28 Tweets About The Struggle Of Getting Kids Dressed For Cold Weather
Cold weather means time for hot chocolate, snowball fights and cozy nights at home. It’s also the season of layers, layers and more layers.
Parents know the stress of trying to get kids dressed for the cold weather ― from the arguments about whether a coat is necessary to the agility needed to squeeze a toddler into winter gear.
We’ve rounded up 35 relatable tweets from parents about the struggle to get their kids bundled up. Stay warm, everyone!
Therapist: The hardest thing in the world is being honest with ourselves
Me: No, it's trying to zip up your kid's coat when you're in a rush
Therapist: Oh shit, that's a good point— The Dad (@thedad) January 30, 2023
The weather is finally cold enough to require gloves & hats, because frantically searching for the lost shoe before school was just too easy.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) November 7, 2018
My 1 year old is insisting to put on her own snow-pants so we should be ready to go outside in about July.
— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) January 26, 2013
Law of Parenting # 39:
Spend 15 minutes getting 3 preschoolers bundled up for a walk, and 7 minutes later 2 will have to pee.— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) November 21, 2013
Just the thought of trying to do up the zippers on my kids' winter coats raises my god damn blood pressure
— Downtime Dad (@DowntimeDad) November 14, 2015
*Tilts head and cracks neck. Cracks knuckles.*
"Let's do this."
*Stares down the toddler refusing to put on a coat and mittens.*— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) November 21, 2016
Decided to take the kids sledding
20 minutes to bundle them
10 minutes to dig the sleds out
8 minutes to walk to the hill
2 minutes in, Mom I'm cold. Mom I lost my gloves.
8 minutes back home.
10 minutes to strip wet layers.
Hot chocolate. Mmm.
Back to scratching at the walls.— Marni MacRae (@MarniMacrae) February 17, 2019
3-year-old: *puts on snow boots with no pants*
Me: You forgot something.
3: Oops. *puts in a barrette*— "Bare Minimum Parenting" in bookstores now (@XplodingUnicorn) April 5, 2014
Me: "Get your boots and coat. It's time to go."
*15 minutes later*
Toddler: pic.twitter.com/Du6ctmLD2c— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) January 4, 2017
My kids got their coats and boots on in under 2 minutes this morning. They've been faking incompetence this whole time!
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) January 25, 2016
First snow today and my kids already lost 36 pairs of gloves.
— Carbosly (@Carbosly) November 16, 2018
When you buy your kid a coat that’s a couple sizes larger so they can wear it longer https://t.co/JVDGV7Hjqp
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) October 25, 2018
Snow pants, check
Snow boots, check
Hat, gloves, scarf, urge to pee, check
Playing outside for 4 minutes, SONOFA— Stephanie Jankowski (@CrazyExhaustion) January 14, 2016
Have kids so you can argue with tiny, opinionated people about why they can't wear shorts in winter and then coats when it's 80 degrees.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) April 26, 2017
It's so cold, my kids are willingly wearing their coats outside.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) January 4, 2018
It's easier to split the atom than it is to get mittens on a 4yo.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) January 9, 2015
There’s a brief window of time when a winter coat perfectly fits a toddler, and it always begins the day the zipper breaks.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) January 2, 2018
Me: *tries to put a coat on 1-year-old* Why won’t this fit?
Wife: Because she’s already wearing a coat
Like I have time to look at my kids— "Bare Minimum Parenting" in bookstores now (@XplodingUnicorn) November 22, 2013
I spent 20 minutes, 20. Fucking. Minutes. Convincing my kid to wear a coat, but yeah, congrats on your pregnancy.
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) October 25, 2017
My son keeps "losing" his coat, so today I made him wear his sister's old fuzzy purple one. How long you think it'll take him to "find" his?
— HollowTreeVentures (@RobynHTV) January 2, 2014
My proudest moment as a parent was when my child agreed it was cold enough to wear a hat.
— Zoe vs. the Universe (@zoevsuniverse) March 6, 2017
My daughter doesn’t want to put on her winter coat because it takes too long, but she has no problem changing her outfit 12 times a day.
— Wendy S. (@maughammom) October 29, 2017
Winter budget when you have young kids:
$100 - snowsuit
$65 - boots
$40 - hats & scarves
$25 - thermal leggings
$1,579,325,753 - mittens— Carbosly (@Carbosly) January 15, 2017
Time to pare down the hats and mittens. Everyone gets one set. Well, one backup set each is a good idea. One for skiing. Maybe another for special occasions. A fancy set. Obviously they need one that's waterproof. Ok. So. It's settled. We keep it all and buy a bigger house.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) November 13, 2017
A few days ago I saw the weather report included potential for several inches of snow. I bought both kids new boots. Snow is no longer in the forecast, so you are welcome.
— ckpettibone (@ckpettibone) December 28, 2020
Okay kid so if you won't listen to me and wear a coat when it's freezing then I won't wear a bra when your mates are here
— Claire Smith (@MinistryOfMum) November 7, 2012
Pro tip: If you have be somewhere immediately following your toddlers nap, put their coat and shoes on them before putting them to sleep.
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) March 22, 2017
Today I decided to send my kids to school with every hat, glove, and scarf we own so they can just lose all of them at once and get it over with.
— the Mom TruthBomb (@momTruthBomb) November 9, 2017