Americans, Share A Photo Of The Most “Futuristic” Thing You’ve Seen In Another Country That You Wish Existed In The US

It's no secret that there are countries around the world that have some of the coolest — and most ingenious — inventions for people that haven't even hit the US.

A person makes a surprised expression, like they're curious to know more

So, Americans, we want to see your own travel photo of the most "futuristic" thing that you've seen in another country.

Person with backpack watching airplane take off from airport terminal window
Natnan Srisuwan / Getty Images

Like, maybe you've been to Aruba and got to try one of these machines that applies sunscreen for you by spraying it evenly on your body.

Outdoor wooden machine with a curved top and digital operation panel on a beachfront
u/relytyler11700 / Via

Perhaps you were blown away by the endless amount of food hacks in Japan — like this handle that makes it 1,000x easier to carry a pizza box.

Person holding a pizza box using a handle on top
u/SaekoZ2 / Via

Or maybe you've visited Norway and got to ride a SELF-DRIVING bus and can share just how fascinating the ride was.

Yellow autonomous shuttle bus with open door on urban street in Norway
u/norwegianlife / Via

Or perhaps you traveled to Romania and loved these book vending machines and think they need to come to the US immediately.

Vending machine stocked with a variety of books including fiction and biographies
u/BlueCl0ud / Via

Orrr maybe you spotted some wildy interesting inventions in the Netherlands — like this area at a train station where you can swing to charge your phone.

Swing set inside a train station with blurred motion of people swinging
u/Suckerburg1 / Via

In the comments below, share a photo of the most "futuristic" thing you've seen in a country you've traveled to that you WISH existed in the US. Be sure to describe what it is, where it's from, and what your experience was like. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.