourself to move past self-doubt in order to embrace that Leo confidence!


When Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo then this is a prime time to go back to the drawing board with your finances. If you’ve been employing the ostrich strategy with your bank balance, then now’s the time to get clarity – you’ll feel so much better about it all! Set a budget, see where your money is coming and going, and decide how you want to spend it. This is a time to cancel those subscriptions which you never use and sign up to ones that actually help your personal development! For example, if you’re wasting money on a gym you never go to, why not change to a more flexible class pass or sign up to a local yoga session? If you’ve been considering investing in a workshop or platform that you know will improve your state of mind, now’s the time to return to this idea and commit.

When Mercury and Venus meet in the Reverse Cosmic Kiss then a second chance to make money or hone your skills to increase your income might arrive. You could also notice that self-confidence is coming into the spotlight over this period, particularly in your love life. Use this retrograde to work on self-acceptance and being less self-critical to boost your self-worth. When Mercury then retrogrades back into Leo, you could be given a second chance to take the stage or express yourself. Where did you hold back from allowing yourself to shine last month? How can you refine and revise your main goals as a way of preparing yourself to launch back onto the scene when Mercury goes direct? You might consider some kind of personal revamp such as a haircut or makeover during this time!


When Mercury first stations retrograde in your sign then it’s an ideal chance to return to what you want to communicate with the world. How do you want to present yourself, your ideas and your passions? How do you want to be of service in a way that also lights you up? Returning to a project or goal and refining it or finalising things can be particularly useful. Ensure you’re being clear about your needs and boundaries, as this can also be a prime time when your opinions can be misconstrued. You don’t want someone to get the wrong end of the stick regarding your unique viewpoints! This is also a great chance for a huge ‘declutter’ – of your personal space, your to-do lists and any lingering conversations or projects you want to tie up. The Reverse Cosmic Kiss gives you a second chance to express your needs and values to someone close to you.

When Mercury moves back into Leo it’s a time to reconnect to your spiritual side. If you feel less like socialising and more like reassessing your healing or creative journey then allow yourself time to retreat and go back to the basics of what you need to feel safe. Some kind of closure or psychic dreams could arrive around the Inferior Cazimi. You might also find yourself wanting to plan or recommit to a retreat. Focus on your inner needs until Mercury stations direct and let yourself go with the flow and trust your gut as much as possible.


When Mercury first stations retrograde, it encourages you to refocus on your spiritual practices, giving meditation, yoga and journaling more priority in your day to day to life to increase your vitality. If you’ve been on the edge of burnout or feeling particularly overwhelmed, this is a time to consider taking yourself out of the spotlight for reanalysis of your healing journey.

Visiting the countryside or spending more time in nature as a form of restoration could be particularly helpful so look out for a chance to do this and cancel plans if you need to recharge. Be aware this Mercury Retrograde could have you mistrusting your intuition, so look at the ways you become hyper critical and let self-doubt hinder your decisions. Can you challenge yourself to release yourself of a negative mindset, especially around the Reverse Cosmic Kiss? Be aware this could bring up a blast from the past or a situation which needs some kind of closure to help you truly heal. If something seems too good to be true, then don't immediately write it off - but do allow for a 'cooling period' where you assess the situation.

When Mercury moves back into Leo then it’s a time to reconsider the networks you belong to. Can you join a group which will help you let your talents shine? You might reconnect with friends who bring a lot of joy into your life, so notice who you are spending time with over the Inferior Cazimi and how they make you feel. This is also a chance to reconsider a long-term goal and welcome in a flash of insight that allows your creativity to be prioritised. If a chance to share your gifts with a wider audience reappears, seriously consider taking it!


This Mercury Retrograde starts off hitting the area of your chart connected to socialising and networking, which means potential miscommunication within your social networks. Be incredibly clear in all correspondence, and under no circumstances engage in gossip!

If social situations are leaving you overwhelmed, then this Mercury Retrograde is a good opportunity to notice where you can have stronger boundaries in order to prioritise your wellness. Are there any ‘energy vampires’ you would like to take a break from? Who lights you up and who drains you? Reconsidering who you let into your energy field is important over this retrograde. This could bring about a chance to reconnect with friends from the past though, potentially in a romantic sense over the Reverse Cosmic Kiss.

When Mercury moves back into Leo it’s a time to refocus on your career. Are you being given a second shot at taking an authoritative role or stepping up in your professional life? How are you being invited to showcase your talents or return to an email, conversation or connection which can give you a leg up in your career? An chance to achieve recognition could arrive around the Inferior Cazimi, so notice where you can grab it with both hands!


As Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo, you’re being asked to refine and revise your attitude to your career. Where can you return to the drawing board? What communication can you reconsider to take a step up on the ladder? Also be aware that sometimes we need to pause to help us take the next leap; it’s not ‘failing’ or going backwards to take a hot minute and refocus your energies. Use this time to send any necessary emails, invest in skills which can be applied to your goals, or tie up any loose ends which have stopped you promoting yourself or putting yourself forward for recognition. This is also a useful time to notice where self-criticism or perfectionism has hindered you from being your most ambitious self. What mindset can you work on altering which will bring more self-empowerment? If a second chance to take a risk and put yourself in the spotlight arrives then embrace courage and go for it!

Also be aware this Mercury retrograde might play havoc with communication in the workplace, so be extra careful when it comes to sending emails or labelling files! When Mercury moves back into Leo it’s a great time to notice any repeat opportunities to take a big trip, refine travel plans or return to education in some kind of way. Perhaps there's a course you want to join or an adventure you're determined to finally have? Consider waiting until Mercury is direct until booking (or at least triple check details!) and use this time to get your desires clear in your mind.


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is a second chance to refine your travel plans. If you’ve been considering booking a holiday, going on a spiritual retreat or taking a trip then use this time to research, revise and refocus. If you do decide to book during Mercury Retrograde, or if you are actually travelling during this time, then assess your voyage and itinerary with extra care. Check all details with a microscopic lens! Studying? Don't be frustrated if you can't grasp something! It'll become clear eventually. This is also a great retrograde to reconsider your approach to education. If there’s a course you’ve been thinking about signing up for or a skill you’ve been wanting to learn, notice if you’re being nudged to commit to this.

The Reverse Cosmic Kiss could bring someone into your life who aids you in your spiritual journey and helps you have a better understanding of yourself – this is also classic ‘holiday romance’ reappearance time! When Mercury moves back into Leo it’s a useful time to reassess your business plans and reconsider an investment or collaboration. Think about waiting until Mercury stations direct until you sign any contracts however, or triple check all details. Reconsidering therapy or facing some kind of fear may also feature during this second half of Mercury Retrograde, and some kind of secret could be revealed, or breakthrough could arrive when we welcome the Inferior Cazimi!


As Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo it encourages you to reapply your focus to your inner healing. A chance to return to an old wound or face a fear could arrive. Be aware that the first part of this Mercury Retrograde could make you feel as if you’re drowning in secrets or being kept in the dark about something. A ball of thread you’ve been pulling at knots even tighter; a path you’ve been following seems like it reaches a dead end. Use this time to pause and embrace some solo analysis and soul-diving as it could yield incredible revelations for your journey. The Reverse Cosmic Kiss could bring shadows in relationships to the surface, or you could have a chance to be vulnerable with a romantic interest. This can also bring up a second opportunity to clarify a business deal or a collaboration. Take care when signing contracts over this period, but use this retrograde to go through any agreements with a fine-tooth comb.

When Mercury retrograde moves into Leo it encourages you to return the focus to your relationships. Try your best not to contact your ex, scroll on social media, or go down a rabbit hole of reminiscing! If conversations or arguments come to the surface then use this as a chance to openly express your needs clearly but try to see the other perspective this time. An old flame could appear from your past around the Inferior Cazimi, or you could have a second chance at bonding with your existing partner. Use this as a chance to reassess what it is you really want from a relationship, in a cohesive partnership where you both allow each other to shine.


The first part of this Mercury retrograde through Virgo is inviting you to refocus on relationships and redefine what it is you really need. Can you make more time for your partner? Consider returning to a conversation or a plan that allows you to be practical about setting dates and honouring each other’s desires. You might have more of an analytical attitude towards your love life as well, noticing where you still struggle to be vulnerable. If you’re single this can be a useful time to examine where you repeat patterns or slip into a certain attachment style so you can reassess your healing journey in love.

Be aware of feeling extra critical with your loved ones and know that this Mercury retrograde in Virgo could stir up sticky situations in your relationships. Be vigilant in the way you speak or share information, remembering that things can come across differently in messages! You might also find yourself ‘reading between the lines’ and inventing issues where there doesn’t need to be strife, so make sure you’re always asking for clarity before you jump to conclusions or get emotional. It’s a classic time for exes to get back in touch, especially around the Reverse Cosmic Kiss, so don’t be tempted down that rabbit hole!

Do use this time to reconsider how you’re going to do things differently in relationships or look for a second chance to spend quality time with a lover. When Mercury moves into Leo then it’s positive to spend time reassessing your schedule and noticing if you need to find a better balance between work and play. Are you being invited to make more time to return to a hobby, engage in romance, or say yes to an invitation you passed up on the first time because you were ‘too busy’? A second chance to shine in your job could arrive around the Inferior Cazimi, so don’t pass it up!

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