5 Ways To Sound More Powerful In 2023, According To A Speech Expert

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From actor Julia Fox going viral for her pronunciation of Uncut Gems and Glee star Jane Lynch’s tweet telling women to consider 'lowering their pitch' to be taken seriously, to Jeremy Clarkson’s controversial comments about Megan Markle after she publicly voiced her experience with the Royal Family, in the last year alone it's become all too apparent how women’s speech continues to be patrolled, mocked and criticised.

So it comes as no surprise that many women shy away from speaking in public altogether. A 2021 study by the University of Calabria found that women are considerably less likely than men to give a public presentation due to their fear of failing – even those who have otherwise high self esteem and confidence levels.

Not only can avoiding public speaking affect performance levels in the workplace, but it can also hamper career progression and, in turn, widen the gender pay gap. Research from The Economic Journal found that one of the key attributes that enables candidates to secure a leadership position is the ability to face judgement. So, when only one in four women are willing to speak in public, according to the latter's findings, a vicious cycle can emerge whereby the lack of representation in the public sphere makes it harder to change perceptions of what power should and can look like.

auckland, new zealand november 30 new zealand prime minster jacinda ardern speaks at a joint press conference with finnish prime minister sanna marin on november 30, 2022 in auckland, new zealand marin is in new zealand for a three day visit, which comes after ardern's government signed a free trade agreement with the european union photo by dave rowlandgetty images
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'For people who, through the privilege of birth, happen to sound like the dominant cultures in the millennia-old definition of what power and authority sounds like, public speaking comes easy,' explains Samara Bay, speech expert and author of Permission To Speak, 'so, either we keep trying to chase that standard, or we try to redefine it.'

'We [women] tend to start our thoughts with a lot of gusto, which then fizzles out by the end,' she says of women's speech, adding: 'This is a habit most of us have picked up in order to play small, and to be unthreatening for self-protection.'

While it may often feel like so much is out of your control when it comes to perception of women on an individual level, learning how to sound and feel powerful in the public sphere is an achievable skill that can be flexed like a muscle and utilised on a daily basis, whether you want to speak up for yourself at work or present an idea in the boardroom.

Here's how to amplifying your voice and harness your power in 2023:

1) Embrace emotion

When we think back to some of the most influential speeches throughout history, from Martin Luther King Jr's 'I Have A Dream' to Emmeline Pankhurst's 'Freedom or Death', more often than not we remember the emotion they stirred, more so than their exact wording or structure. As we all know, a passionate speaker is one who shows that they care, and delivering an emotive and pause-worth speech has never been more important than in the digital age when videos of speeches can either go by unnoticed at the swipe of a screen, or inspire viewers to hit the 'share' button and go viral in seconds.

'Emotions are healthy – honour them and act as a model for everyone else around you,' explains Bay, whether you want to inject a speech with enthusiasm and hope, or anger and sadness. 'In the moments that really matter, when we are pitching something close to our heart or when we're standing up for someone, how do we leave behind the mundanity of trying to separate emotions from work and instead show up as a whole person?

'We don't trust people who seem prepackaged. In fact, somebody who’s too polished is often met with a serious, visceral lack of trust. Let's be messy in front of each other. That's actually what we as humans like to look at.'

2) Dress the part

Whether you're presenting a deck in a meeting with your CEO, or attending a new Reformer Pilates class at the gym, dressing appropriately for an occasion is of paramount importance in order to feel comfortable and in control.

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'We all know when we try something on if it makes us feel like a million bucks or not. Ask yourself how you feel when you step into an outfit, and how it feels when you're trying to breathe deeply,' Bay suggests.

'If that outfit feels either stifling or makes you self conscious, then it's certainly not the right thing to wear in front of other people. Having a body that feels free is more likely to get the job done than wearing the cutest clothing possible.'

3) Remember to breathe

It might seem obvious, but a good breathing exercise should never be underestimated (read our manifestation guide here to find out more). 'It's surprisingly brave to take a deep breath,' notes Bay.

'In moments when you have to speak in public, do a breathing warm up so that your body remembers that it's a single system. You're not just a brain walking around attached to this awkward body. The whole of you has the potential to work together, which will help you to put those big ideas out there.'

a businesswoman stands alone on a stool in a rural area of utah shouting through a megaphone waiting to be heard she is selling an idea that she believes will benefit her business and clients
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Trying out breathwork is a great way to master the art of public speaking, and there are numerous free resources you can try, whether it's from YouTube or Instagram.

4) Forget about speaking in the 'correct' way

We’re often told by professionals that in order to speak effectively we should avoid speech disfluency, or the use of filler words such as 'like' and 'erm'. But, in reality, focussing on what you shouldn't say in a speech can often create more stress and embarrassment in a public situation.

Bay elaborates, noting: 'A huge, important pillar of my work is to make people realise that there's no shame here. We’ve picked up most of our vocal patterns from those around us, so in a way how we speak is a reflection of who we love.'

front view of an afro woman shouting through a megaphone to make an announce or protest about something while standing outdoors on the street communication concept
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Language is always evolving, and it's to be expected that the next generation of powerful leaders will likely have similar markers of Millenial and Gen Z vocal patterns – not all of us are privileged enough to have the elocution lessons that enable us to speak in the Queen's English. 'It’s okay not to sound the same as those who have historically been in power.'

So, stop comparing your speech to the likes of Jacinda Ardern, Gloria Steinem and Michelle Obama and recognise that your accent, tone of voice and education make you who you are, and that should be celebrated, not hidden.

5) Trust yourself

While speech patterns like filler words and 'upspeak' (when statements are said with a higher pitch at the end of a sentence, like a question) aren’t red flags that someone is ill-equipped to speak in public, they may signify a lack of conviction, which is why it's crucial to believe in what you preach.

mature woman shouting into megaphone standing on top of mountain
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'When we believe that what we're talking about matters, that our own thoughts are worth being shared, that we are allowed to take up space not just physically but emotionally, we will usually use filler words such as “um” and “like” less,' Bay notes. 'So, rather than focusing on policing yourself, give yourself permission to show up like you are the leader of tomorrow by trusting your own thoughts.'

Permission To Speak: How To Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting With You by Samara Bay is out on February 7.

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