33 Extremely Specific Things Literally Everyone In The Midwest Does That I'm Pretty Sure No One Else In The United States Has Ever Done

To people outside the Midwest, the area remains an enigma. A casserole-filled, milk-drenched land of mystery.

Map showing states and cities of the Midwestern United States, including major routes and bordering Canada
Rainer Lesniewski / Getty Images

As such, those outside the land of cinnamon bun chili have some questions. And they need answers.

Person in a plaid shirt and jeans stands in a cornfield, looking up at the cloudy sky
Simonskafar / Getty Images

For example...

1. Why does everything have to be possessive?

Twitter: @palegoon

2. Why do you always say goodbye with a special codeword?

Twitter: @harley_crawshaw

3. Why does going to the bathroom feel like being whisked away on an island adventure?

Twitter: @cutelilopossum

4. Why are you so calm when there's a tornado?

Twitter: @Seren1tynow

5. How many Johnsons do you know?

Twitter: @Orvieto2016

6. Why is your driveway the place to be?

Twitter: @buckeyeconnor

7. Does the help?

Twitter: @smelbypittman

8. Is spaghetti really a side?

Twitter: @know_kaya

Send this article to someone you'd love to eat some side-spaghetti with.

9. Is goodbye really that tasty?

Twitter: @Avion_FJ

10. What's the deal with the big chairs?

Twitter: @officiallyjenna

11. Can you stop with the fireworks?

Twitter: @starliteresidue

12. Is it truly not a salad until mayo is added?

Twitter: @UptownChop

13. Why say bag like that?

Twitter: @serg815

14. Have you seen winter before?

Twitter: @molneumann

15. What do you say "milk" like that?

Twitter: @Cyberbean143

16. What's the allure of a garage fridge?

Twitter: @alyssa_marie134

17. Is saying the H really necessary?

Twitter: @gentlejin

18. Why is Walmart always the epicentre?

Twitter: @shrimp_dyke

19. Do we really need to add a T there?

Twitter: @chagzzz

20. What's so historic about your downtown?

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

21. Why does everyone seem a little too friendly with clowns?

Twitter: @razmataz4262

22. How's Uncle Dick doing?

Twitter: @funkemup

23. How many byes make up an official goodbye?

Twitter: @sprklyhanse

24. Why is "ope" and "iop" your default reaction to everything?

Twitter: @newj00ns

25. Is it okay to turn the heat on yet?

Twitter: @CNVinch

26. Do you really need to tell me where that clothing is from?

Twitter: @OleDanyeller

27. Why add the L?

Twitter: @whipwhipwhip450

28. What's the deal with "carmel?"

Twitter: @fureelfureel

29. What's with all the nuts?

Twitter: @brycejallday

30. Why is everyone engaged?

Twitter: @starsttuff

31. Did you forget the sunscreen again?

Twitter: @Beeach_Bum

32. Why do you need to hide?

Twitter: @DanEstrada

33. And, finally, what's got you so happy?

Twitter: @jaymzhatefield

Never stop smilin'!