How to Do the Arnold Press with Form Arnie Would Be Proud Of

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How to Do the Arnold PressPhotoAttractive - Getty Images

If anyone knows how to create an exercise specifically with the intention of building massive shoulders, it's Arnold Schwarzenegger. If anyone has the audacity to then name a move after them, it's also Arnold Schwarzenegger. Well, after winning seven Mr. Olympias, his lack of modesty can be forgiven – he is the GOAT after all.

arnold schwarzenegger
Jack Mitchell - Getty Images

For a golden-era worthy delt pump, the Arnold press is your go to dumbbell exercise. MH explain how it's done, the muscle building benefits of the exercise as well as some Arnold inspired classic workouts for you to try.

Arnold Press Muscles Worked

deltoid muscle, illustration
  • Shoulders: The Arnold press is known for working the front, side and rear deltoid heads.

  • Arms: The move particularly works the triceps, due to the overhead 'pushing' motion of the exercise.

  • Traps: The trapezius muscle, located either side of the neck, helps support the overhead press portion of the exercise during lockout.

  • Chest: Depending on the angle of the torso, the pectoral muscles can work to support the move if you lean further back or complete the move on an incline bench.

Is Arnold Press Better than Shoulder Press?

Targets All 3 Deltoid Heads

Standard shoulder press exercises typically work the front and side delts. The Arnold press, however, is famous for its ability to hit all three heads of the deltoid, making it efficient at building mass for a symmetrical shoulder.

More ROM, More Muscle

The Arnold press has a slightly fuller range of movement in comparison to the standard overhead press – meaning more muscle mass to gain.

Increased Tricep Recruitment

If you have goals of building your triceps, the Arnold press will work in the extension phase while you’re pressing overhead, whereas the standard overhead press typically works the triceps more during in the lockout.

How to Do the Arnold Press

arnold press
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  1. Start standing with dumbbells held in front of you, elbows in tight to your waist and palms facing your shoulders as though you've just finished a bicep curl.

  2. Without letting the elbows flare out, push the dumbbells up overhead while rotating your wrists until your palms face away from you, so the dumbbells corkscrew upwards.

  3. Straighten your arms, pause, then reverse the movement, ready to repeat.

Arnold Press Variations

dumbbell shoulder press mens health
Hearst Owned

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press

Why: The dumbbell seated shoulder press is a great place to start before moving on to the Arnold Press. By completing the move sat on a bench, you are taking any help from your legs out of the equation, meaning you'll work your shoulders and arms in isolation.

How to:

  1. Set a bench at a high setting so your back is upright and supported.

  2. Take a pair of moderate weight dumbbells you can safely press overhead.

  3. Bring the dumbbells either side of your head with your elbows in line with your shoulders.

  4. Press the weights overhead, pause and reverse the movement ready to repeat.

strict dumbbell shoulder press
Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press

Why: A great shoulder move for all levels, the standing position of this shoulder press variation works the core muscles more than the seated option. The upright position will put your stability and balance to the test throughout the movement.

How to:

  1. Clean your dumbbells onto your shoulders, palms facing in.

  2. Take a breath and brace your core.

  3. Press your dumbbells directly overhead until the elbows lock out.

  4. Avoid arching your back throughout the rep.

  5. Lower under control.

weights, exercise equipment, shoulder, overhead press, kettlebell, arm, dumbbell, physical fitness, standing, muscle,
Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

Dumbbell Push Press

Why: The dumbbell push press is a good starter exercise if you struggle to push the weights overhead with strict form. By using your legs, you'll be able to use slightly heavier weights. For additional strength and muscle gains, control the rep on the way down to emphasise the eccentric phase of the movement.

How to:

  1. Clean your dumbbells onto your shoulders, palms facing in.

  2. Take a breath and brace your core.

  3. Dip at the knees and use your legs to help press your dumbbells overhead.

  4. Lower under control, ready to repeat.

arm, leg, shoulder, human leg, standing, physical fitness, joint, elbow, wrist, chest,
unknown - Hearst Owned

Dumbbell Hang Clean and Press

Why: An advanced variation, the dumbbell hang clean and press uses more momentum than the Arnold press. You'll also bring the posterior chain muscles in to work, as you extend the hips and bring the dumbbells upwards.

How to:

  1. With a tight core, hinge at the hips, using the momentum to pull both bells up, bend at the elbows and pull both weights on to your shoulders.

  2. Bend at the knees, then stand back upright and drive the dumbbells upwards.

  3. Let your shoulders lock them out over your head. Lower and repeat.

landmine press
Hearst Owned

Landmine Shoulder Press

Why: This is the move you need in your shoulder-building programme according to MH fitness director Andrew Tracey. 'A simple, safe, effective pressing variation that can help you work around injuries, burst through plateaus and strengthen your core while supersizing your shoulders,' he says.

How to:

  1. With the barbell anchored at one end and loaded at the other, lift the loaded end onto your shoulder and step backwards with your leg – which is on the same side as the barbell into a reverse lunge.

  2. With the opposite foot from the barbell forward, knee high, squeeze your empty hand, contract your glutes and brace your core to create tension through your entire body.

  3. Take a deep breath, fill your torso and push the barbell away from your shoulder explosively, following the natural arc that the barbell will create. Keep your torso upright throughout and resisting any twisting motion.

Best Shoulder Workouts

  1. Build Boulder Shoulders with Just One Dumbbell and One Movement

  2. Supersize Your Shoulders With Our Four Week Plan

  3. Blow up Your Shoulders With This 420-Rep Single Dumbbell Workout

  4. This Dumbbell Workout Is Your Ticket to Boulder Shoulders

  5. The 10-Min Kettlebell Shoulder Workout

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