30 Photos Of Super Nostalgic Things That'll Bring Back A Ton Of Memories To Any Boomer
1.Nestlé's Quik that came in a tin container and required a spoon to pop open its lid:
2.And Peter Pan Peanut Butter that game in a glass jar with a tin lid that was sometimes hard to grip:
3."Clicker" TV remotes:
4.The Ed Sullivan Show, which aired on Sunday nights:
5.Schwinn Sting-Ray bikes with the banana seats that everybody you knew seemed to own:
6.Duck and cover drills, which were supposed to help you survive a nuclear attack...by hiding under your desk and covering your neck?
7.Having your sandwiches you brought for lunch be wrapped in waxed paper:
8.Elaborate Jell-O desserts that were served at every party you went to:
9.And savory Jell-O being used to make Jell-O vegetable salads:
10.Rolling Stone being a counterculture magazine:
11.Bayer Aspirin packaged in tin pillboxes:
12.And Prell shampoo when it came in a glass covered bottle:
13.Floor ashtrays that were perfect to put next to a chair or sofa that didn't have a side table:
14.Promotional 45 records that came on cereal boxes:
15.Notepads that were hung on the wall next to the kitchen wall phone so that you could take a message or write down any information you needed:
16.Colonel Sanders starring in Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials:
17.Mr. Whipple in the "Please, don't squeeze the Charmin!" Charmin commercials:
18.Gas station attendants at full-service gas stations:
19.The little seats inside of phone booths so that people could sit down while they made a call:
20.Dr. Scholl's wooden Exercise Sandals that came in the distinctive almost Kodak yellow box:
21.Electric skillet frying pans, which were the air fryers of its era:
22.Bankbooks, that you would get the day you opened your account and allowed you to keep track of deposits and withdrawals:
23.Built-in 8-track players in a car's center console:
24.Howard Johnson's restaurants, which were always a stop any time you went on a car trip:
25.The slanted mirrors on the top of supermarket shelves that let you be able to see what was in the back:
26.Supermarket clerks that would walk you out to your car if you needed help loading groceries into your car:
27.Shopping for your Sunday best at Penneys:
28.Ben Franklin stores, which were the Five & Dime that carried all the art and crafts supplies, party supplies, and stationery you could want:
29.Coca-Cola machines that looked like this and sold you a Coke for a dime:
30.And lastly, the TV test pattern screen that went up at midnight which meant that was the end of programming for the day until the next morning: