Apple Cider Vinegar Is A Slept-On Ingredient For Homemade Pickles

apple cider vinegar poured into a bowl
apple cider vinegar poured into a bowl - masa44/Shutterstock

Search for any recipe for homemade pickles and you're likely to stumble upon a pickle brine concoction with a base of white vinegar or rice vinegar mixed with water. The flavoring of your pickles comes from the spices you add to that mixture, while the water you use can affect the texture of the pickles. But what if you could infuse your homemade pickles with more than just the vinegar's sourness from the very start? Enter apple cider vinegar, a fruity, tangy vinegar base to try out in your next pickle brine.

You may not have thought to try it out before, but apple cider vinegar is perfectly suited to your pickles, just like any other vinegar. Simply one-to-one substitute your usual choice of vinegar for apple cider vinegar and make your pickle brine as usual. The result is a delicately fruit-flavored pickle that is difficult to achieve using any other vinegar. As long as you use apple cider vinegar with 5% acetic acid, it will be strong enough to create flavorful pickles at home.

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Perks Of Pickling With Apple Cider Vinegar

Pouring vinegar into pickling jars
Pouring vinegar into pickling jars - belekekin/Shutterstock

The main difference between apple cider vinegar and other kinds of vinegar is the taste and color. Apple cider vinegar is derived from apples, which gives it a golden color. Other vinegars like rice vinegar and white vinegar are made from grains or rice wine. Distilled white vinegar in particular is made from a grain-like alcohol, which results in its distinct, strong punch. If you crave a milder pickle that still maintains that signature tang, swapping distilled white vinegar out for apple cider vinegar is a surefire choice.

Keep in mind that the golden color of apple cider vinegar will inevitably affect the color of your pickles. But it's not unsightly or unappetizing, and it just means your pickles are absorbing all that great tangy apple flavor. In addition to this upgrade in flavor, incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet can lead to many health benefits. Apple cider vinegar is known for containing a host of gut-boosting bacteria that promote healthy digestion.

Ingredients To Pair With Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade pickles in jar
Homemade pickles in jar - kokofoundit/Shutterstock

One of the best parts of pickling is the creative journey it unlocks for your tastebuds. The usual go-to ingredients, like fresh dill and garlic cloves, are welcome, bringing fresh and zesty goodness to your pickles. Adding salt to your pickles is essential as well, and can be its own source of creativity. Truly, it's tough to go wrong with picking ingredients to add to the pickle jar. But now that you're using apple cider vinegar, you have a few new pairing options to keep in mind for your next batch of pickles.

Whole spices like mustard seeds and black peppercorns bring a fantastic contrast to your apple cider vinegar brine. The mustard seeds deliver even more tang to the pickle party while bringing a rich savory flavor, while the black peppercorns are pungent and a bit hot, yet still offer a hint of sweetness. If you like your pickles extra spicy, a pinch of red pepper flakes won't hurt either. Your tangy, sweet apple cider vinegar brine becomes infused with these powerful flavors, while still delivering a fruity-tangy twist to your homemade pickles. After you try pickling with apple cider vinegar once, you'll never sleep on it again.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.