This One Exercise Could Dramatically Cut Your Alzheimer’s Risk, Says New Study
According to new research, a certain type of exercise may be the answer to preventing Alzheimer's. The study, published in Brain Research, focused on the hippocampus – the region of the brain that's crucial for memory and also shows the earliest signs of Alzheimer's.
Researchers put mice through several rounds of fitness to see if it impacted markers such as tau tangles, which are linked to cell damage and inflammation. Interestingly, the mice that followed a consistent aerobic exercise routine throughout the trial experienced a 63% reduction in tau tangles, while the number of protective oligodendrocytes also increased. Other hallmarks of Alzheimer's, like amyloid plaques, dropped by a massive 76%."
Speaking on the results, Dr. Augusto Coppi, the study's lead author and senior lecturer in veterinary anatomy at the University of Bristol, said: 'While physical exercise is known to reduce cognitive decline, the cellular mechanisms behind its neuroprotective effects have remained elusive – until now. This research highlights the potential for aerobic exercise to serve as a cornerstone in preventive strategies for Alzheimer's.'
While the study only focused on mice, scientists believe that similar trends will be noticeable in humans, and clinical trials are being expanded
What is Alzheimer's Disease?
According to the National Institute of Ageing, Alzheimer's is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. Eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest of tasks can become almost impossible. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia among older adults in the UK.
The Causes of Alzheimer's Disease
The exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is still not fully understood. However, there are a number of things thought to increase your risk of developing the condition. These include:
Increasing age
Family history of the condition
Lifestyle factors and conditions associated with cardiovascular disease
Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease
Symptoms will develop slowly over time, and in the majority of cases, many years. Eventually it will become more severe. The first sign of Alzheimer's disease is memory problems, but as the condition progresses further symptoms develop, such as:
Confusion and disorientation
Difficulty making decisions
Problems with speech
Problems moving around with assistance
Low mood or anxiety
Who's Most Commonly Affected by Alzheimer's Disease?
Those of 65 are at greater risk of Alzheimer's disease. With the risk increasing with age, stats show that an estimated 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 and 1 in every 6 people over the age 80 will get Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's Disease – What Does the Future Hold?
Despite the emergence of this new drug, by 2050, the number of adults living with dementia could triple, rising from 57 million people in 2019 to a potential 153 million by the century's mid-way point.
That's the conclusion of a new study, published in the Lancet Public Health, which looked at data from 195 countries and suggested that dementia – which is already is already the seventh leading cause of death worldwide – presented “a major and rapidly growing threat to future health and social care systems”.
According to the study, the largest rises will be found in north Africa, the Middle East (367%) and eastern sub-Saharan Africa (357%). The number of dementia cases in the UK is projected to increase by 75%, from just over 907,000 in 2019 to almost 1.6 million in 2050.
The dramatic rises are primarily down to population growth and ageing, but the study also noted how risk factors such as obesity, smoking and high blood sugar would also contribute to the increase.
'We need to focus more on prevention and control of risk factors before they result in dementia. For most, this means scaling up locally appropriate, low-cost programmes that support healthier diets, more exercise, quitting smoking, and better access to education,' said the study's lead author Emma Nichols.
Ready to act? Want to know some simple practices that can harden your grey matter and stave off the D-word? We’ve pulled together seven shortcuts that will keep your mind sharp now and long into retirement, as well as collecting some dementia symptoms that if spotted early can keep you mentally agile for longer.
6 Simple Daily Habits To Reduce Risk of Alzheimer's
But what can you do right now? Try squeezing these seven simple practices into your routine to fortify your mental agility.
Learn Something
Spending just 10 minutes a day learning a new skill is enough work in the brain gym to fight off a cognitive slide, according to research published in the journal Neurology. Don’t know what to study? Try French. The same study found that learning a second language through apps like DuoLingo was more effective at fighting the condition than any available drugs. Get to top of the class and leave dementia in the dunce’s corner.
Be More People Positive
A study published in the journal Neurology found people who are cynical of strangers are three times more likely to slide into a cognitive decline due to the extra stress it adds to everyday life. This doesn’t mean you should request strangers for trust falls on your way home, but having more confidence in your co-workers is an easy way to reduce your long-term stress levels and chances dementia.
Laugh It Off
Dementia doesn’t do one-liners. In fact, the condition is more likely to avoid you altogether if you spend 20 minutes a days laughing, according to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. It might sound like a lot, but watching a decent sitcom once a day will supply enough #lols to lower stress hormones, like cortisol, that contribute to cognitive losses. And here’s the big payoff: the University of New South Wales found humour therapy is more effective than antipsychotic drugs in reducing your chance of dementia. Laughter isn’t only the best medicine, but a brilliant preventative too.
Brush Your Gnashers
Ever wonder why people in Aquafresh adverts look so scarily happy? Keeping your oral health in good shape will fight dementia tooth and nail. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that men who forget to floss harbour the bacteria Porphyromonas Gingivalis, which has been linked to cognitive impairment. Book in for a scale and polish – it’s the smartest thing you’ll do this week.
Be More Social
A pint with your mates is good for more than discussing the latest footy scores. A study of 1168 people published in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society found that 10% of its most socially outgoing participants were able to maintain the brain’s neural networks well into old age. In fact, those who enjoyed daily downtime with friends experienced slashed their risk of cognitive decline by 75%. Cheers.
Go to Sleep Earlier, Naturally
A study published in Nature Communications found catching less than 6 hours leads to, you guessed it, dementia. So what’s the best way to combat the downwards spiral into cognitive chaos? Keep your sleep natural to avoid any alarms later in life. According to findings published in JAMA Internal Medicine these sleeping drugs can cause dementia by blocking the action of the sleep neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Stuck for ideas? Use our natural sleep solutions to raise the chances of keeping your grey matter in shape.
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