7 dark academia interior ideas

dark academia trend plank hardware lifestyle dining bench
Dark academia trend alertPlank Hardware

With 5.5 billion views on TikTok and searches booming on Pinterest (surging 80 per cent in the last month, and 200 per cent over the last year), the dark academia aesthetic is another social media subculture that's firmly made its way into interiors. Heard of it? If not, you've almost definitely seen it.

Dark academia is an aesthetic defined by a dark colour palette, vintage-inspired accessories, rich natural materials and tactile elements. It's cosy and cultivated, and having re-emerged in 2020 (but first popularised in the early 2010s), it's been gaining traction ever since.

It's a look that has a sincere and introverted quality, ideal for home libraries, offices and living rooms. There's a nod to curiousness in a dark academia interior – the shelves might include a curated selection of quirky-found objects, books, an oil painting and a vintage record player. It's cultured without being polished. Dark academia interiors have a softness to them, and take inspiration from the past, so with it comes a hint of nostalgia. They're the antithesis of the modern, all-white uncluttered homes that have dominated trends for the last decade.

baths, taps, bathrooms

Tom Revill, interior design expert and co-founder of Plank Hardware, sums it up as 'a rich, intellectual and vintage aesthetic which draws inspiration from classical literature, art and academic settings'.

We speak to a few design experts about how to achieve this look at home...

1. Choose dark colours

Colours need to be deep, rich and moody, but also classic and timeless. Navy blue, dark brown, deep forest green, burgundy and black are all good options to create the dark academia aesthetic. You can soften the look with warm and earthy tones.

'The last few years has seen an increased shift towards maximalism, with homeowners creating spaces that reflect their personality,' begins Tim Dixon, managing director of Beautiful Walls. 'Dark Academia builds on that maximalism and creates an almost-cocoon like shell around us. The dark colours envelop the rooms, creating cosy spaces that homeowners yearn to unwind in.'

purlfrost window film, blue flutterby

2. Recreate that 'old soul' feeling

The dark academia aesthetic is inspired by the knowledge and culture of the past. This is conveyed by vintage and antique elements. Tom recommends visiting your charity shop to seek out 'old leather bound books, antique writing desks, vintage typewriters and antique rugs' to create your own dark academia interior.

woven cotton jacquard tea towel, home landing

3. Choose timeless materials

To capture this distinguished style that you might find in an old university, it's essential to incorporate lots of deeply coloured, natural and durable materials like wood and leather. Even better, find secondhand leather and wooden furniture that have an authentic timeworn quality.

'The rising popularity of thrifting and buying secondhand has become a major factor behind the continued popularity of dark academia,' says Anne Haimes, design director and founder of Anne Haimes Interiors. 'Embracing vintage and unique pieces and repurposing furniture works well with the aesthetic, which is characterised by its emphasis on vintage and classic designs.'

4. Utilise soft lighting

Low lighting is essential to achieving the dark academia look. As Tom points out, the aesthetic really comes into its own when it is softly glowing (not harshly illuminated), so combine candles and a handful of glowing lights to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

a couch with pillows and a lamp

Stacey Clarke, general manager at B2C Furniture, elaborates: 'To recreate this aesthetic, opt for dimmer lights (such as candlelights or using warm-toned bulbs on lamps or ceiling light) to give that gentle and flattering glow. This is also a great way to invite a warmer ambience into a particular space – especially around seating areas or reading nooks, which contrasts well with colder surfaces usually associated with this aesthetic, such as brass fixtures or leather sofas.'

5. Opt for polished accents

Like you might find in an old library, the sophistication of dark academia is achieved by the addition of some really smart elements. The classic appeal of shiny brass accents will introduce an elegant touch, and brighten the overall feel.

'Brass, with its warm and timeless appeal, complements the rich, moody colour palettes and vintage elements commonly found in dark academia decor,' explains Tom. 'Brass handles, knobs, and pulls on furniture and cabinetry can serve as both functional and decorative elements. Black hardware is also a great way to implement the aesthetic into your living space.'

6. Introduce some greenery

Incorporating some houseplants into your dark academia interior is in keeping with the curious and cultured vibe and will look especially lush against a dark backdrop.

a plant in a room, modular tv unit with trailing houseplant

'Adding some potted plants or dried flowers will balance the richness and warmth of the dark academia colour palette with a subtle infusion of nature for a simple but effective touch,' says Anne. 'These can be strategically placed on antique desks or nestled in bookcases.'

7. Hang classic artwork

The right artwork can have a transformative effect on your walls, and when it comes to nailing the dark academia trend, Anne suggests choosing timeless pieces to create a visual narrative that resonates with the aesthetic and vintage themes. 'Enhance the artwork with vintage-style frames to complement the classic style,' she adds.

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