9 of the healthiest meal plans for every nutritional goal

9 healthy meal plans for every nutrition goalmonkeybusinessimages

Healthy meal plans are the mid-week saviours when it comes to Wednesday evening, you've worked or gymmed late and the thought of thinking about breakfast, lunch and dinner the following day seems overwhelming, to say the very least.

Outside of being a handy resource, healthy meal plans can also be a great way to make sure you're eating a balanced and nutrient dense range of foods - great news for those of you who find it difficult to shake the 'tried and tested' route when it comes to oats, grilled chicken and broccoli. There's a whole lentil and salmon filled world out there, people!

We've rounded up nine of our favourite healthy meal plans with a deep dive on a two week plan that'll help shake the cobwebs off your meal prep routine and have you feeling back-to-best in no time.

What is a healthy daily meal plan?

However, before we go deep on getting you sorted, there are some considerations to take into account.

Firstly, what should you actually be looking for when selecting a meal plan? How can you know that the plan that worked for your book-club buddy is suitable or appropriate for you and your goals?

'If the claims sound drastic or too good to be true then they probably are,' says WH resident nutritionist Jenna Hope. 'Avoid meal plans that demonise food groups or cut out macronutrients. Instead, ensure that the meal plan is going to fit with your lifestyle and your food choices; rearranging your lifestyle to eat food which you don’t enjoy is unsustainable and therefore you’re more likely to fall into the binge/restrict diet cycle.'

'Finally, if you’re left feeling hungry and unsatisfied then please seek more personalised professional dietary advice as under eating may cause health complications in the future,' cautions Hope.

Your WH approved 2 week healthy meal plan

Week 1



Breakfast: Peanut butter and strawberry overnight oats.

Lunch: Pack of Merchant Gourmet Wholewheat Giant Couscous with roasted pepper, red onion and courgette, 30g feta and 2 handfuls of rocket.

Dinner: Courgette, feta and mint frittata (2 medium courgettes, grated; handful fresh mint leaves, chopped, 1 small onion, finely chopped, salt and pepper, glug of olive oil, 8 eggs, pinch of cayenne pepper)

  1. Preheat the grill, then chuck the courgette, mint and onion in a bowl, season and stir.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan, then add the courgette and onion mixture. Fry for 5 mins until soft.

  3. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with the cayenne pepper, then crumble in the feta. Add to the frying pan and cook for 4-5 mins until the egg begins to set on the base. Put the pan under the grill and heat the frittata until golden.

  4. Place a plate upside down over the pan then flip it over so the frittata falls onto the plate. Serve with sliced chillies and mixed green leaves.

Snack: 2 boiled eggs


Breakfast: 150g Greek yoghurt, 2 handfuls of mixed berries, 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds.

Lunch: Courgette, feta and mint frittata.

Dinner: Baked paprika-spiced chicken with asparagus (6 sprays of olive oil; 2 chicken breasts; paprika; salt and pepper; 300g asparagus; 2 corn cobs; 1 avocado, sliced).

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Spray the oil on the chicken and season with paprika, salt and pepper.

  2. Cook the chicken breast for 25 minutes or until the juices run clear.

  3. Meanwhile, steam the asparagus and corn.

  4. Serve the chicken breast with the avocado, asparagus and corn on the cob.

Snack: 2 tbsp hummus with carrot sticks.


Breakfast: Banana overnight oats

Lunch: Baked paprika-spiced chicken with asparagus

Dinner: Lentil and tomato soup (1 tsp ground cumin; 1 tsp ground coriander; 1 tbsp olive oil; 1 red onion, finely diced; salt and pepper; 2 garlic cloves, crushed; 100g red lentils; 300ml chicken or vegetable stock; 400g tin of chopped tomatoes; natural yoghurt, to serve).

  1. In a large pan, dry-fry the cumin and coriander over a medium heat for 30 secs, then add the olive oil. Pop the diced onion in with a pinch of salt and sauté for 5 mins.

  2. Throw in the garlic and cook, stirring for 1 minute, the add the lentils.

  3. Add the stock and tomatoes, bring to a simmer and let the soup cook for 20 minutes.

  4. Season with salt and pepper at the end and top with a dollop of yoghurt.

Snack: 1 tbsp almond butter on 2 oatcakes


Breakfast: Smoothie made from 50g strawberries, 1 frozen ripe banana, 100g natural Greek yoghurt, 300ml almond milk, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tsp cinnamon.

Lunch: Lentil and tomato soup.

Dinner: Lamb and courgette skewers (recipe next day)

Snack: Peanut butter and chia energy ball (90g rolled oats; 130g peanut butter; 2 tbsp honey; 1 tbsp chia seeds; handful of cacao nibs).

  1. Mix the ingredients ina . bowl then roll it into bite-sized balls. Refrigerate to set.


Breakfast: Smoothie made from 1/2 frozen mango, 1/2 frozen avocado, 2 handfuls of spinach, 300ml unsweetened soya milk, juice of 1/2 lime.

Lunch: Lamb and courgette skewers (1 tbsp olive oil; 300g lamb, diced with fat removed; 2 tsp ground cumin; salt and pepper; 2 courgettes; 2 red onions; 400g green veg of your choice, steamed).

  1. Preheat the grill to high. Rub the oil over the lamb then rub in the cumin and a pinch of salt and pepper.

  2. Chop the courgette and onion into bite-sized chunks and feed alternate slices of meat, courgette and onion on to your skewers.

  3. Season the kebabs and place them under the grill - cook for 6 mins, turning once. Serve alongside steamed green veg.

Dinner: 2 mackerel fillets served with 50g steamed kale and 100g brown rice.

Snack: 30g dark chocolate.


Breakfast: 2 large eggs, scrambled and 1/2 avocado on a slice of wholegrain toast.

Lunch: Mackerel with kale and brown rice.

Dinner: Grilled chicken with chickpeas, spinach and butternut squash (1 chicken breast; 1 butternut squash, diced; 1 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 garlic clove, minced; 300g spinach; 400g tin of chickpeas; 2 tbsp ground cumin).

  1. Grill the chicken, the shred it.

  2. Meanwhile, steam the squash, then heat the olive oil and garlic in a frying pan over a high heat for 2 mins. Smells good, doesn't it.

  3. Add the spinach, squash, shredded chicken, chickpeas and cumin to the pan.

  4. Stir constantly until the spinach fully wilts and the chickpeas heat through, then dish up.

Snack: An apple with 1 tbsp almond butter.


Breakfast: Three ingredient pancakes made from 1 ripe banana, 2 eggs and 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Top with Greek yoghurt, berries and seeds.

Lunch: Grilled chicken with chickpeas, spinach and butternut squash.

Dinner: Broccoli and bean soup (1 head of broccoli; 1 tbsp olive oil; 4 garlic cloves, chopped; 1 tbsp ground cumin; salt and pepper; 200g spinach; 400g tin of cannellini beans; juice of 1 lemon; handful of fresh coriander; 600ml vegetable stock).

  1. Chop the broccoli into small pieces.

  2. Heat the oil in a pan, then add the garlic, cumin, salt and pepper.

  3. Add the broccoli and cook until tender.

  4. Stir in the spinach and let it wilt.

  5. Add the mixture to a blender with the beans, lemon juice, coriander, stock and a pinch of salt. Blitz, then serve.

Snack: 2 tbsp beetroot and white bean dip with cucumber sticks.

Week 2



Breakfast: Peanut butter and banana overnight oats (50g jumbo oats; 2 tbsp natural yoghurt; 1/2 apple, coarsely grated; 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon; 150ml milk; 1 tbsp chia seeds. To serve: peanut butter, sliced strawberry, banana).

  1. The night before, put all the ingredients in a jar and stir, then put in the fridge. In the morning add any toppings or extra yoghurt.

Lunch: Broccoli and bean soup.

Dinner: 2 baked salmon fillets, 2 medium sweet potatoes, 1 pepper, 1 courgette, 1 red onion and a handful of cherry tomatoes, all chopped and roasted.

Snack: 2 tbsp hummus with carrot sticks.


Breakfast: Strawberry overnight oats.

Lunch: Baked salmon fillet with roast vegetables and sweet potato.

Dinner: Beetroot, feta and chickpea salad.

Snack: Handful of almonds and an apple (400g tin of chickpeas; 80g feta, crumbled; 4 beetroot, sliced; 2 spring onions, chopped; 1 small bag of spinach; juice of 1/2 lemon; glug of olive oil).

  1. Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and serve.


Breakfast: 2 poached eggs on a slice of wholegrain toast.

Lunch: Beetroot, feta and chickpea salad.

Dinner: Chicken and vegetable soup (1 tbsp olive oil; 3 large onions, chopped; 8 garlic cloves, chopped; 40g fresh ginger, chopped; 8 chicken breasts; 6 large carrots, chopped; 2ltr chicken stock; 3 large courgettes, chopped; 1 large green or white cabbage, shredded; crusty whole grain bread, to serve - optional).

  1. This one makes 6-8 portions - so clear room in your fridge.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over a medium heat and gently sauté the onion, garlic and ginger until soft.

  3. Add the chicken breasts and carrots to the pan and pour over the stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.

  4. Fish out the chicken and add the courgette and cabbage. Simmer for 10 minutes.

  5. Meanwhile, shred the chicken into large pieces, using a knife and fork, then return it to the pan, before ladling up.

Snack: 2 tbsp beetroot and white bean dip with cucumber sticks.


Breakfast: 150g Greek yoghurt topped with passion fruit.

Lunch: Chicken and vegetable soup.

Dinner: Sweet potato jackets with tuna (2 sweet potatoes; 185g tin of tuna, drained; 1/2 red onion, finely sliced; 1 small red chilli, sliced; juice of 1 lime; 6 tbsp Greek yoghurt; handful of coriander leaves).

  1. Prick the potatoes with a fork and microwave until tender - roughly 12 mins.

  2. Split in half and top with the rest of the ingredients.

Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs.


Breakfast: 2 slices of wholegrain toast, topped with 2 heaped tbsp almond butter and chia jam (4 tbsp chia seeds; 1 heaped tsp beetroot powder; 100ml Press London Orchard 1 Strawberry, Apple, Lemon, Mint juice or any red fruit juice).

  1. In a bowl, stir the chia seeds and beetroot powder through the strawberry juice. Let this thicken for 5 mins, stirring regularly.

Lunch: Sweet potato jackets with tuna.

Dinner: Broccoli and bean soup.

Snack: 30g dark chocolate.


Breakfast: Smoothie made from 1/2 frozen mango, 1/2 frozen avocado; 2 handfuls of spinach; 300 ml unsweetened soya milk, juice of 1/2 lime).

Lunch: Broccoli and bean soup.

Dinner: Chickpea, pumpkin and coconut curry (1 tbsp coconut oil; 1 onion, thinly sliced; 500g pumpkin, deseeded, peeled and cut into 3cm cubes; 100ml madras cooking sauce; 350ml coconut milk; 400g tin of chickpeas, rinsed and drained; handful of spinach; 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander, to serve; brown rice, to serve).

  1. Heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring for 3-4 mins or until the onion softens. Add the pumpkin, madras sauce and coconut milk and bring to the boil.

  2. Reduce the heat to low and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, for 12-15 mins/until the pumpkin is tender.

  3. Pop in the chickpeas and spinach. Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes or until the spinach wilts. Remove from the heat.

  4. Sprinkle with coriander and serve with brown rice.

Snack: 150g yoghurt and raspberries.


Breakfast: Chia seed porridge (30g oats; 300ml almond milk; 2 tbsp chia seeds; handful of nuts; 1 banana, chopped; 1 tbsp coconut flakes or dessicated coconut).

  1. Place the oats and almond milk in a small saucepan and heat for 5 mins until thick.

  2. Turn off the heat and stir in the chia seeds.

  3. Top with nuts, chopped banana and coconut.

Lunch: Chickpeak, pumpkin and coconut curry.

Dinner: 2 pesto-topped cod fillets, baked, 200g broccoli and 350g new potatoes.

Snack: 1 tbsp almond butter on 2 oatcakes.

Kayla Itsines one day meal plan

Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Vegetarian food, Vegetable, Superfood, Vegan nutrition, Meal, Crudités,
Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Vegetarian food, Vegetable, Superfood, Vegan nutrition, Meal, Crudités,

Queen of Instagram and founder of Sweat with Kayla and BBG, Kayla Itsines, knows how to make good food healthy.

Days: One

Key ingredients: Berries, quinoa, figs, beetroot, chicken, pitta bread, prawns, green veg.

Get Kayla Itsines' meal plan here

High protein meal plan

Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Salad, Leaf vegetable, Lunch, Produce, Meal, Cruciferous vegetables,
Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Salad, Leaf vegetable, Lunch, Produce, Meal, Cruciferous vegetables,

One we borrowed from our brother mag Men's Health, this plan packs in all of the post-gym protein you'll need to thrive.

Days: One

Key ingredients: Eggs, salmon, flaxseed, berries, spinach, turkey, protein powder, green veg.

Get the high-protein meal plan here

The Detox Kitchen 'Skin Food' meal plan


Less of a do-it-yourself number and more of a 'sizeable investment', the Detox Kitchen skin-focused plan promises to improve your diet and complexion in one fell swoop. If you've £420 going spare and a penchant for facials - a thrown in bonus - get around the plan that made the Women's Health fashion director feel 'lighter and brighter.'

Days: 10 days

Key ingredients: Almonds, beetroot, lentils, kale, cacao

Get the Detox Kitchen's 'Skin Food' meal plan here

The Body Coach simple healthy eating plan

High Protein Breakfasts - Fritatta
High Protein Breakfasts - Fritatta

Another Instagram star, the Body Coach has a plethora of cookbooks and therefore healthy recipes for you to choose from. Try his plan for a simple solution to your healthy eating woes. Don't forget the Lucy Bee Coconut oil...

Days: Two (meal options for rest and training days)

Key foods: Sweet potatoes, spinach, salmon, eggs, red cabbage, prawns, rocket, aubergine.

Get The Body Coach's simple healthy eating plan here

De-bloating meal plan

Green, Food, Pea soup, Dish, Vegetable juice, Leek soup, Cuisine, Sorrel soup, Soup, Potage,
Green, Food, Pea soup, Dish, Vegetable juice, Leek soup, Cuisine, Sorrel soup, Soup, Potage,

We get it; bloating is the worst. Enter the three-day de-bloating plan to help flatten out and calm your sore tummy.

Days: Three

Key foods: Avocado, eggs, rocket, sweet potatoes, hummus, peas, bananas, chicken, beansprouts, spinach.

Get the de-bloating meal plan here

Get back to balance two-week meal plan


Each day of this two week plan seeks to help you hit your nutritional recommended daily amounts (as specified by the NHS) - e.g. less than 70g of fat, than 20g of saturates, eating at least 260g of carbs, 90gs of sugar, 50g of protein and less than 6g of salt.

Days: Fourteen

Key foods: Butter beans, sweet potato, wholegrain pasta and sourdough, spinach, lentils.

Get the balanced two week meal plan here

The WW Flex meal plan


WW Flex, the rebranded child of Weight Watchers, is their latest plan designed to help participants lose weight sustainably - just as they helped celebs like Oprah, Kate Hudson and Jennifer Hudson when they joined the plan. A revised version of Weight Watchers, WW Flex uses a Smart Points system whereby you tot up the nutrient dense food you're consuming with the option to bank some leeway for weekends, date nights and get togethers.

Days: Ongoing

Key foods: Eggs, fresh fish, lentils, tofu, yoghurt, sweetcorn.

Get the WW Flex meal plan here

One day fat-burning meal plan

Food, Dish, Cuisine, Ingredient, Burrata, Vegetarian food, Recipe, À la carte food, Plate, Produce,
Food, Dish, Cuisine, Ingredient, Burrata, Vegetarian food, Recipe, À la carte food, Plate, Produce,

After metabolism-boosting healthy meal plans? Consider this the HIIT of the meal plan world, guaranteed to have your body burning fat faster than you can say "quinoa".

Days: One

Key foods: Broccoli, salmon, rice, eggs, quinoa, pineapple, yoghurt, sweet potatoes, venison.

Get the one day fat burning meal plan here

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