Can this Ancient Japanese philosophy help you find true joy?


On the Japanese island of Okinawa, people live longer than anywhere else in the world. And the key to the the island's longevity, which has the highest concentration of centenarians in the world, is finding your ‘ikigai’.

Ikigai is an ancient Japanese philosophy that helps people find meaningful activities in their lives. The term combines "iki" (life) and "gai" (reason) and loosely translates to “the happiness of always being busy.”

"Our ikigai is different for each of us, but one thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning,” explains Hector Garcia, co-author of The Ikigai Method: The Secrets of Japanese Philosophy for a Long and Happy Life. And Ikigai helps us to bring harmony between our bodies and our minds, encouraging us to find activities we excel in, enjoy, and that benefits others.


To discover your Ikigai, you need to consider these four things: activities you love; activities the world needs; activities you can get paid for and activities you do well. Creating lists for each category can help identify an activity that intersects all four. This could be a hobby, sport, or career.

"Ikigai urges people to simplify their lives by pursuing what brings them joy," explains Marie Kondo, the decluttering expert and advocate of the method. And she believes that by focusing on these lifestyle habits, you can find a fulfilling purpose that enhances both your life and also the lives of those around you.

READ: How to feel happier with very little effort

Marie Kondo, the decluttering expert is a big advocate of Ikigai.
Marie Kondo, the decluttering expert is a big advocate of Ikigai.

Here are the 10 rules of ‘Ikigai,’ from the authors of The Ikigai Method:

1. Stay active and never retire: By embracing a lifelong engagement with activities you love, even for work, means that you will never want to retire, helping to keep you feeling young and happy.

2. Slow down for quality living: According to Ikigai, rushing through life diminishes its richness so you must savour every moment and enhance life's meaning through deliberate living.

3. Eat mindfully: Think quality over quantity when embracing your diet and opt for satisfaction over excess. Many centenarians advise enjoying meals to 80% capacity, which emphasises the long-term happiness that mindful consumption brings.

4. Cultivate friendships: It is well known that nurturing relationships is key for finding true happiness and longevity. In Okinawa, centenarians thrive through community bonds and friendly competitions so get out there and get social.

5. Exercise: It’s a no-brainer for finding those endorphin highs, so it’s no wonder that the Japanese philosophy encourages us to prepare for each birthday with a fitness goal.

6. Embrace smiles: Acknowledge life's challenges while cherishing its opportunities. The co-authors, García and Miralles remind us that gratitude for the present enriches daily life.

7. Reconnect with nature: Even amid urban settings, nature refreshes our minds and spirits. Walking outdoors will boost productivity, mood, and memory, and of course give us an essential break from our daily routines.

8. Practice gratitude: Reflect on life's blessings. Express appreciation for family, friends, and personal achievements to cultivate happiness and contentment.

9. Live in the moment: Release past regrets and future anxieties. Remember that everyday is a gift to cherish, and make each moment memorable and meaningful.

10. Follow your Ikigai: Discover and pursue your passion. Finding your purpose enriches life with happiness and fulfilment, guiding each day towards personal and collective wellbeing.

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