Don't Settle For Boring Pranks — Try These 65 April Fools' Day Ideas To Troll Everyone Around You
Are you a fan of April Fools' Day? We've rounded up a list of all the best harmless jokes for you to use this April. From mayonnaise-filled donuts to kitchens full of googly eyes, there's bound to be something to make you giggle.
1.Tape a photo of Nic Cage, Shrek, or whomever else you want to the top of the copier.
You'll want to place it opposite the side where people usually place their paper so that their paper doesn't cover it entirely. With proper placement, hopefully Nic's crazy eyes will be peering just over the bottom edge of their document.
2.Superglue a pizza box closed, then try to keep a straight face as your target struggles to get the box open.
To make this prank especially convincing, do two things: 1) Put something like a cutting board inside the box to weigh it down, and 2) order an actual pizza so the house smells like the real deal (and so you can give them a slice post-prank)!
3.Remember when Jim pranked Dwight on The Office by putting his stapler in jello? Well, you can pull the same prank!
Instead of using a stapler, try using a toy or keys.
4.Here's a gross one: If you rip up a toilet paper roll, wet it, and then mash it together, it looks exactly like, well...
5.Make a plate of "sponge cakes."
Two things: 1) Use new sponges straight out of the package, of course, and 2) you should probably do this one with kids who are grade school age or older.
Learn how to pull it off at Instructables. Oh, and have a real brownie on hand to swap out for the prank one!
6.Speaking of baked goods, you can always pull the classic "There's a pan of brown E's on the counter" prank.
Make everyone in the office roll their eyes.
7.If you can, swap their autocorrect for something totally random.
Swap commonly used abbreviations like "OMW" and play it off as if it's a bad software update.
8.Make your kids laugh by putting googly eyes on the food in your refrigerator.
9.Or get a little weirder and paste your family's faces on a dozen eggs the night before.
Then ask them to hand you a few as you make breakfast on April Fools' morning.
10.Paint a bar of soap with nail polish, then, once it dries, tell your kids to wash their hands with it before dinner.
The soap won’t lather, which should give your family a total headache.
11.Tell them you're worried that there's a leak in the shower.
This one's hilarious.
12. Swap out family portraits for photos of your favorite actor.
My brother has been replacing family photos with pics of Steve Buscemi and my mom hasn't noticed
— Mo (@claremaura) July 24, 2016
13.Replace hand sanitizer with lube.
14.Hide bubble wrap under a rug and wait for your kid to step on it.
Find this prank and others at Make It & Love It.
15.Bring home bags from your family's favorite fast-food restaurant...but fill them with veggies!
Your family might not be happy, but you'll get a laugh at the sheer disappointment.
16.Swap out your family's toothpaste tube with Orajel.
Numb their mouths and make them confused!
17.Create a sweet dinner surprise using cereal.
You basically crush up chocolate Rice Krispies and mix them with chocolate, shape them into a "meatloaf," then drizzle with a raspberry topping. If you want to try this at home, you can get a full April Fools' Day menu of recipes from the Stay at Home Chef!
18.Put lotion on your target's doorknob so they can't open it.
To play it safe, put the lotion outside the door so your target can't get inside. Listen and laugh as they struggle to twist the knob!
19.A classic sink prank: putting a rubber band on the sprayer handle.
Align the sprayer nozzle toward your target, put a rubber band on the handle to keep it down, and crack up laughing when they get soaked after turning on the water.
20.Wrap their car in the material of your choice.
Plastic wrap, wrapping paper, Post-it Notes, you name it!
21.Surprise someone by swapping Nerds for Pop Rocks.
Watch them be surprised by the popping candy!
22.Treat your victim to a slightly messy bathroom surprise.
This one's kinda gross, but so funny.
23.Tell your family you made cake pops, then watch as they crunch into a Brussels sprout instead.
The sprinkles really sell it.
24.Need more poop pranks in your life? Try making your family poop-shaped cookies.
The pranking possibilities are huge. For example, if you have a dog, angrily point out to your kid that the dog pooped in the house, then pick up the poop and eat it! Find the recipe for these cookies at Gina Kirk. It's as simple as molding the still-warm cookies into little poop shapes.
25.You can also put a "giant beetle" (cut out from black paper) behind your target's lampshade.
26.Serve up some ice cream — minus the cream.
27.Swap out your family's orange juice with a stomach-turning mac 'n' cheese drink.
Mix water with some mac 'n' cheese powder to create the most unexpected and gross "orange juice." The color is exactly the same, but the taste is most certainly not.
28.Try tricking your family into thinking you have an infestation problem by using a beetroot with a tail (or a potato and some string).
Tape a tiny piece of string to a potato and leave it on the counter, tucked away! From afar, it'll look like a rat!
29.Want a prank that will make your kid's heart race? Put a surprise in the mailbox.
Put a stuffed animal or balloon in the mailbox to scare whoever opens it!
30.You can also use gelatin to make an unusual glass of milk.
This “milk” is actually quite tasty. Learn how to make it at Ben & Birdy.
31.Draw a spider on the toilet paper in your bathroom.
Use a pen to lightly draw the fake spider on the toilet paper and listen to your family freak out!
32.Give your kid a fortune cookie with a prank fortune.
Getting a fortune cookie open — so you can put your message inside — is actually surprisingly easy (if you have a microwave). Learn how here.
33.Set out a bowl filled with a mix of M&M's, Skittles, and Reese's Pieces.
Try not to laugh when you see your family member throw back a handful.
34.Looking for a prank that's a little more extreme? Make candied apples with onions.
Make some real candied apples at the same time so that — after the prank is over — you can reward your good sport with the real deal.
35.Put some "melted ice cream" or a "spilled drink" on a prized possession.
Learn how to DIY an impressive-looking splatter (which won’t harm your kid’s computer or anything else) at Studio DIY. It looks exactly like a spilled drink — even you'll be surprised!
36.Switch the bags inside two boxes of cereal.
Then enjoy watching your kid realize their sugary cereal is actually Dad's boring bran flakes.
37.Try the classic mayo-stuffed donuts prank!
Hollow out the inside of some donuts and fill them with mayo!
38.Put a “Sold” sign in your front yard.
39.Sew one of your target's socks closed halfway down.
If you’re the crafty type, this prank will leave you in stitches.
40.Serve up some "spider chip cookies.”
For extra fun, tell your kid an hour or so before serving them that you found a bunch of spiders in the kitchen that morning.
41.Put a few dye pellets under the cap of your faucet.
Unscrew the cap to the faucet, put a pellet from an Easter egg kit under it, then screw the cap back on. This will make colored water come out.
42.Replace Cheetos with carrots.
Open the bag from the bottom, swap the Cheetos for carrot sticks or baby carrots, then glue it back together.
43.Fill your kid's bedroom — or bathroom — with balloons.
Watch as they open the door to a rainbow full of balloons! This one's a lot cuter and great for parties or celebrations, too.
44.Text a GIF of the "typing" symbol to make your friends wait for a response that never comes.
The GIF should auto-play so it'll look as if you're typing forever. You can save the GIF to your phone here.
45.Put a note on someone's car that says "Sorry about the damage, had to leave" and watch them look all over for the nonexistent damage.
46.Buy a ton of rubber ducks and hide them.
Pick one friend or family member and start hiding the ducks everywhere that person might find them: cupboards, drawers, desks, car glove boxes. The sky's the limit!
47.Bring a totally normal box of cookies or another delicious food in to work, and leave it out with a sign that says "April Fools!"
Watch everyone try to figure out what you did to it.
48.Fill a mayonnaise jar with yogurt or vanilla pudding and eat it with a spoon in front of people.
You could also do blue Gatorade in a bottle of Windex, but you'd have to make sure you cleaned the bottle VERY thoroughly.
49.Hide battery-powered alarm clocks throughout their room.
At least they'll be up in time!
50.Print this out and tape it next to your office's printer.
Then sit back and enjoy as people yell at the printer all day.
51.Hide a baby monitor or walkie-talkie in a closet or ceiling and meow into it.
You could also whisper or make ghost noises into it, but meowing will probably freak them out less. Plus, then they'll go looking around for a cat.
52.Start placing pennies in random spots where the person will find them. Then start placing more and more pennies.
Start with just one penny per day. Place them somewhere normal, like on a desk or on the floor. Then start placing more pennies and get weirder. Put them in the bathroom or under a pillow. And, of course, pretend that you have no idea what's happening.
53.Rearrange your roommate's dresser drawers. For added effect, continue to do it over time.
If you want to be a little more evil, take one article of clothing and put it in a different drawer, then escalate over time.
54.Screenshot their desktop, remove all of their icons, then set the screenshot as the background.
You can either do this on a computer, or you can do it on a phone by moving all the icons onto a different page or putting them all in a folder. They'll try tapping or clicking on the icon they want, but to no avail! *evil laugh*
55.Make Mentos ice cubes for the soda-loving person in your life.
Be prepared — this one takes a while!
56.Hide a few green tomatoes with the green apples at a grocery store.
Don't they look alike? Be sure to put the produce back in the right spot so as not to confuse the store attendants!
57.Fill one jelly donut with sriracha and watch your friends play dessert roulette.
Or leave all of them untouched for an even funnier laugh.
58.Place a container of sauce inside someone's drink for a spicy surprise.
This works best with a takeout cup. Open a packet of hot sauce at the bottom of the cup, put the straw in it, and put on the lid!
59.Place a chicken bouillon cube inside a showerhead and wait for hilarity to ensue.
They'll be so confused and grossed out by the smell of chicken!
60.Do a simple condiment label swap for a very easy laugh.
Either fill ketchup and mustard bottles with the wrong condiments, or swap the labels on dispensers!
61.Replace someone's gum with Play-Doh for a really fresh joke.
62.Put a whoopee cushion under someone's chair.
Such a classic.
63.Put a piece of plastic at the opening of shampoo bottles so that none comes out.
Another classic, but so easy!
64.Put a tiny piece of tape on the sensor of a TV remote controller — make sure it matches the color of the remote!
The person trying to watch TV won't have a signal to turn it on. They'll try to swap out the batteries and be confused.
65.Swap the salt and sugar.
Be sure to keep track of which is which yourself — they're so easy to confuse!
This article contains content from Crystal Ro, Andy Golder, Mike Spohr, Natalie Brown, and Mallory McInnis.