Andi Peters in single-word response as he's cut off by Kate Garraway live on Good Morning Britain

Kate Garraway on Good Morning Britain
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Good Morning Britain's Andi Peters had a brief-but-memorable moment live on air when he responded with a direct "Sorry! " after being called out by his co-presenter Kate Garraway.

His co-host Kate playfully reprimanded Andi after he got caught up in a chat with Charlotte Hawkins rather than paying attention during the live broadcast. The incident happened on Friday's instalment, fronted by Kate and Robert Rinder, was delivering the scoop on an incredible competition where viewers could bag themselves a hefty £250,000.

Kate playfully narrated how Andi, evidently buzzing about the prize, got so engrossed in gabbing with Charlotte that he momentarily neglected the live segment. "Andi is so excited about the prize," Kate declared as she observed him deeply engaged with his colleague.

Andi Peters and Charlotte Hawkins on Good Morning Britain
Andi was complimenting Charlotte on her bright orange attire -Credit:ITV

Ready to fill viewers in on the details, Andi was snapped out of his off-screen discussion thanks to Kate's spirited call-out. "Sorry! " he chimed in across the studio, then joking with Charlotte over her vibrant outfit choice, telling Kate: "I was just telling Charlotte she looks like she's been tangoed."

Charlotte, dressed in an eye-catching orange dress, acknowledged his cheeky comment, to which Kate, wearing an equally bright pink top, added, "We're a couple of highlighter pens this morning, Charlotte and I."

The cheerful on-screen exchange contrasted with the poignant moment during Thursday's episode when Kate tried to compose herself during an emotional interview. She and Rob hosted Tara and Martin Cosser, who spoke touchingly about their son Charlie, a victim of knife crime, and their campaign for more stringent laws, reports the Express.

The broadcaster asked: "And your own grief, you know the centre of that sort of stone that ripples out ... people react in different ways. How have you tried to manage the last year and what do you want people to know about how hard it is, really? ".

Kate Garraway and Derek Draper
Kate opened up about her grief on Good Morning Britain this week -Credit:Instagram

Tara explained: "Martin and I grieve in very different ways. I feel comfort ... well, not comfort ... but I want to be at home. You know that's where Charlie was, all my memories."

"That's too painful for Martin - he wants to escape. So you know we don't actually spend a huge [amount] of time together in the house. It's just a very, very lonely place because no one can possibly understand unless you've been through this."

Kate, who seemed to choke back tears during the interview, is far too familiar with grief as her husband Derek Draper died aged 56 in January following a lengthy battle with COVID-19.