37 Awful, Awful, Awful Coworkers Who Should Probably Be Asked To WFH Full-Time
1.This coworker should've kept their thoughts to themselves:
2.This coworker didn't have eyes, clearly:
3.This coworker would actually make me blow fumes out of my nose:
4.This coworker was writing in a gibberish language:
5.This coworker wanted to seem like a good person but was actually kind of a jerk:
6.This coworker was DEFINITELY a jerk:
7.This coworker was just gross:
8.As was this one:
9.This coworker took wayyy more than their fair share:
10.This coworker thought everyone wanted to know their business:
11.This coworker had a lottttt of audacity:
12.This coworker heated up fish in the microwave, which everyone knows is a no-no:
13.This coworker thought this was a suitable payment:
14.This coworker was fine getting everyone else sick:
15.This coworker was a bit of a dum-dum:
16.As were these coworkers:
17.These people ignored their coworker's dietary restrictions for their birthday:
18.This coworker was just massively, massively annoying:
19.I'm curious how this coworker even managed to do this:
20.This coworker needed to mind her own business:
21.As did these coworkers:
22.This coworker made a big, big mistake:
23.As did this coworker:
24.This coworker was wildly selfish:
25.This coworker was nastyyyyy:
26.As was this one:
27.This coworker was SUPER annoying:
28.This coworker was a monster:
29.These coworkers were wildly invasive and insensitive:
30.These coworkers were very, very lazy:
31.This person stole their coworker's body spray:
32.These coworkers had a weird complaint, so this person was ready to take their petty revenge:
33.This coworker's incompetence created a WHOLE lot of work for this poor soul:
34.This coworker didn't care about anyone else's comfort.
35.This poor soul was forgotten by their coworkers:
36.This coworker was nottt doing their part:
37.And finally, these people refused to call their coworker by their proper name: