I Don't Think I've Ever Laughed Harder At All These People Who Got Absolutely Roasted Into Oblivion This Year
1.On brain capacity:
2.On hair:
3.On dinner:
4.On baking bread:
5.On gaming:
6.On dating:
7.On steak:
8.On spectacles:
9.On beauty:
10.On words:
11.On chicken:
12.On boom boom:
13.On talking:
14.On car sales:
15.On World War II:
16.On surgery:
17.On clothes:
18.On Google:
19.On office views:
20.On doing your best:
21.On libraries:
22.On romance:
23.On politics:
24.On extraterrestrials:
25.On transportation:
26.On dolphins:
27.On concessions:
28.On cuisine:
29.On internet arguing:
30.On zombies:
31.On pay:
32.On January:
33.On children:
34.On Texas:
35.On the Earth:
36.On corn:
37.On "manning up":
38.On eggs:
39.On IQ:
40.On vacationing:
41.On pointlessness:
42.On spelling:
43.On dogs:
44.On bathrooms:
45.On the Civil War:
46.On internet commenting:
47.On milk:
48.On "the friend zone":
49.On the American utopia:
50.On sustenance:
Did you enjoy all those wacky pictures but really wish you could've been listening to some cool tunes while reading them? You're in luck, my friend. Check out this playlist of my favorite songs I listened to in 2023. Bless!