The angel number 224 is a sign to ask yourself what you want

directly above view of some wooden numbers on gray background
What does the angel number 224?Javier Zayas Photography

If you’ve ever felt like a certain number is following you everywhere, you’re not necessarily imagining things. In numerology, these are called angel numbers, which are repetitive digits, patterns, or sequences said to carry messages from the universe. What kinds of messages, you may ask? Well, it depends on the specific angel number, but generally, they offer guidance on the next steps you should take in life.

There are all different types of angel numbers: personalized number sequences, like your birthday; stepping stone numbers, like 123; backwards numbers, like 321; and, more commonly, repetitive numbers, like 777 or 1111. But ICYDK, angel numbers don’t always have to fall into one of these categories—such as in the case of 224 (unless your birthday is February 24, of course).

If you’re here, it probably means you’ve seen the angel number 224 once or twice, whether that’s on grocery receipts, license plates, or even your electric bill. And if you’ve been seeing that number all the time lately, you’re in luck—according to numerologists, 224 is a powerful and positive angel number that holds a lot of meaning for the life you want to create for yourself. 'Harnessing the power of 224 is all about thinking about what you want in life, and then applying that vision,' says Emily Ridout, a numerologist and author of AstroYoga for an Aquarian Age.

Below, numerologists unpack the special meaning behind 224 in numerology, including what it means for your love life, career, and spiritual journey. Plus, why you might be seeing this angel number everywhere and how to encompass its unique energy to go for what you really want in life.

What does 224 mean?

To understand what 224 means, it’s important to first take a look at what both two and four mean individually. In numerology, the number two indicates a sense of duality, Ridout says. Think yin and yang, feminine and masculine, hot and cold… you get the gist. Two also represents peace, balance, intuition, and relationships.

In another vein, the number four symbolizes reordering or grounding. If you’re into reading tarot, you likely already know that: 'When you look at the tarot, the number four is associated with The Emperor, which literally means ‘the one who sets in order,’' Ridout explains.

The double two in the angel number 224 is also significant. 'Double digits amplify the energy that’s already present, making us notice those energies more,' Novalee Wilder, a numerologist and host of The Numerology Podcast, says. 'In particular, 22 is a reminder to come to the present moment and not get stuck in old patterns.'

Generally speaking, 224 is an invitation to look at your life and evaluate whether it’s what you’ve envisioned for yourself—and if it’s not, it can act as a suggestion to do something about it. '224 is almost like a dare to take what you’ve been served up by life and decide to exact your vision upon the life you’re now living,' Ridout says.

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It’s all about taking ownership of your life, Wilder adds: 'You can change the state you’re in. If you want more love or more grace or more peace, how much space for that is in your life?'

What does 224 mean in love?

Whether you’re scrolling through dating apps, in a committed relationship, or healing from a tough split, spotting the angel number 224 can be a sign from Cupid to evaluate your love life. 'When it comes to love, 224 is an invitation to ask yourself what patterns have been playing out in your love life and if those patterns actually match with the vision you have of love,' says Ridout. So, what does that mean exactly?

  • If you’re single: Is there room for an extra toothbrush in your bathroom cabinet? If you’re single and ready to mingle, seeing 224 is a sign to think about how a relationship may fit into your life, Wilder suggests. Do you have space and time for a relationship, or do you perhaps need to reshift your priorities?

  • If you’re in a relationship: Still in the honeymoon phase? 'Revel in it,' Wilder says. 'When things are good, let them be good and be grateful for that.' Alternatively, if your relationship is going south or you’re noticing red flags, it might be time to set new boundaries or ask yourself if that relationship is fulfilling your needs, says Ridout.

  • If you’re going through a breakup: 224 can also serve as a reminder to be gentle with yourself, according to Wilder. 'Don’t allow your past relationship or negative experience with an ex to make you tough, hard, or bitter. Even the worst relationships are not true failures,' she says. Use your previous relationship as a learning lesson: What are you looking for in your next relationship? What can you do better next time? What do you really want in a romantic partner, and how do you like to give an

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What does 224 mean for my career and finances?

Feeling like your career (or bank account) is in a standstill? If you’re unhappy in your job or can’t stop comparing your financial situation to your friends’, 224 can serve as a reminder to do what makes you happy, regardless of what your parents, boss, or even society wants. 'It’s an invitation to dismantle ideas of success that are not your ideas of success for you,' says Ridout.

Even if you’re content with where you’re at, 224 can also be an opportunity to look at other related facets of your life. Sure, work is going well, but maybe you’ve accumulated a nest egg of PTO and it’s time for a vacay. Or perhaps you enjoy your 9-5 job, but you’ve secretly been toying with the idea of giving a creative side hustle a try. Whatever's on your mind, consider 224 your permission to lean into it.

What does 224 mean for me spiritually?

Ultimately, 224 is all about creating the life you want for yourself—and that goes for your spiritual life, too. 'It’s all about being specific with your spiritual needs,' says Wilder. Are you wanting to explore your spirituality more? Do you feel like you want to meditate more, get back into journaling, try a new yoga class, or even just go outside and touch grass? Whatever it is, your guardian angels are telling you to connect with yourself on a deeper level.

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How can I harness the power of 224?

If you keep seeing the angel number 224 everywhere you turn, take it as an invitation from the universe to evaluate where you are in life and then build the life you actually want for yourself. When it comes down to it, 224 is all about grabbing life by the horns. 'Take profound accountability for what has shown up thus far in your life without creating a sense of shame or blame,' explains Ridout. 'Things happen in life, but [224 is] an invitation to acknowledge [those things] and then choose how you’ll move forward. There’s freedom in that.'

And once you know what you want? Show up as who you are and go for it, Wilder says—after all, the universe has your back.

Meet the experts: Emily Ridout is a numerologist and the author of AstroYoga for an Aquarian Age. Novalee Wilder is a numerologist and host of The Numerology Podcast.

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