45 Photos Of '80s Kids Things That Will Be Very, Very, Nostalgic To Any Xennial
1.Owning a pair of these rainbow flip-flops that hurt like hell after hours of wear because the nylon toe strap would burn the area between your big and index toe.
2.Playing tapes or recording yourself singing with the Fisher-Price cassette player.
3.And trying to skate with Fisher-Price roller skates that were nearly impossible to move in.
4.Owning an E.T. stuffed animal (like the one in the center below) that had pleather skin that started to peel within a year after getting it:
5.Thinking for sure that you could beat the obstacle course of Double Dare whenever you watched it.
6.And thinking that ALF was funny but also a little creepy.
7.Drinking Sunny Delight because it was "healthy."
8.And eating fruit cocktail in syrup as a snack because it was fruit and therefore "healthy."
9.Playing with either the brown or yellow roofed Fisher-Price Little People Tudor house.
10.Owning a bunch of random Smurf PVC figures that you never remembered getting.
11.Knowing someone (or perhaps yourself) who was obsessed with twirling batons.
12.Singing the infectious My Buddy and Kid Sister jingle every time they played the commercial.
13.Also, singing along with the Time for Timer...
14....and the Cap'n O. G. Readmore PSAs.
15.Being utterly scared of "The Red Room Riddle" episode that aired on ABC Weekend Specials.
16.Having a Carnation Instant Breakfast if you were in a hurry and didn't have time to eat breakfast before school.
17.Your parents making you put wheat germ in your sugary cereal in order to make it healthier.
18.Buying paperback books from the Scholastic Book Fair that had covers that look like these:
19.Thinking that even though He-Man and She-Ra were brother and sister that they would make a good couple.
20.Always wondering what Nanny looked like on Muppet Babies, but having a clear image of what you imagined she looked like.
21.Actually learning some important things from the PSAs that ran at the end of cartoons, even if they were super cheesy.
22.Drinking out of these cups any time you were at a pizza parlor.
23.Having at least one or two photos that your parents would take of you and your siblings with the family car (usually on roadtrips).
24.Having your mom and aunts be obsessed with Princess Di and Prince Charles' marriage.
25.Going to your grandma's and always seeing the same old bowl of nuts with a nutcracker on her coffee table...
26....as well as old issues of Reader's Digests...
27....and her very old rotary phone in the living room.
28.Remembering to cut the six-pack rings before throwing them away so fish or birds wouldn't get stuck in them.
29.Thinking you could play the piano 'cause you could play one of these.
30.Having a ton of McBuddies...
31....and Changeables Happy Meal Toys (that were perfect to take with you anywhere because they fit nicely in your pocket).
32.Going through the D.A.R.E. program because you really wanted the T-shirt.
33.Using a spoon to pop the lid of the Quik that came in a metal tin.
34.Always being scared that you were going hit your shins (again) on the metal pedals on your bicycle.
35.Knowing to always wear your seatbelt 'cause of the Crash Test Dummies PSAs.
36.Having a collection of puffy stickers (that also had an addictive plasticky smell and never really stuck onto things).
37.Your family owning a few random Garfield comic books that you had no idea how or why they got them.
38.Owning this exact dictionary:
39.Playing in jungle gyms that were made out of metal pipes and were not only easy to lose a grip on, but also got extremely hot in the summer.
40.Wearing one of these hats whenever you went to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese:
41.And always knowing there was going to be at least one Hawaiian pizza at the birthday party.
42.Browsing the aisles of Toys "R" Us and always looking up at the top shelves because they were stocked with even more toys that seemed to go on forever. (Also, ENTIRE large sections of the store or entire aisles were devoted to just one toy line).
43.Having a bunch of uncompleted Panini sticker books, because you could NEVER get them all.
44.Every once in a while, being grossed out by one of the Garbage Pail Kids cards you got.
45.And lastly, being super scared to play anywhere near a fridge after that "very special" (ie. traumatic) episode of Punky Brewster.