5 stubborn myths about aging, corrected
Getting older gets a bad rep. Beyond the age of 21, even birthdays are tinged with a certain edgy dread. But should they be?
A slew of recent studies has turned many of the most persistent cliches about aging upside down. Could it be that we've got it all wrong? "Aging is not a predetermined path of decline; it is a highly individualised journey shaped by choices, lifestyle, and mindset," says Dr Vikram Murthy, GP & co-founder of the Harley St clinic Murthy Health.
"From breaking free of outdated stereotypes to embracing new opportunities for growth, the later years of life can be some of the most rewarding," he explains. "As science continues to uncover the complexities of aging, one thing is clear: the possibilities for
living well at any age are greater than ever."
Myth one: you get more responsible
Older means wiser, right? Seemingly not. This week, a survey of over 2,000 adults found that 43 per cent of 18 to 34-year-olds have given up drinking entirely. So far, so sensible. But the over 55s? Not so much. Only a quarter have given up.
"The belief that aging automatically makes people more sensible or risk-averse is increasingly challenged by recent statistics," says Dr Murthy. The 55-74 age group now accounts for the highest proportion of hospital admissions related to alcohol, he points out: "furthermore, studies have shown an uptick in recreational drug use among older adults, particularly with substances like cannabis, as attitudes towards drugs relax in society."
Some may be turning to substances in an effort to address chronic pain or isolation, he says. But there is another possibility: "alternatively, older adults may feel a sense of liberation, having fulfilled traditional responsibilities like raising children or working full-time."
Myth two: your sex life dwindles
Well maybe, but there are signs that a revolution is taking place under the sheets of those in their seventies. In 2023, a study from the Netherlands found that sexual activity had decreased in almost all age groups, especially the youngest. Among those aged 16 to 25, 70% said they’d had sex in the last year, compared to 74% in 2014. The only group to buck the downward trend? Those aged 75 and over. Only 16 per cent reported being sexually active in 2014, but that had risen to 27% less than a decade later.
In fact, your sex life can be liberated by later life, suggests psychologist Dr Linda Blair: "the whole definition of sex can change as you get older. It really just means enjoyment of your body, and that can be done at any age."
Myth three: its a slow and predictable decline
A whole new field of research is debunking the idea that aging is a plodding, predictable decline. Instead, the term “organ aging” has been coined to describe the discovery that different parts of the body and even individual cells age at different rates. Research from Stanford University, for example, suggests that immune systems begin to weaken in the late 30s, whereas your bone density may not start to decline significantly until your 50s or 60s.
Which part of you declines first is also deeply personal. Some of us are “heart agers,” (your hearts is much ‘older’ than the rest of the bodies), while others are “brain agers,” and another camp “muscle agers”.
There's more, says Dr Murthy: "the emerging field of "biological age" offers another new perspective on aging. Biological age measures how well your body is functioning compared to your chronological age. This explains why someone in their 70s might run marathons while another person of the same age struggles with basic mobility." Advances in epigenetics are helping scientists understand how lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and stress impact the pace of aging at the cellular level, he explains. But for now, just know that while your passport might suggest you are 65, epigenetics might peg you at a sprightly 55 instead.
Myth four: its depressing
This is absolutely not true, says Dr Murthy. "Older adults often report greater emotional stability, improved relationships, and a stronger sense of purpose. This may be due to better emotional regulation, which has been linked to changes in the brain's amygdala, or simply a greater appreciation for life’s small pleasures."
"We get progressively happier after our 50s, because we realise that our time is limited so we value and are more appreciative of those things we already have," adds Dr Blair. In fact, most research points to what’s known as ‘a U-shaped happiness-age curve’. Wellbeing, it seems, is high when you’re in your 20s, dips in midlife, then rises again as you enter old age. Happy days.
Myth five: its a slide into forgetfulness
Okay, so you may find yourself calling your children by the dog's name more frequently than their own. But in other ways, your brain has never been better. "While certain cognitive functions, such as processing speed, may decline with age, other aspects of mental capacity often improve or remain stable," says Dr Murthy.
In fact, lots of studies have proved that older adults have bigger vocabularies and a fuller understanding of what those words mean. The brain’s neuroplasticity—or its ability to form new neural connections—persists well into old age, Dr Murthy points out.
Studies have shown that learning a new language or skill in later life not only enhances mental agility but also helps protect against cognitive decline. Research from University College London has highlighted that those in their 70s and 80s can experience significant improvements in memory and attention by engaging in challenging mental activities.
"Lifelong learning programmes, such as the University of the Third Age (U3A), have seen a surge in popularity among retirees," says Dr Murthy. "From mastering watercolours to learning computer coding, older adults are proving that age is no barrier to acquiring new skills."
Dr Blair herself earned a PhD at the age of 71. Her advice, to practice the cognitive skills that do tend to wane in old age? "Go to lots of parties and ask questions of someone in a noisy room," she advises.
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