89 Ridiculously Dumb Things People Posted Online This Year That Honestly Have Me Thinking The Internet Was A Mistake

1.This person forgot about sports existing outside of America.

"europeans will never get to experience having grown men yell at the screen like they're coaching the team watching football"
Posted byu/J-TownVsTheCity / Via reddit.com

2.This commenter didn't understand how long a week was.

Image meme with text: "When my colorblind husband dresses our 25-week-old son." Comment says, "Why 25 weeks ?‍♀️ it’s 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!"
u/fragasaurus_rex / Via reddit.com

3.This person thought there was no one in the land that would become the United States before colonists arrived.

Online discussion comparing Belgium's dense population due to limited land with the U.S.'s low density and historical land availability
u/alice-pinho / Via reddit.com

4.This person thought people only use military time during a war.

Tweet expressing annoyance at people using military time during a trip to Berlin, emphasizing that the war is over
u/sanandrios / Via reddit.com

5.Relatedly, this person had a "light bulb" moment about military time they needed to share.

Text from an individual learning about European time, humorously realizing how to convert military time to standard by subtracting 2 and erasing the 1
u/Sereaning / Via reddit.com

6.This person was certainly no nutritionist.

Tweet with a unicorn avatar reads: "If eating fruits is healthy, then soda drinks are essential nutrients." Followed by an eye-roll emoji
u/ifeellost_wav / Via reddit.com

7.This person thought Wi-Fi didn't use the internet.

  u/romeovf / Via reddit.com
u/romeovf / Via reddit.com

8.This person claimed that "very little has art ever been political."

Online comment thread discussing whether art is political, with users debating the topic
u/Legion_of_ferret / Via reddit.com

9.This person was just really, really wrong about the sun.

Image contains a text post discussing how the Sun was once perceived as orange and argues that it has been replaced with a different sun
u/SuitableJelly5149 / Via reddit.com

10.As was this person.

Two comments: One claims the sun is a projection with unchanging color; the other argues the sun emits every color, referencing prisms and rainbows
u/Wizard_john10 / Via reddit.com

11.This person forgot Hawaii is a part of the US.

"goodbye united states, hello hawaii"
u/EggplantDevourer / Via reddit.com

12.This post was just a train wreck.

Screenshot of a social media post with three comments discussing grammar nuances in a humorous manner

13.And this whole post is just a mess all around.

The image shows a social media post where a user seeks advice on treating a leg wound, followed by various comments suggesting remedies
u/NeverEndingWalker64 / Via reddit.com

14.This person was just really, really confused.

A screenshot shows a conversation. Person A asks "What's your ethnicity?" Person B replies "I was born in Nepal." Person A reacts with "Damn that's what's up" and "So you speak Napoleon?"
u/No_Maybe5293 / Via reddit.com

15.This person thought "Mexican" was a language.

"they just fluent in Mexican"
u/Individual_Milk4559 / Via reddit.com

16.This person thought you could put silverware in the microwave.

The image shows a screenshot of a humorous social media comment thread discussing the quality and cost of a fork
u/BrockObammer / Via reddit.com

17.This person couldn't distinguish between Austria and Australia, even when corrected.

Social media exchange where a user mistakenly claims Vienna is in Australia; corrected with a map showing Vienna in Austria
u/onablanketwithmybaby / Via reddit.com

18.This person asked a very dumb question.

Reddit post asking if Australians have trouble understanding Americans, with a personal anecdote shared
u/damnumalone / Via reddit.com

19.This person thought the only difference between a hurricane and a tornado was severity.

Social media conversation: A user mistakenly calls a hurricane a "category six tornado." Another corrects, explaining hurricanes and tornadoes are different
u/Friendstastegood / Via reddit.com

20.This person was hilariously clueless about hair parting. Do they think all hair on your head grows from one line???

"How did she move where her hair was growing from?"

21.This person really, really didn't understand the term "median."

Comment thread explaining that median is not the average income, with a humorous correction about the misunderstanding of "median."
i-am-a-passenger / Via reddit.com

22.This person suggested that the government controls the weather.

Social media post questioning recent weather patterns, with a link to the Met Office dismissing government weather control theories
u/whatacunt8 / Via reddit.com

23.This person decided to share their foolish conspiracy theory.

Three screen captures show mistranslations between English and Latin through an app, resulting in nonsensical phrases
u/theresnoanswer / Via reddit.com

24.This person got annoyed someone on the BBC had a British accent.

BBC video with comment "can you do this report with someone who doesn't have a british accent" and reply "BBC...BRITISH broadcasting company"
u/actually-bulletproof / Via reddit.com

25.This person thought that ADHD was "a part of the autism spectrum."

Comment conversation about ADHD and autism spectrum, with one person mistakenly claiming ADHD is part of the autism spectrum and another correcting them
u/Maddi-The-Baddi / Via reddit.com

26.This person failed to understand time zones.

A Twitter exchange humorously debates the influence of musician Drake, noting time zones and perceptions of his impact
u/AdSpecial9305 / Via reddit.com

27.This person claimed vaccines cause...(checks notes) marriage?

A screenshot of social media posts where users discuss their concerns about receiving blood from vaccinated individuals
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

28.This person decided Americans were "also Europeans."

"*Europeans forgetting Americans are also Europeans*"
u/fibiotics / Via reddit.com

29.This person said all of Europe could fit in a single US state.

"the entirety of europe can fit into one of our states, yet europeans can't even point out states/countries in the western hemisphere. so yes, you exaggerate the importance of your tiny region"
u/Sniper_96_ / Via reddit.com

30.And this person thought Texas had more roads than the entirety of Europe.

Text conversation about the vastness of Texas roads compared to Europe, mentioning U.S. highways or interstates
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

31.This person tried to brag about their intelligence...with an IQ of 84 (the average is about 100).

A screenshot showing an IQ test result with a score of 84, positioned below the average range on a bell curve graph
u/scaly_telephony / Via reddit.com

32.These comments actually made me lose brain cells.

liberian flag with someone saying it should have 52 stars, then another replying it's the liberian flag and that the us flag has 50 stars, and another person saying liberals don't have a flag
u/Sumask / Via reddit.com

33.I'm gonna assume the first person was trolling, but this second person seemed to think the things you eat and drink go into your lungs.

Social media screenshot: Top text is a humorous question about eating water to avoid drowning; response explains the danger of water in lungs
u/SmoothieRedditor / Via reddit.com

34.This person claimed traveling across the ocean was impossible.

Tweet: Before 1820, most arriving Europeans brought enslaved Africans to the Americas. Comment: Traveling over oceans is scientifically impossible
u/TrixoftheTrade / Via reddit.com

35.This person tried to claim no Christian ever killed someone because of their Christian beliefs (forgetting the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Conquistadors, etc.).

Twitter exchange: Evelyn Waughluigi says, "Funniest thing someone with a Spanish flag emoji could possibly say." Ada Lluch replies, "I never saw anyone murdering people screaming 'Christ is King'. Just saying."
u/winterneuro / Via reddit.com

36.This person thought a trinity meant a "solid group of people," regardless of the number.

Tweet thread discussing the meaning of "trinity." Comments range from "solid group of people" to "means three" with various interpretations and a debate on prefixes
u/thegovtknows / Via reddit.com

37.These people forgot about Spain.

Comments section featuring humorous text posts: "You can’t be Spanish, no one is," "I’m not Spanish, no one is," and "Firstable, Spanish is language, not a nationality."
u/3daysofspring / Via reddit.com

38.This person claimed Americans aren't colonizers.

Social media comment exchange: "We don’t know geography because we weren’t colonizers. We could have taken over after World War II but didn’t.” Reply says, “USA aren’t colonisers?”
u/Senior_Sheepherder13 / Via reddit.com

39.This person made an absolutely unhinged claim.

Summary of a comment under a video about a kid getting stuck under ice: it theorizes that the human ability to survive in cold water is due to amniotic fluid in the womb
u/just_a_person_maybe / Via reddit.com

40.This person didn't recognize their own state's flag.

A social media post expresses confusion about a Mexican flag at a concert; a reply clarifies it's the state flag
u/Darth_Vrandon / Via reddit.com

41.This person thought their grandparents were King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Oil painting of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in formal attire; he wears military uniform and she, a dress with a shawl
u/Grim_Skunk666 / Via reddit.com

42.This person was confused about the English.

Text: Complaint about British people identifying as English, with hashtag yellowteeth. Shows a misunderstanding of nationality and language
u/Go-AwayThr0wAw4yy / Via reddit.com

43.This person seemed to think the US once invaded Europe.

Tweet by christoph mocking Americans' use of Fahrenheit, hinting at invading Europe as a consequence
u/BuffaloExotic / Via reddit.com

44.This person needs to go back to sex ed class.

Text in a screenshot expressing confusion over the term "vulva," with comments explaining its meaning and questioning the knowledge of the original poster
u/bumjiggy / Via reddit.com

45.As does this person.

Tweet discussing misconceptions about urinary catheters and anatomical knowledge, with responses clarifying the number of holes in female anatomy
u/MelanieWalmartinez / Via reddit.com

46.This person claimed South Africa is a continent.

Series of social media comments debating whether South Africa is a country or continent, with users using emojis and laughing at the confusion
u/DropDoc / Via reddit.com

47.This person corrected someone's (correct) use of "to."

A Reddit post conversation. First user reminds that a game is in early access and updates will come. Second user critiques the first user's grammar
u/FearTheBeast / Via reddit.com

48.This ridiculously uninformed person probably should've refrained from posting.

Person holding a cup of coffee. Text reads, "ADHD only affects men. Don't diagnose yourself from TikTok."
u/MelanieWalmartinez / Via reddit.com

49.This person made a wild claim.

Text explains: "Turn off the main power breaker in your home and sit there for 10 minutes. Feel the difference? ADHD has been linked to dirty electricity."
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

50.This person forgot that May is, in fact, National Military Appreciation Month.

A Facebook post reads, "We should dedicate a month to Veterans before we have a Pride month!" Comment below reads, "We did. It's May. I'd think a veteran would know that..."
u/Di35ie / Via reddit.com

51.This person seemed to think adding defibrillators meant that more people would be "dropping dead" soon.

An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) mounted on a wall, described in a social media post suggesting its placement in stores indicates an expected rise in medical emergencies
u/stormbutton / Via reddit.com

52.This person claimed the Ancient Greeks didn't have same-sex relationships...and that they were Christian.

Screenshot of a Twitter conversation where users debate historical inaccuracies in a video game tweet about LGBTQ+ representation in ancient Greece, mentioning Christianity
u/romeovf / Via reddit.com

53.This person claimed that Brazilian and Mexican people speak the same language and have similar cultures.

A series of YouTube comments discussing the differences between Brazilian and Mexican cultures and languages, with users providing clarifications and corrections
u/CanadianW / Via reddit.com

54.This person asked a head-scratching question.

Social media post asks why atheists explain most cities are near large water sources, essential for human life
u/AzuSteve / Via reddit.com

55.This person tweeted one of the dumbest questions ever.

Text image reads: "If the holocaust was so bad, why are there so many survivors?"
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

56.This person thought Pennsylvania was not a part of America.

Two social media comments discussing whether Pennsylvania is in America, with the first claiming it isn't, followed by a correcting response
u/overlyfeminine / Via reddit.com

57.This person thought they got a "fake" avocado.

A Facebook post shows an avocado with a red surface inside. The post complains about fake food, particularly avocados, and includes a reaction comment
u/vidanyabella / Via reddit.com

58.This person didn't think eggs carry any DNA.

A Twitter thread discussing whether the sperm or the egg carries human DNA, with varying opinions and reactions
u/champdo / Via reddit.com

59.This man thought he knew more about menstruation than women.

Conversation on Twitter about menstruation, with one user stating it stops after having a baby. Another user questions how a man can tell a woman about periods
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

60.These clueless idiots were clearly sexist.

Screenshot of comments discussing "China's Pilot's Eye: Two pretty female pilots flying A320" full version. Comments contain sexist and insulting remarks about female pilots
u/Rafa-Balon17 / Via reddit.com

61.As was this person.

Comment comparing an untrained man's combat ability to a woman with 20 years in Special Forces
u/The_AverageCanadian / Via reddit.com

62.This person thought Utah was in South America.

  u/xhyenabite / Via reddit.com
u/xhyenabite / Via reddit.com

63.This confused tick-fearer needed to do some more reading.

Comment expressing fear of ticks and Lyme disease, suggesting ticks are genetically modified spiders created by big pharma, and criticizing doctors and ticks
u/Echelon906 / Via reddit.com

64.This has got to be one of the dumbest things posted on the internet, not just this year but ever.

"how do i make it stop"
u/depressedsinnerxiii / Via reddit.com

65.This person claimed there is no American accent.

Screenshot of a social media discussion about accents. First post argues that American accent is neutral. Second post counters, saying UK accent is the original. Third post humorously suggests everyone thinks their own accent is neutral
u/jewelsandbones / Via reddit.com

66.This person really didn't understand alphabetical order.

u/DeathToKardashians / Via reddit.com

67.This person asked why we can't "just conquer North Korea."

Reddit post in r/northkorea asking why countries can't conquer North Korea to alleviate suffering
u/Colonel_Poutrax / Via reddit.com

68.This person claimed that the US has the best music...then listed a bunch of European musicians.

"Our music is by far superior everybody looks up to us we have taylor swift..."
u/EvelKros / Via reddit.com

69.This person said there was no separation of church and state in the constitution and got quickly schooled.

Screenshot of the U.S. Constitution highlighting the First Amendment on freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition
u/Feetamongflames / Via reddit.com

70.This person claimed pizza is an American invention.

"Pizza is an American invention"
u/MdMV_or_Emdy_idk / Via reddit.com

71.This person said cars were also invented in America.

"say what you want. america is the reason you have cars." reply: "that's germany"
u/Midnight-Opposite / Via reddit.com

72.This person claimed "airplanes aren't real."

"Proof that airplanes aren't real"
u/Justthisdudeyaknow / Via reddit.com

73.This person thought the story of Adam and Eve was a lesson on female anatomy.

"Do you seriously think different sexes have different numbers of ribs?"
u/Some1Special21 / Via reddit.com

74.This person had clearly never had a sex ed lesson in their life.

"it swims until it hits a wall and then seeps into her flesh."
u/NeverEndingWalker64 / Via reddit.com

75.This person tried to make a point and failed completely.

"celsius is used by communists. fahrenheit is used for freedom" reply: "dumbest comment of the week, congratulations"
u/Shelal5555 / Via reddit.com

76.This person made so many erroneous, dumb claims that I'm surprised they didn't delete their account after.

person argues about american english, money, and inventions being more widespread, and is quickly corrected
u/BrienneOfFuckinTarth / Via reddit.com

77.This person thought that 30% of the world celebrates Thanksgiving.

Comment section from a social media post discussing holidays with some comments redacted
u/Swanky-Badger / Via reddit.com

78.This person just could not be more incorrect about geography and seasons.

person claims america is "in the middle of the earth, so like the middle hemisphere, so everyone else copies" in terms of seasons
u/J_empty / Via reddit.com

79.This person claimed only America drinks cold beer.

Social media screenshot of a comment saying "But Germans drink warm beer! But everywhere but America drinks beer warm."
u/Lovecr4ft / Via reddit.com

80.This person needed a grammar lesson.

A humorous exchange correcting grammar, focusing on "your" vs. "you're."
u/alpacalover718192 / Via reddit.com

81.As did this person — who ironically complained about grammar.

A Facebook post criticizing poor grammar, urging proper spelling, and clarifying differences between slang and correct grammar. Comments debate the irony
u/b00fart / Via reddit.com

82.This person called the metric system, which basically every other country in the world uses, "useless" — then another person chimed in with an incorrect conversion of 300kph.

person says they don't get why the uk/europe uses km because it's useless
u/gusarking / Via reddit.com

83.This person claimed, "Women don't have a urethra."

Social media post with a conversation outlining body parts, discussing the number of "holes" in the human body, followed by a correction
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

84.This person forgot about South America, and the fact that Mexico is also a part of North America.

"pretty sure this only happens in the americas" reply: "lol did you not read OP's post? He mentioned Cancun and Jamaica...which are not in America. Know geography much? Also, you can drop the 'the.' It's just 'America'"
u/willalwaysbenumber1 / Via reddit.com

85.This person was confused about the efficacy of vaccines.

Social media exchange about historical survival without vaccines; responses discuss high mortality in the past
UnlikelyCucumber4335 / Via reddit.com

86.And this person thought the flu shot was not a vaccine.

Facebook comments discussing vaccines, with one comment incorrectly listing flu shots as vaccines, and a reply clarifying the difference
u/Standard_Story / Via reddit.com

87.This person didn't think Wales was a country.

Social media comments debate whether Wales is a country, with users sharing opinions and reactions
u/EvelKros / Via reddit.com

88.This person said, "We use MPH in this country," on Reddit, which is not a country, while talking about an Australian magazine.

person says "we use MPH in this country" and another replies they're talking about an australian magazine. another argues that the internet is american
u/Midnight-Opposite / Via reddit.com

89.And finally, this person thought 2003 was 30 years ago — and on top of that, they were racist.

Facebook conversation about misunderstanding the time span from 2003 to 2023, with users correcting each other
u/sandiercy / Via reddit.com