32 of the best Prince Harry quotes, from happy childhood memories to controversial lines from Spare

 Prince Harry's best quotes on everything from Meghan Markle to leaving the Royal Family.
Prince Harry's best quotes on everything from Meghan Markle to leaving the Royal Family.

Prince Harry has become an unlikely lightning rod in the history of the Royal Family and these quotes bear testament to that. 

While he was always meant to be the 'spare' to his older brother, Prince William, Harry has become one of the most prominent royals of all time.

Unlike many royals before him who gradually fade away into the background as they move further down the line of succession (with Harry dropping a spot with each of William and Kate's children being born), the Duke of Sussex has redefined his role in the world.

From becoming the first royal to quit since King Edward VIII's abdication in 1936 to breaking all the rules with bombshell interviews and memoirs, here are some of the most fascinating quotes from Prince Harry's remarkable life.

Best Prince Harry quotes: 32 memorable one-liners

Similar to the best Princess Diana quotes, many of Harry's wisest words are around philanthropy, kindness and empathy. However, some of his most memorable ones are about his complicated relationship with the rest of the family.

On growing up with Princess Diana as a mum

Young Prince Harry and William with their mother, Diana
Young Prince Harry and William with their mother, Diana

"My mother took a huge part in showing me an ordinary life, including taking me and my brother to see homeless people. Thank goodness I’m not completely cut off from reality. People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live."

In a 2017 interview with Newsweek, Harry shared a rare insight into his mother's impact on him. Harry sadly lost his mum in 1997 when he was just 12 years old. But he cherished those years together and kept her lessons close to his heart throughout his life.

Spare by Prince Harry | £14 at Amazon

Reflecting upon his experience of life as a member of the Royal Family, Prince Harry gives fascinating insights and revelations all in his own words. This best-seller reflects upon everything from the loss of Princess Diana to Prince Harry's love story with Meghan Markle.View Deal

On being born in the public eye

Princess Diana and a young Prince Harry
Princess Diana and a young Prince Harry

"It’s a mix between The Truman Show and being in a zoo… I think the biggest issue for me was that being born into it, you inherit the risk that comes with it - without choice."

Harry made these comments during a refreshingly frank appearance on Dax Shepard and Monica Padman’s podcast in 2021. Privacy has been a big thing for the Prince ever since he and his wife, Meghan Markle, decided to step back from royal life - and it's clear it's something which has been difficult for him for most of his life.

On memories of Princess Diana's funeral

A young Prince Harry at Diana's funeral
A young Prince Harry at Diana's funeral

"My mother had just died and I had to walk a long way behind her coffin, surrounded by thousands of people watching me while millions more did on television... I don’t think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances. I don’t think it would happen today."

The image of a young Prince Harry walking behind the hearse carrying his mother broke hearts across the world in 1997 and will forever remain in many people's memory. Harry was joined by Prince William, the now King Charles, his uncle, Charles Spencer, and his grandfather, Prince Philip. A royal author has since claimed that it 'haunts' Charles that his sons had to go through that.

On trying to be as normal as possible

Prince Harry with a bunch of bananas
Prince Harry with a bunch of bananas

"Even if I was king, I would do my own shopping."

A short but fun quote which really captures the surreal nature of being a royal. For Harry, getting to do his own shopping is something which keeps him with a sense of normalcy.

In fact, Harry loves popping to the shops so much he spoke about his many trips to TK Maxx in his 2023 memoir, Spare. 

On carrying on his mother's legacy

Princess Diana holding a child, and a picture of Prince Harry doing the same years later
Princess Diana holding a child, and a picture of Prince Harry doing the same years later

"I intuitively know what my mother would like me to do and want to progress with work she couldn’t complete."

As Prince Harry started to grow up, he started following his mother's footsteps while still making his own impact. In 2006, Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho founded the charity Sentebale, which helps children affected by HIV in Lesotho. It was work Diana was incredibly passionate about, and Sentebale translates to "forget me not" in Sesotho, the language of the area - a tribute to the late Princess.

On starting his own legacy with charities

Prince Harry at the Running Charity event
Prince Harry at the Running Charity event

“My mother died when I was very young. I didn’t want to be in the position I was in, but I eventually pulled my head out of the sand, started listening to people, and decided to use my role for good. I am now fired up and energised and love charity stuff, meeting people, and making them laugh.”

Harry has gone on to establish many of his own charities while still honouring some of the causes near to his late mother. Pictured is Harry recreating a photo his mother once took with The Running Charity, which helps homelessness.

On being the 'spare' to Prince William

A young Prince William and Harry
A young Prince William and Harry

"I was the shadow, the support, the Plan B. I was brought into the world in case something happened to Willy. I was summoned to provide backup, distraction, diversion and, if necessary, a spare part. Kidney, perhaps."

He would go on to use the title for his bombshell memoir in 2023, but Prince Harry had spent most of his life contemplating what it meant being a "spare" for his brother, the heir to the throne.

On never hugging his grandmother, the Queen

A young Prince Harry with the late Queen Elizabeth
A young Prince Harry with the late Queen Elizabeth

"I wanted to hug her, though of course I didn’t... I never had done and couldn’t imagine any circumstance under which such an act might be sanctioned."

Prince Harry wrote this passage in his autobiography, Spare, and it revealed the strange sensation of having your own grandmother also be such an important figure of history. While they may not have hugged, the two were always thought to have a great bond.

On his surprising feelings towards his aunt, Princess Margaret

Prince Harry and Princess Margaret
Prince Harry and Princess Margaret

"We spent the biggest holidays together, and yet she was almost a total stranger... Growing up, I felt nothing for her, except a bit of pity and a lot of jumpiness."

Harry's aunt - and the only sibling of Queen Elizabeth II - Princess Margaret was famous (or infamous) for an acidic tongue and a larger-than-life attitude. However, Harry never quite bonded with his aunt it seems - even though the pair have the unique sensation of being the 'spare' sibling to a monarch. He also recalled the time his aunt Margaret gave him a 'cold-blooded gift' for Christmas. The gift in question? A pen with a rubber fish tied around it.

On his stepmother, Queen Camilla

Prince Harry's best quotes
Prince Harry's best quotes

"She was the villain, she was a third person in the marriage... and needed to rehabilitate her image. The need for her to rehabilitate her image… that made her dangerous because of the connections that she was forging within the British press."

Prince Harry did not hold back when he spoke with American journalist Andrew Cooper in 2022 about his stepmother. While the two have seemed friendly in the past, his words were unfiltered and revealed the cracks behind the surface.

Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival by Omid Scobie - £11 at Amazon

Another controversial bombshell exposé of royal life behind closed doors, Omid Scobie delves into the frosty relationships between Harry and the rest of the Firm. Scobie relies on his vast experience as a royal reporter and over a decade of conversations and interviews with current and former Palace staff, trusted friends of the royals and even the family members themselves to pull back the curtain on the monarchy.View Deal

On finding his passion for the armed forces

Prince Harry kicking a rugby ball while in the army
Prince Harry kicking a rugby ball while in the army

"Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad - you can spend a week hating it, and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer."

Prince Harry, arguably, started to really become his own man after joining the Armed Forces. In 2006, Clarence House announced that Prince Harry was to join the Blues and Royals. Following the successful completion of the course, Prince Harry was commissioned as an Army officer in April of the same year.

On fighting for Queen and Country - and his grandmother

Prince Harry while in the army
Prince Harry while in the army

"Once you're in the military, she means a lot more to you than just a grandmother. She is the Queen. And then you suddenly, it's like you start realising, you know, wow, this is quite a big deal. And then you get goosebumps and then the rest of it."

Harry's touching quote really brings home why his time in the Armed Forces meant so much to him. Not only was he serving his country, he was surrounded by people who were dedicating themselves to his grandmother.

On being pulled out of Iraq War

Prince Harry during drill training
Prince Harry during drill training

"I felt very resentful . . . Being in the army was the best escape I’ve ever had. I felt as though I was really achieving something."

Harry was supposed to go to Iraq tour with the Blues and Royals regiment in 2007, but the assignment was cancelled because of security fears. People feared he would be too much of a presence, risking both his own life and his troops.

This came as disappointing news to the Duke who had come to love his time in the army and had carried out two tours of Afghanistan.

On his controversial attitude towards war

Prince Harry in camo
Prince Harry in camo

"So, my number: Twenty-five. It wasn’t a number that gave me any satisfaction. But neither was it a number that made me feel ashamed."

This particular quote sent shockwaves around the world when his memoir, Spare, was published in 2023. He was referring to the lives of enemy soldiers he had claimed, and many were struck by the words coming from the charitable prince. This was potentially one of the most controversial claims that came from his bombshell book, and it prompted criticism from military figures and veterans, as well as high-profile Taliban figures who condemned his description of the enemy soldiers as "chess pieces".

On his party boy reputation

Prince Harry holding a silver trophy
Prince Harry holding a silver trophy

"You’ve got to have fun in life. Otherwise, wow - imagine life without fun."

While Prince Harry is revered for his charity work and his time spent in the army forces, he also had something of a wild child reputation. From his antics in Las Vegas which made worldwide news to being a regular on the London party scene, Harry seemingly doesn't regret having his fun when he was young and single.

On his teenage dalliances...

Prince Harry as a teenager
Prince Harry as a teenager

"She liked horses, quite a lot and... treated me not unlike a young stallion. Quick ride, after which she’d smacked my rump and sent me off to graze. Among the many things about it that were wrong: It happened in a grassy field behind a busy pub."

Prince Harry delighted and shocked royal fans in equal measure when he shared how he lost his virginity aged 16. It was funny and brave - and certainly one of the most memorable chapters of his memoir, Spare. Unsurprisingly, this quote garnered a lot of media attention after it was published.

On a memorable trip to Courteney Cox's house

Prince Harry smiling in a suit
Prince Harry smiling in a suit

"I stepped on the pedal and the head opened its mouth. A huge open grin. I laughed, turned away… Now the loo became a head too. The bowl was its gaping maw, the hinges of the seat were its piercing silver eyes. It said: 'Aaah'."

Well. When the Duke of Sussex promised to tell all, he really meant it. This hilarious extract from Spare details one of his more out-there memories, when he reportedly took hallucinogenic drugs at a celebrity party.

On finding his voice - and using it

Prince Harry smiling
Prince Harry smiling

"It has got me into trouble in the past, partly because I cannot stand the idea of people mincing around the subject rather than just getting on with it."

From being a young boy who lost his mum to cutting his teeth in the army, Prince Harry eventually found the power of his voice - and he decided he wasn't going to hold back his opinions. This outspoken nature was best on display when the Duke broke free from the royals "Never Complain, Never Explain" mantra, discussing feuds and more with the likes of Oprah Winfrey.

On how the royals really feel about their positions

Kate, William, Harry and Meghan
Kate, William, Harry and Meghan

"We are not doing this for ourselves but for the greater good of the people… Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen? I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time."

Harry's quote might come as a surprise to some, who would expect the Royal Family to love their supposed positions of privilege and prestige. However, the Duke of Sussex implies the family know it's their jobs to carry on the monarchy - but it's not without its pressures.

On setting up the Invictus Games

Prince Harry and Meghan
Prince Harry and Meghan

"I have witnessed first-hand how the power of sport can positively impact the lives of wounded, injured, and sick Servicemen and women in their journey of recovery. The Invictus Games will focus on what they can achieve post-injury and celebrate their fighting spirit through an inclusive sporting competition that recognizes the sacrifice they have made."

After really finding that his passions involved helping those injured during service, Prince Harry set up the Invictus Games in 2004, aimed at honouring wounded servicemen and women, who have given so much for their country and deserve n the respect and support they deserve to lead fulfilling lives post recovery.

On the cracks appearing in his relationship with William

Prince Harry and William
Prince Harry and William

"The public had been told that I was to be best man, but that was a bare-faced lie. The public expected me to be best man, and thus the Palace saw no choice but to say that I was. In truth, Willy didn’t want me giving a best-man speech. He didn’t think it safe to hand me a live mic and put me in a position to go off script. I might say something wildly inappropriate. He wasn’t wrong."

William and Harry's feud pretty much dominated headlines following Harry and Meghan's decision to step back from royal life, and their subsequent interviews with the likes of Oprah Winfrey and in their Netflix series. However, Harry suggests things were complicated with his brother way before - even during his wedding to Kate Middleton in 2011.

The Duke of Sussex is understood to have ended up giving the best man speech and he threw in some cheeky quips, including Kate Middleton’s dirty nickname for Prince William.

On accusing other royals of collaborating with the tabloid press

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

"After many, many years of lies being told about me and my family, there comes a point where again, going back to the relationship between certain members of the family and the tabloid press, those certain members have decided to get in the bed with the devil."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as senior royals in January 2020. Throughout later interviews, they both talked about the reasons why - including Harry's quote suggesting they were well aware that many of the attacks in the press were coming from within the family.

On falling in love with Meghan

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the red carpet
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the red carpet

"The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned; everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life; I fell into her life."

From weathering the storm in the press to supporting him during the big move to the United States, Prince Harry has made it clear that Meghan Markle has been a rock in his life ever since their first meeting. Harry and Meghan's relationship is truly inspirational.

On the importance of speaking about mental health

Some of Prince Harry's most memorable quotes
Some of Prince Harry's most memorable quotes

"We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. It’s OK to have depression, it’s OK to have anxiety, it’s OK to have adjustment disorder."

Prince Harry is one of the leading figures in encouraging people to challenge the taboo and stigma surrounding mental health issues and has previously spoken about his own battles and 'unresolved grief'. He hopes by speaking out, others won't miss out on getting the help they need and taking the first step toward recovery.

On his own mental health

Prince Harry at a 'Heads Together' event
Prince Harry at a 'Heads Together' event

"I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions."

After leaving the Royal Family, Harry made it a mission to discuss mental health more widely. He has spoken of his own battles over the years.

Harry and Meghan regularly appear at charity functions together to spotlight the cause and challenge the stigma.

On his fight with Prince William

32 of Prince Harry's best quotes
32 of Prince Harry's best quotes

"[William] grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace and he knocked me to the floor… I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out."

This was one of the passages from Spare that truly shocked the world. The inner dynamics of senior members of the Royal Family, famous for their mystique and refusal to ever really get into the weeds and discuss personal matters, were laid bare in a shocking retelling of warring siblings.

On his biggest fear: history repeating itself

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

"My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn’t white, and now look what’s happened. You wanna talk about history repeating itself, they're not gonna stop until she dies."

Prince Harry's stark quote was shared while appearing on  The Me You Can't See, the Apple TV+ show, where he once again chatted with Oprah Winfrey. Harry drew parallels between the tabloid media's reaction to him dating Meghan, a Black woman, to the paparazzi attention surrounding his mother's relationship with Dodi Al-Fayed, an Egyptian man.

On becoming a father

Prince Harry with a babygrow
Prince Harry with a babygrow

"As every father and parent would ever say, your baby is absolutely amazing. But this little thing is absolutely to die for. So I’m just over the moon."

On May 6, 2019, Prince Harry became a father. His first child, Archie, was born - and Harry summed up how he felt about the phenomenon of becoming a parent so beautifully.

His daughter, Lilibet, was born on June 4, 2021.

On the power of women

Harry and Meghan at an event
Harry and Meghan at an event

"How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension."

Prince Harry earned brownie points around the world when he shared his amazement at the strength, power and achievements of women.

He was referring to watching wife, Meghan, give birth to their first child - son Archie in 2019.

On being a role model

Prince Harry wearing a suit on stage
Prince Harry wearing a suit on stage

"I’m struck by a few things today, most of which is the power of the invisible role model. The person who may be sitting here today that doesn’t realise that someone looks up to them that - for that person - you inspire them to be kinder, better, greater, more successful, more impactful. Perhaps it’s the newfound clarity I have as a father knowing that my son will always be watching what I do, mimicking my behaviour, one day maybe even following in my footsteps."

He spoke about being an 'invisible' role model to his children at the Diana Award National Youth Mentoring Summit in 2019, adding that his mother Diana had no idea of her impact on 'so many lives'.

On being a champion for equality

Prince Harry and Meghan
Prince Harry and Meghan

"While the unique challenges faced by girls is not a topic I have spoken much about in the past, I think it's important to acknowledge something that has become obvious to me. There are way too many obstacles between girls and the opportunities they deserve."

Prince Harry stood up for girls and women everywhere when he made this powerful speech at the 2016 Girl Summit in Kathmandu.

On his future with Meghan

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry walking with an umbrella
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry walking with an umbrella

"I know that at the end of the day, she chooses me. I choose her. Whatever we have to tackle will be us together as a team."

From losing his mother aged just twelve to experiencing the incomprehensible life of one born into royalty and growing up in the public eye, Prince Harry has faced many highs and just as many lows.

But in Meghan Markle, the Duke of Sussex found a true partner. Babies, charities and beyond, this Prince is looking at his own fairytale ending.