32 Positive Confirmation Quotes to Inspire a New Generation of Christians

priest dipping host in wine at eucharist,spain
32 Inspirational Confirmation QuotesDavid Izquierdo / 500px - Getty Images

For many girls and boys in Christian denominations, confirmation is a sacred time of faithful profession that is often celebrated among friends, family, and mentors. If you know or are part of a confirmation candidate’s faith journey, send them one of these positive confirmation quotes as a form of well wishes in their recommitment to the Lord.

But what is confirmation, you may ask? Confirmation, or Chrismation as it is sometimes known, is one of seven sacraments alongside Baptism, First Communion, and others. It is a formal affirmation of one’s faith and commitment to the Lord, often completed as an early teen. For some Christian denominations, such as Catholics, kids undergoing the process of confirmation must take religious education classes and select a sponsor or mentor from the church to act as a guide in their faith journey. Then, in front of the congregation, confirmation candidates renew their baptismal promise and are blessed with a consecrated oil to seal themselves with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

To honor the newly committed Christian in your life, write one of these loving confirmation quotes and positive sayings in a card alongside a confirmation gift. These faith quotes also make for great Instagram captions to celebrate the big sacramental day.

Short Confirmation Quotes

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  • “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” — St. John Paul II

  • “Then Jesus said to him, ‘Get up and go. Your faith has healed you.’” — Luke 17:19

  • “Confirmation is God’s work.” — Pope Francis

  • “But he said, ‘Happy rather are those who hear God’s word, and put it into practice.’” — Luke 11:28

  • “We love because God first loved us.” — 1 John 4:19

  • “Commit your way to the Lord! Trust him! He will act.” — Psalm 37:5

  • “Happy are those who trust in the Lord, who rely on the Lord.” — Jeremiah 17:7

  • “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire!” — St. Catherine of Siena

Catholic Confirmation Quotes

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  • “When we receive him in our hearts, Christ makes himself present and takes shape in our lives.” — Pope Francis

  • "I wish not merely to be called Christian, but also to be Christian." — St. Ignatius of Antioch

  • "Prayer is the best armor we have, it is the key which opens the heart of God." — St. Padre Pio

  • “Confirmation, like every sacrament, is not the work of men but of God, who cares for our lives in such a manner as to mold us in the image of his Son, to make us capable of loving like him.” — Pope Francis

  • "While the world changes, the cross stands firm." — St. Bruno

  • “Faith is to believe what you do not see. The reward of faith is to see what you believe.” — St. Augustine

  • “He who possesses God lacks nothing: God alone suffices.” — St. Teresa of Ávila

  • “Dear brothers and sisters, let us remember that we have received confirmation! All of us! Let us remember it, first, in order to thank the Lord for this gift, and then to ask him to help us to live as true Christians, to walk always with joy in the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” — Pope Francis

Confirmation Quotes from the Bible

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  • “So now, if you faithfully obey me and stay true to my covenant, you will be my most precious possession out of all the peoples since the whole earth belongs to me.” — Exodus 19:5

  • “He replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind.’” — Matthew 22:37

  • “I give thanks to you that I was marvelously set apart. Your works are wonderful — I know that very well.” — Psalm 139:14

  • “So now, revere the Lord. Serve him honestly and faithfully. Put aside the gods that your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.” — Joshua 24:14

  • “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can do anything? All things are possible for the one who has faith.’” — Mark 9:23

  • “To the holy and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae. Grace and peace to you from God our Father.” — Colossians 1:2

  • “Someone might claim, ‘You have faith, and I have action.’ But how can I see your faith apart from your actions? Instead, I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.” — James 2:18

  • “Since childhood, you have known the holy scriptures that help you to be wise in a way that leads to salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus.” — 2 Timothy 3:15

Confirmation Quotes from Sponsor

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  • “Although you’ve never seen him, you love him. Even though you don’t see him now, you trust him, and so rejoice with a glorious joy that is too much for words.” — 1 Peter: 1:8

  • “By faith, we understand that the universe has been created by a word from God so that the visible came into existence from the invisible.” — Hebrews 11:3

  • "I ask you to consider that our Lord Jesus Christ is your true head and that you are a member of his body. He belongs to you as the head belongs to the body. All that is his is yours: breath, heart, body, soul, and all his faculties. All of these you must use as if they belonged to you, so that in serving him, you may give him praise, love, and glory." — St. John Eudes

  • “Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is a rock for all ages.” — Isaiah 26:4

  • "We can study the whole history of salvation, we can study the whole of theology, but without the Spirit, we cannot understand. It is the Spirit that makes us realize the truth or — in the words of our Lord — it is the Spirit that makes us know the voice of Jesus." — Pope Francis

  • “Some people trust in chariots, others in horses; but we praise the Lord’s name.” — Psalm 20:7

  • “Taste and see how good the Lord is! The one who takes refuge in him is truly happy!” — Psalm 34:8

  • “Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to Him. That is all the doing you have to worry about.” — St. Jane Frances de Chantal

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