35 Things Basically Every Single Person Experienced During Their Childhood But Never, Ever Talks About

When we were all kids, pretty much everyone...

1.Made those milk bubbles:

meme of someone blowing into a straw and making bubbles in milk

2.Had this exact fear:

A digitally altered image of a shark swimming in a swimming pool with the text: "This was probably the most irrational childhood fear that I had."

3.Scrolled all the way down:

Tweet by bruce.dushi: "Website: you must be of legal age to view this content. What year were you born? Me at age 11 (playing it safe): 1753"

4.Had this exact thought while home from school:

tweet reading remember those days when you missed school and you'd check the time and think they're eating right now

5.Drew a sun in the corner of a page that looked exactly like this:

sun with sunglasses:

6.Believed that gum from second grade is still there:

tweet reading did anyone else use to believe that gum would stay in your stomach for 7 years if you swallowed itpls say yes or i’ll feel weird

7.Walked in water using every one of these combinations:

three ways to walk in water

8.Played with a foam ball that had a big honkin' bite taken out of it:

foam ball with a bite taken out of it

9.Pinched their finger like this for no reason:

hairclip on a finger

10.Got yelled at for turning on the car light:

tweet reading Why did my momma make me think it was illegal to turn a light on in a car while you were driving throughout my whole childhood

11.Rolled up the straps on their backpack as tightly as humanly possible:

Picture of backpack straps being rolled up

12.Tried to become invisible to avoid going to bed:

text reading 13 year old me watching tv and not moving a muscle so they don't notice it is past my bedtime

13.Stabbed the living life out of an eraser:

Picture of a pencil eraser with many holes in it

14.Experienced true terror after swallowing a seed:

tweet reading 8 year old me: *accidentally swallows watermelon seed*friends: omg you know the watermelon is gonna grow in your stomach!?

15.Pretended you could harness the force of the seven seas in the shower:

facebook post reading nobody me in t he shower thinking water is coming out my fingers

16.Saw the world in Ruler Vision:

person looking through a green ruler

17.Became a movie star at the grocery store:

Picture of Spiderman pointing at himself on the CCTV at the grocery store

18.Took way too many bottle cap shots:

Picture of a water bottle pouring into a cap

19.Witnessed incredibly intense raindrop races on a car window:

Baby Yoda looking up with the text "7-year-old me watching my raindrop win the race"

20.Smacked the dang chlorophyl out of an innocent leaf:

Tweet by @eduardonut0 with the text "whenever i walk by a tree" above an image of a tree and a character from SpongeBob SquarePants reacting

21.Got a punch from the champ:


22.Pretended to have special anti-gravity pool powers:

Meme with Spiderman on the side of a building

23.Ran their hand along the wall EXACTLY like this:

Picture of a person running their finger along a wall

24.Clipped their mouth shut for some mysterious reason:

Picture of a kid with a hair clip closed around his mouth

25.Began a long and fruitful career as a chemist:

A meme about mixing up Coke, 7up, and Dr Pepper at the soda machine

26.Developed an awful "smoking" habit:

Picture of Baby Yoda exhaling into winter air and causing smoke

27.Had some very questionable thoughts:

A man with a surprised expression looks up with his mouth open. Text above reads: "Me as a kid in church seeing who would die if the light fixture fell."
u/sheesh284 / Via reddit.com

28.Tried their best to defeat the powerful forces of science:

Meme with Captain America holding two things together with the text "6-year-old me trying to force two magnets to touch"

29.Felt like the highest of high society:

Pooh Bear dressed in a tux with the text "12-year-old me drinking grape juice out of a wine glass"

30.Played dead for about 7 seconds:

Tweet with Goofy lying in water with the text "Me when I was 10 pretending to be dead in the pool to see if anyone would care"

31.Rubbed glue all over their hands just to peel it off:

Tweet with a picture of someone peeling glue with the text "IK I’m not the only one who used to put glue on my hands, wait for it to dry, and peel it off when I was bored"

32.Ate macaroni like a dignified human-being:

Picture of a fork with a piece of macaroni on each tine

33.Smelled that smell:

Squidward smelling a scent with closed eyes and a smile, evoking nostalgic childhood memories. Text: "When you randomly smell a specific scent you remember as a kid and the nostalgic memories come flooding in."
u/cyanogyn / Via reddit.com

34.Woke up in the twilight zone:

SpongeBob SquarePants sits on the edge of a bench, looking tired and disoriented. Text describes a relatable feeling after waking up from an after-school nap
u/A_Faceless_Baby / Via reddit.com

35.Saw the most spontaneous throw up ever:

Tweet by albert reads: "yall remember in first grade when we were just chillin in class then somebody threw up outta nowhere."

And fell for this exact joke:

Meme with an angry Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast"