6 ways to recycle your Christmas

6 ways to recycle your christmas
6 ways to recycle your ChristmasIuliia Bondar - Getty Images

The run-up to Christmas is always a busy time of year, with loved ones to see, decorations to put up, meals to plan and gifts to buy and wrap.

In all the festive hubbub, though, it's worth sparing a thought for how you might make your Christmas celebrations more environmentally friendly. Considering how you might reduce the amount of waste you produce at this time of year, and what can be recycled once the main event is over, is a step in the right direction.

Waste is a huge problem at Christmas. To take one example, just think about the amount of cardboard packaging that builds up in our homes from online deliveries and from gifts opened on Christmas Day. We actually produce so much cardboard waste each Christmas that if it were placed end to end it would stretch from London to Lapland and back 103 times, according to Recycle Now.

There are, however, ways to cut back on waste and reduce the impact that the festivities have on the environment. With a few simple swaps, a little forward planning and some essential recycling know-how under your belt, you can enjoy all the fun of the festive season and do your bit for the planet.

We've answered some commonly asked questions to make recycling easier this Christmas.

1. Is wrapping paper recyclable?

When it comes to gift wrap, not all paper is created equal, environmentally speaking. Before you finish stocking up on wrapping paper, think ahead to what will happen to it once it’s played its star role under the Christmas tree.

While you’d imagine used wrapping paper is an obvious candidate for recycling, a lot of the gift wrap we’ll rip off our presents in the excitement of Christmas morning isn’t actually recyclable. As a general rule, wrapping paper with a foil design or glitter decoration, or glossy paper that has been laminated, can’t be recycled. Choose recyclable, glitter-free and foil-free gift wrap instead – there are not plenty on the market to choose from.

For something altogether fancier, choose from the range of beautiful gift wrap at Re-Wrapped. We love the Christmas Winter Wonderland and Christmas Folk Robins designs Not only are all the papers and gift tags recyclable, they are made from 100% recycled, bleach-free paper, and are printed using vegetable dyes.

GHI TIP: If you've chucked any paper covered with glitter or foil and you're still unsure whether what's left can be recycled, a quick way to check is to scrunch it into a ball. If it stays scrunched, it should be recyclable, but if it opens out, it needs to go in your regular waste bin.

Don’t forget to remove sellotape from wrapping paper before you add it to the recycling bin, as this could prevent the rest of the paper and card in there from being recycled.

recycle your christmas
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc - Getty Images

2. Can I put Christmas cards in the recycle bin?

We throw away 1 billion Christmas cards every year, research by Tombola has shown. Just like wrapping paper, if cards are decorated with glitter or foil they can’t be recycled.

When the festivities are over, tear off sections of Christmas cards that are decorated with glitter or foil and add the rest of the card to your recycling. When sending your own cards, opt for a recyclable option - again, without glitter or foil. For something a bit different, check out the range of 'plantable' Christmas cards from Plant a Bloomer including the Plantable Robin and Plantable Deer. They’re printed on FSC-certified, recycled card and are recyclable – plus, the detachable animal on the front of the card is contains wildflower seeds that can be planted in soil in the new year.

When it's time to tackle the pile of discarded cardboard packaging on Christmas Day, don't forget to remove plastic and polystyrene inserts, sticky tape and plastic box windows before adding it to your recycling.

3. Are Christmas crackers recyclable?

Anyone else have a competition in their household on Christmas Day to see who inadvertently keeps the paper hat from their Christmas cracker on the longest? Just us? Christmas wouldn’t be the same without pulling crackers around the table and sharing the jokes inside. Unfortunately, though, Christmas crackers are often laden with glitter that means they’re not recyclable and filled with plastic toys and gifts that are thrown away once the last morsel of Christmas pudding has been eaten.

For the authentic Christmas cracker experience without such an environmental imapct, try the RSPB’s boxes of beautiful crackers. They’re made from recycled paper and can be recycled after use.

4. Is gift ribbon recyclable?

Instead of prettying your presents with plastic ribbon that will end up in landfill, opt for more a fabric alternative that can be kept and re-used to spruce up future gifts. When fabric ribbons come to the end of their life, dispose of them with other textiles recycling.

5. Can foil roasting trays be recycled?

Disposable foil roasting trays and kitchen foil can be recycled but you’ll need to clean off as much food residue as possible first. Most of us know not to pour fats and oil down the sink, where it can cause blockages and contribute to the problem of fatbergs – the giant lumps of fat and rubbish that collects in, and blocks, sewers. But did you know that residual grease stuck to the side of roasting trays can be just as bad?

"While this may seem like an insignificant amount of waste, the grease that accumulates from washing up items builds up in the drains and can congeal slowly, causing blockages,” explains Defra Minister for Nature, Rebecca Pow. “This can lead to flooding as well as smells and can result in an expensive call to the plumber.”

Wipe greasy residues off foil with paper towel or old newspaper and bin it, instead.

Before you add foil to your recycling bin, scrunch it up. The bigger the ball, the easier it will be to recycle.

6. Can I recycle Christmas decorations?

When it comes to Christmas decorations themselves, recyclability is a pretty mixed bag.

Fairy lights

Whether you use them to decorate the Christmas tree, festoon the living room or even adorn the front of your house, fairy lights never fail to conjure up some festive magic. If yours need updating, opt for strings of LED lights rather than ones with traditional filament bulbs – they use up to 90% less energy. Take your old fairy lights to a small electricals collection bank for recycling (use the Recyclenow Recycling Locator to find one near you), if you don’t have a kerbside collection. Investing in a timer you can plug your fairy lights into could help limit the time they’re lit to the times you can enjoy them, and switching to a green energy supplier that sources electricity from renewable sources, could make your home’s overall energy use over the festive period more eco-friendly.

Christmas wreath

When it’s time to take down the Christmas wreath, remove and compost natural materials such as ivy, holly and pine cones, or add them to your garden refuse collection. Just make sure they’re not covered in – yes, you guessed it – glitter, first!

Baubles and tinsel

Remember that glass baubles – along with plastic ones and tinsel – can’t be recycled. Wrap them carefully and dispose of them in your regular waste bin instead. If your stash of Christmas decorations needs updating, you could opt for reusable paper decorations instead, which you should be able to recycle at the end of their lives.

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