How apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight

Photo credit: Madeleine Steinbach / 500px
Photo credit: Madeleine Steinbach / 500px

From Netdoctor

If you're trying to drop a few pounds, you will probably have heard celebrities, wellness gurus and your grandma singing the praises of apple cider vinegar, claiming the ancient elixir holds the key to weight loss.

Research shows apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, from controlling blood sugar to improving heart health. But is there any science behind drinking it for weight loss? We asked Sophie Medlin, registered dietitian and owner at City Dietitians:

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made in a similar way to cider, but rather than one fermentation, it goes through two. Firstly, you extract the juice from fresh apples and add yeast, which ferments and turn into alcohol.

Next, a bacterial foam called ‘the mother’ is added to the alcohol, which then turns into acetic acid – a short-chain fatty acid and the main active component of apple cider vinegar. The mother contains the concentrated bacteria and enzymes that gives the vinegar its alleged health powers.

Approximately five per cent of apple cider vinegar consists of acetic acid – the rest is water, and trace amounts of other acids. One tablespoon (15ml) of apple cider vinegar contains approximately three calories.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

There is little evidence to support the theory that sipping apple cider vinegar promotes weight loss. But it’s not all bad news. Some findings do suggest that acetic acid has properties that could potentially support weight loss in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise. In animal studies, acetic acid has been found to:

  • Lowers blood sugar levels

  • Lowers insulin levels

  • Increases your metabolism to boost fat-burning

  • Reduces belly and liver fat storage

  • Increases the genes responsible for fat burning

  • Suppresses parts of the brain that control appetite

All of these things point to apple cider vinegar's potential as a weight loss tool. ‘There is a small amount of evidence that apple cider vinegar aids weight loss as an appetite suppressant,’ agrees Medlin. ‘Studies suggest that it may alter the way that we absorb carbohydrates. There is also some limited evidence that it may slow down how quickly your stomach empties, which might help to keep you full for longer.’

Should you try apple cider vinegar?

Hold fire before you dash out the door and start buying apple cider vinegar for weight loss. Simply swigging apple cider vinegar every morning without any extra effort won’t do much to help you hit your goal weight. Effective weight loss requires a diet and lifestyle overhaul, and you need to combine several methods to see desired results.

Photo credit: Carol Yepes
Photo credit: Carol Yepes

‘All of these studies have been small and the research in this area isn’t well controlled for things like the timing and dose of the vinegar, or the general diet or health of the participants,’ says Medlin. ‘Which means that any health claims about apple cider vinegar are vastly exaggerated.’

‘Apple cider vinegar may help some people to feel fuller for longer and it might affect how we absorb carbohydrates when we have a very starchy meal (like pasta, rice or bread),’ adds Medlin. ‘However, the effect is likely to be very small and the risks outweigh the benefits.’

‘The studies where they looked at keeping people fuller for longer with vinegar struggled to keep people on the regimen due to issues with nausea,’ she adds. ‘It may be apple cider vinegar causes nausea and therefore stops people from eating so much.’

Apple cider vinegar side effects and dangers

Undiluted vinegar may burn the inside of your mouth and oesophagus – there have been cases of oesophageal burns from drinking apple cider vinegar. The risks of low blood sugars and low potassium are also concerns with long-term use or when used alongside some prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements.

There is also strong evidence that swigging acetic acid every day will have a detrimental effect on your teeth. ‘There have been several cases of severe dental erosion caused by apple cider vinegar in medical journals,’ says Anna Middleton from London Hygienist.

‘Often when it is being promoted, people are advised to take it first thing in the morning,’ she continues. ‘It is important to remember not to brush your teeth after taking it, as this will further affect the enamel.’

If you’re planning on taking apple cider vinegar in the morning, brush your teeth first. ‘Brushing before the acid attack is advised, with a toothpaste designed to fight acid erosion,’ adds Middleton. ‘Spit, don’t rinse, so you don’t rinse out all the toothpaste. Alternatively, rinse with a fluoride mouthwash after the acid attack to help neutralise.’

How to add apple cider vinegar to your diet

There are a few ways to include apple cider vinegar in your diet safely. You could combine it with olive oil and use it as a simple salad dressing, pickle vegetables with it, or simply add a small amount to a large glass of water and consume it that way.

If you are going to start using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, start with 5ml doses (always with water) and work your way up to a maximum of 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30ml) per day, spread out across two or three doses throughout they day. Taking more than 15ml in one go may cause nausea.

Last updated: 03-06-2020

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