Arnold Schwarzenegger Explains How to Supersize Your Chest, Back & Shoulders with 'Myo-reps'

arnold schwarzenegger
Schwarzenegger's Chest, Back & Shoulders Workout Jack Mitchell - Getty Images

Arnold Schwarzenegger has many muscle building hacks leftover from his golden era and thankfully for us, he's happy to share them. In a recent newsletter, he explained the theory behind 'myo-reps' and how we can include them in our training for enough hypertrophy to rival the GOAT himself.

'Myo-reps can help with building muscle,' said Schwarzenegger, ‘because it taps into many of the ways that a muscle grows. In particular, muscular tension, metabolic stress, and muscular damage are the three primary drivers of growth. Plus, the limited rest will keep your heart pumping.'

'Just because a workout is short doesn’t mean you can’t see amazing results,' he added.

What Are Myo-reps?

Not dissimilar to the rest-pause technique, myo-reps can increase strength and size when utilised in training programmes by minimising rest time and increasing intensity. The Myo-rep method was originally created by Norwegian Strength Coach, Borge Fagerli. Schwarzenegger explains the basics of how to implement them in your training today:

  • Start with an 'activation' set of 10-20 reps with lighter weights. Take this set almost to failure (but leave a rep or two in the tank… you’ll need them), and then put the weight down

  • Take 3-5 deep breaths

  • Grab the same weight, do 3-5 controlled reps, and put the weight down. This is one set.

  • Repeat this process. So take another 3-5 breaths, and then perform 3-5 reps. Do this for 4 rounds, so you’ve done 5 total sets including the first 10-20 rep set.

The Workout

For your myo-rep sets, here is an example of how to complete them from the man himself:
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 4 reps
Set 3: 4 reps
Set 4: 4 reps
Set 5: 3 reps'

'Normally, the weight would feel light,’ said Schwarzenegger. ‘But in this case, because rest is limited and your muscle is activated, you’ll be able to create fatigue and overload with a lighter weight while maximising your intensity.’

dumbbell press
Hearst - Hearst Owned

Incline Dumbbell Press x 8-12 Reps & 3 Sets

Begin with the bench set at a 30-45 degree incline. Sit at the end of the bench with the dumbbells on your knees. Lean back on the bench and lift the dumbbells over your chest. Have your feet planted on the floor, core engaged and arms locked out with the dumbbells directly above the upper chest. Slowly lower your elbows into an arrow shape just below your shoulders so that you get a big stretch across the chest. Pause for a second before pushing the weights explosively away from you, back to your starting position as you exhale, ready to repeat.

weights, exercise equipment, shoulder, overhead press, kettlebell, arm, dumbbell, physical fitness, standing, muscle,
Hearst - Hearst Owned

Bent Over Dumbbell Row x 8-12 Reps & 3 Sets

Begin with the dumbbells in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing inwards), hinge at the hips with a flat back until your torso is just above parallel. Keep your core locked and shoulders away from your ears. Row the dumbbells in an arc shape towards your hips and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Hold for a beat and slowly reverse the movement, ready to repeat.

lateral raises
Hearst - Hearst Owned

Lateral Raise x Myo Reps for 5 sets (First set 1 x 15-20 reps and then 3-5 reps per set like above)

Choose a set of lighter dumbbells and hold them at your sides with a neutral grip. Keep a slight bend in the arm and raise the dumbbells in line with your shoulders. Maintain the shoulder position and don't let them rise to your ears. The dumbbells should travel slightly in front of the body. Reverse the movement and repeat.

bicep curls
Hearst - Hearst Owned

Bicep Curl x Myo Reps for 5 sets (First set 1 x 15-20 reps and then 3-5 reps per set like above)

Stand tall with a pair of dumbbells at your sides, your palms facing towards you. With minimal momentum, curl both of your dumbbells upwards, turning your palms in, until your little fingers are near your shoulders. Squeeze here and lower the weights under control taking a 3 count to bring them down, fighting them all the way and repeat.

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