Animal magic: the funniest wildlife photos you'll see today

Comedic critters



Think of wildlife photography and it might call to mind majestic images of cheetahs stalking at sunrise, soaring eagles during the salmon run or a pod of elegant orcas closing in on their prey. But sometimes, the shutter clicks and catches the animal in a far less dignified moment. The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards reliably capture these moments, and we've included eight of the funniest entries from this year's awards at the end of this gallery.

Read on for funny photos of wildlife that'll work your chuckle muscles...

Caught red-handed

<p>Patrick Hatt/Shutterstock</p>

Patrick Hatt/Shutterstock

These two sneaky bandits found themselves bang to rights when they were spied at the bottom of a suspiciously empty litter bin. Just look at that face – guilty as charged, Your Honour. The raccoons' lawyers are yet to give a statement.

We’ve all been there

<p>Mikhail Leonov/Shutterstock</p>

Mikhail Leonov/Shutterstock

This orangutan just CC'd a work email he should have BCC'd and is now contemplating leaving the country and retraining as a chimpanzee.

Animal crossing

<p>Marcel Strelow/Alamy</p>

Marcel Strelow/Alamy

It's chucking it down with rain, you forgot your umbrella and you're already late for the school run, and then you have to wait for a lizard to slowly cross the road. The day can only improve for this capybara family and their pet bird.


<p>Lea Scaddan/Shutterstock</p>

Lea Scaddan/Shutterstock

Katy the western grey kangaroo was very excited to get front-row tickets to see Taylor Swift. So much so that security had to step in when the chorus dropped for Shake It Off...

Sibling rivalry



The triplets are squabbling over the TV remote again. King Kong or Planet of the Apes? It's a tough choice. Not pictured: mama macaque screaming into the void as she stares down yet another day of torment.

Branch manager

<p>William Richardson/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards</p>

William Richardson/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards

There's supposed to be a stag in this photo, but we couldn't tell you where...

“Another pina colada, please”



This grizzly bear's out-of-office is on and she's on her fifth cocktail at the beach bar already.

“Does my bum look big in this?”



Wilbur the wolf's mona monkey took his friend's question a little too literally and is now investigating.

Happy feet



These two fluffy gentoo penguin chicks make the cutest double act. This great photo catches them skipping through the grass on the Falkland Islands like a flippered Laurel and Hardy.

Judgement day

<p>Gerard Velthuizen/Alamy</p>

Gerard Velthuizen/Alamy

Why do we feel like this giraffe is questioning every life decision we’ve ever made?

Not into PDA

<p>Charles Williams/Alamy</p>

Charles Williams/Alamy

Amy the Arctic wolf had big plans for her and Asa's romantic weekend away. But Asa just wasn't feeling it...

Rough night

<p>Lacy Brandt/Alamy</p>

Lacy Brandt/Alamy

When you have to be up early but your neighbours are blasting jungle music at full volume until the wee hours of the morning. Somebody get this toad a coffee, pronto.

A spring in his step

<p>Media Drum World/Alamy</p>

Media Drum World/Alamy

This limber lemur just remembered its payday and is celebrating with an impromptu boogie.

The floor is lava

<p>Ivan Kuzmin/Alamy</p>

Ivan Kuzmin/Alamy

Let's play a game, they said. It would be fun, they said. These common gallinules wish they'd never agreed to play hopscotch on this slimy pond. Good luck washing that off, folks.

In fine voice

<p>Wirestock, Inc./Alamy</p>

Wirestock, Inc./Alamy

It’s karaoke night for these Californian sea lions and they're practising their best rendition of Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. Long wigs and white flares are primed and ready for action, just out of shot.

Lining up the shot

<p>Arterra Picture Library/Alamy</p>

Arterra Picture Library/Alamy

This curious fox getting artsy in the Alps takes the meaning of 'wildlife photographer' to a whole other level.

On the edge

<p>Tibor Kercz/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards</p>

Tibor Kercz/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards

That feeling when you've lost control of the day and have no idea how your inbox suddenly crept up to 87 unread messages.

Bad habit

<p>Nature Picture Library/Alamy</p>

Nature Picture Library/Alamy

This young male western lowland gorilla thought no one was looking when he decided to have a cheeky dig up his nose. He was mistaken...

The end is nigh

<p>Stu Porter/Alamy</p>

Stu Porter/Alamy

If this fish is religious, now would be a good time to say a prayer.

All aboard

<p>Stu Porter/Alamy</p>

Stu Porter/Alamy

Hattie the Hippo moonlights as a water taxi service – very popular with the local terrapins and red-billed oxpeckers. She's available for all of your transportation needs and charges competitive prices.

“Vengeance will be mine!”



This very dramatic squirrel looks like it's about to summon all of the Earth's elemental energy to use against its archenemy. Or perform a passionate Shakespearean soliloquy.

Last Christmas

<p>Brian Norcross/Alamy</p>

Brian Norcross/Alamy

This wild turkey just checked its calendar. Brunch with the girls, followed by a hot date with destiny…

When you gotta go…

<p>Friedrich von Hörsten/Alamy</p>

Friedrich von Hörsten/Alamy

You gotta go! We hope there's plenty of Andrex in Kruger National Park. Bet Robert the white rhino is regretting that extra blade of grass now.

“Draw me like one of your French girls”



This lazy lion is just letting it all hang out.


If looks could kill

<p>Jiri Fejkl/Alamy</p>

Jiri Fejkl/Alamy

Count your lucky stars that you're not on the receiving end of Betty the baboon's icy glare. She leaves a trail of shattered egos wherever she goes.

In plain sight

<p>Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images</p>

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

This clan of Egyptian ducks are actually international criminal masterminds. They've been known to outsmart the FBI and now London's Metropolitan Police. Will they ever be brought to justice?

Professional procrastinator



When you have a to-do list as long as the last piece of bamboo you ate, but having a nap sounds like a far more tempting proposition.

Marching orders

<p>Jacek Stankiewicz/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023</p>

Jacek Stankiewicz/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023

This feisty little greenfinch is channelling its inner Gloria Gaynor. If it were possible to hear a photo, we know exactly how this one would sound.

Felt cute, might delete later

<p>John Balson/Alamy</p>

John Balson/Alamy

Kudos to Leonardo the llama for this very impressive selfie. Must have been tricky without thumbs.

Shocking behaviour

<p>Jan Stria/Shutterstock</p>

Jan Stria/Shutterstock

We’re not sure what’s gone on here, but we can only assume this ground squirrel just watched the bathtub scene from Saltburn. Thank goodness he has an emotional support carrot to get him through this confusing time.

Morning yoga

<p> GmbH & Co. KG/Alamy</p> GmbH & Co. KG/Alamy

A good stretch is always the best way to start the day.

My nest, my rules

<p>Mark Schocken/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023</p>

Mark Schocken/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023

This owl parent seems to be laying down the law but their offspring is showing typical adolescent indifference.

Whatcha got there?

<p>Kumar Sriskandan/Alamy</p>

Kumar Sriskandan/Alamy

This penguin seems mightily fascinated by the camera.

Bear as bard?

<p>Torie Hilley/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022</p>

Torie Hilley/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

If this little bear cub is hoping to be a future Shakespeare, someone needs to teach him how to hold a quill.

In perfect harmony

<p>John Lund/Alamy</p>

John Lund/Alamy

Who's going to give these zebras a record deal?

You want me to share?

<p>Corinne Kozok/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022</p>

Corinne Kozok/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

If this guillemot was hoping for a quiet dinner for one he probably should have looked for another landing spot.

Camel influencers



These Bactrian camels are pushing the floral wreath look for this season.

Model looks

<p>Saverio Gatto/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022</p>

Saverio Gatto/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

Life is a catwalk for these preening lappet-faced vultures.

Giraffes in love



Every day seems to be Valentine’s Day for these two long-necked lovebirds.

I thought I was supposed to be good at this

<p>Jennifer Hadley/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022</p>

Jennifer Hadley/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

It seems those legendary cat reflexes have yet to develop in this three-month-old lion cub.

When I agreed to babysit this was not what I had in mind

<p>FUN IS FUN/Shutterstock</p>

FUN IS FUN/Shutterstock

This cat seems less than amused at having been put in charge of these ducklings. Perhaps she’s worried that they’re going to ask her for swimming lessons.

"Greedy, moi?"



If sharing is caring, then this panda is as apathetic as can be.

Three’s a crowd

<p>Deena Sveinns/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Deena Sveinns/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

Looks like someone has been left out in the cold. Awww!

Holding on for a ride

<p>Alexander Fine/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Alexander Fine/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

These bear cubs are going to be disappointed if they expect mama to give them a piggy back.

Slow hands

<p>Harry Collins/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Harry Collins/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

This sloth is hoping to be the next Eric Clapton.

Laughing out loud

<p>Ingo Hamann/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Ingo Hamann/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

Whatever the joke is, we’d love to be in on it.

Three heads are better than one

<p>John Mullineux/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

John Mullineux/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

Some people accuse giraffes of having small brains, so this trio decided that shared knowledge was the way forward.


<p>Tilan Weerasin/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Tilan Weerasin/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

This cheeky bird knows how to grab the spotlight!

Watch out for that tree

<p>Mark Koster/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Mark Koster/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

Looks like the GPS has gone a bit haywire for this unfortunate mallard.

Pick meeee!

<p>Thomas van Puymbroeck/Nikon Comedy Wildlife</p>

Thomas van Puymbroeck/Nikon Comedy Wildlife

We all remember this feeling from school PE lessons. Let’s hope this little chap gets selected soon.

Now check out the world's ugliest animals we can't help but love