27 Easy New Year's Resolutions That Will Make A Big Difference For Little Effort

Trying to think of a new year's resolution can be almost as stressful as trying to keep one. You want to set yourself up for success, so what happens if you bite off more than you can chew? Here are some ideas for easy new year's resolutions that can fit into any schedule:

1.Sit quietly for 10 minutes every day.

Often, people make a resolution to meditate in the new year, but meditation as a concept can be daunting for those who haven't done it before. So reframing it as just sitting quietly for anywhere from five to 30 minutes is a more accessible way to get started. As you get comfortable with that, you can incorporate more techniques, like doing a check-in with your body or working on releasing negative thoughts.

2.Eat vegetarian (or vegan) one day per week.

a cucumber sandwich

3.Have one "date night" per week/month, depending on your schedule.

people on a date at night

4.Lower your phone screen time by any percentage.

someone on their phone in bed

5.Come up with a personal phrase or mantra.

person writing affirmation on note cards on a mirror

6.Do one small act of kindness every day.

woman opening the door for others

This can be super small, like holding a door open for someone, or it can be a little bigger if you have the time and energy for it. But just one thing can make a difference, not only for your mood, but obviously for the person you're kind to as well.

Eyecrave Productions / Getty Images

7.Once a week while in the shower, check yourself for lumps on your breasts or testicles (whichever you happen to have).

person checking themself in the mirror

This one's easy to do; the trick is remembering to do it! But if you make a habit of checking yourself regularly in the shower, you'll be way ahead of the crowd in terms of detecting potential health issues — including breast or testicular cancer — early.

Guillermo Spelucin / Getty Images

8.Pick one "superfood" and incorporate it into your daily life.

hand holding almonds

9.Make your bed in the morning.

Making your bed might seem pointless...after all, you're just going to mess it up later tonight when you get in it, right? But making your bed is more about the psychological effect: you've accomplished a task first thing in the morning, which can improve your outlook and mood, and your room will look cleaner, which is also a mood booster.

10.Have one movie night per week, and give it your full focus.

couple watching a movie

11.If you're looking to be more organized, start by making a rule that you always put things back where they came from.

junk door

"Getting organized" is a lofty goal that can mean all kinds of overhauls for your life. So start easy by making a rule that you always put something back where you picked it up, even if it isn't the perfect "home" for it.

Johnrob / Getty Images

12.Plant a small garden at home.

peppers growing on a window sill

13.If you want to prevent over-eating or under-eating, try thinking of it as a one to 10 scale, where one is starving and 10 is uncomfortably full. Aim to keep yourself between a four and a seven.

hands using a fork and knife to eat

This helps avoid the discomfort on either extreme of the scale and can ease the frequency of things like heartburn, irritability, and indigestion.

Paul Biris / Getty Images

14.Read for just 30 minutes every day. It's not a big time commitment in the daily sense, but, over the course of the year, you'll likely end up reading at least 20 books!

person reading on a couch

After all, 30 * 365 = 10,950 minutes, which is more than 180 hours of reading!

The Good Brigade / Getty Images

15.Or, listen to audiobooks.

someone wearing headphones on the couch


That's it, that's the resolution. It's one of the more important preventative health measures you have, and it doesn't take much time.

That's it, that's the resolution. It's one of the more important preventative health measures you have, and it doesn't take much time.

Huizeng Hu / Getty Images

17.Create a new playlist and add new songs you discover throughout the year.

It'll bring you joy in the short term, and in the long term, it'll bring back memories of your year when you listen to it in the future. As a bonus, you can connect with friends and discover even more new music if you share a playlist with them through apps like Spotify.

It'll bring you joy in the short term, and in the long term, it'll bring back memories of your year when you listen to it in the future. As a bonus, you can connect with friends and discover even more new music if you share a playlist with them through apps like Spotify.

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

18.If you're able, spend more time standing and less time sitting. As little as five minutes standing per half-hour sitting can make a big difference in your long-term health.

person stretching at their desk

The risks of being too sedentary include diabetes, dementia and heart disease, so standing up and walking around — or even just stepping side to side in place at your desk — can help your health in the long run.

Martin-dm / Getty Images

19.Keep a daily journal writing down one nice thing that happened.

person writing by their door

It'll help you focus on gratitude and give you something pleasant to look back on. Journaling is another one of those common resolutions that can feel overwhelming, so this is a great way to approach it without feeling like you need to dive into all your ~feelings~ every day.

Kathrin Ziegler / Getty Images

20.If you have an elderly relative or friend that you have a good relationship with, call, text, or write them at regular intervals.

happy man on the phone

It's nice for them, and it'll be nice for you, too! Obviously, if you don't have a good relationship with them, then you probably shouldn't make it a resolution to expose yourself to that.

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images

21.If you want to get out of the house more, try doing just one small thing every weekend.

two women shopping

It could be as small as going to a bakery or coffee shop you haven't tried before, or walking in a new neighborhood. Trying something new often feels like a little adventure, even if you end up not liking it. And who knows, you might find yourself a new passion!

Kanawa_studio / Getty Images

22.Try one new recipe per week/month (depending on how much you cook).

couple cooking

Might we recommend trying one of Tasty's many recipes?

Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images

23.Forego one optional purchase every week and put the money into savings.

Let's say you're looking at a new pair of shoes, but you know you don't really need them. Instead of making the purchase, take the money you would've spent and put it into a savings account or invest it however you please. As much as I hate to sound like one of those

24.Ask more questions, make less assumptions.

person raising their hand in a meeting

25.Deep clean one neglected thing each month, until you run out of stuff to clean.

woman cleaning a fridge

26.Drink at least one glass of water per day.

Drinking more water is a common resolution, and for good reason. It's good to stay hydrated! But sometimes, committing to a giant jug of water every day can be overwhelming and cause you do give up the resolution early. So instead, try just one glass per day. That's enough to make a difference, and if you drink more, then great!

27.And finally: If a year-long resolution is too daunting, try 12 month-long resolutions, one at a time!

  Nora Carol Photography / Getty Images
Nora Carol Photography / Getty Images