AI-Powered Robot Sets Rubik's Cube Solving World Record

Engineers at Mitsubishi Electric have built a remarkable AI-powered robot that can solve a Rubik’s Cube in a world record 0.305 seconds. The robot is equipped with high-speed, high-precision factory automation (FA) equipment and control technology. Its time of 0.305 seconds beat the previous record of 0.38 seconds, for which Mitsubishi Electric received a Guinness World Records certificate in May. The TOKUI Fast Accurate Synchronized Motion Testing Robot (TOKUFASTbot) named by its engineer, can perform a 90° rotation time of 0.009 seconds thanks to its rotation mechanism which has signal-responsive servomotors, and a colour-recognition algorithm developed with proprietary AI technology. The robot’s time is more than ten times faster than the fastest human time - . Max Park set a world record for solving a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube in 3.13 seconds in 2023.